Lets just say, i found a friend's stash of pot. what should i do in this situation? it's like...

lets just say, i found a friend's stash of pot. what should i do in this situation? it's like, enough to put him away for 5-10 years. should i snitch or just shut the hell up and dope up?

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Weed is for niggers

Take evidence.
Give him a stern warning, and make demands
Tell him to give you 1,000 dollars or you report him
Never speak to him again

snitches get stitches, don't be a fag if he's your friend

Report and do not engage him again. Users are dangerous.

OP here, that's the most likely scenario at the moment

Why are you going to blackmail and extort your friend, over weed of all things? What the fuck is wrong with you? It seems like you smoke too, so I don't even understand.

>I'd really like to stutter out a few demands like an idiot, then wake up tomorrow morning to a couple angry dindus pounding my asshole with a rusty knife.
That's a great plan.

trust me, he's deserves this by now. done some shitty things to my family, etc. just had to think about it for a bit

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>Assuming that someone who smokes weed is black
Lol, it's going to be federally legal within the next decade or so. It's beer-tier.

Do you hold the same views on people who drink?

But you still call him your friend

Is he even your friend then? Either way, you'd be a complete faggot for sending this guy to jail for 5-10 years, unless he did some really fucked up shit to you and your family. Just take a handful or whatever as an idiot tax or something and move on with your life. Cut contact with that dude as well.

OP, you should just leave him alone and if you don't like life life style, stop hanging out with him. Don't try to get him in trouble for weed, that's pretty childish.

2/10 since you made me respond. I believe I saw a thread like this a few weeks ago. Stop wasting peoples time for your trolling pleasures.

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Call the cops op

One more degenerate off the street. It's tough love but you have to do the right thing.

Dude it's some pot he didn't murder a puppy calm the fuck down

Why is Jow Forums filled with so many straight edge faggots?

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shut the fuck up and don't be a shit cunt.

Because half of the people on Jow Forums are incel faggots

It's hardly straight edge to blackmail someone you claim is your friend. OP's just a cunt.

>enough to put him in prison

People don’t go to prison for pot anymore kiddo.

If this guy is anything other than your enemy, then fuck off and leave him and his weed alone. You would have to seriously hate this dude to want to fuck him over for something like this, it would probably ruin your social standing with any mutual friends as well. Completely not worth wasting your time over

Are you actually autistic.

If you're not okay with your friend smoking weed then tell him or stop being his friend. It's not like it will affect your life in any way if he gets caught and you didn't report him. The only reason to do this is because you are trying to make someone's life worse.

send me some weed.

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I'd say leave the fuck alone. Maybe kick him out if you have an issue with it, but don't bribe or send him to jail over a substance that should be legal anyway

WRONG. In my state if you get caught with an ounce or over you get six months minimum