ITT: Ask The Opposite Gender Anything

Before you post a question, check the FAQ to see if it's already been answered.
Keep questions short for more answers.
If you're not going to like honest answers, don't ask your question.
And please no derailing arguments.

>Do girls/guys like ?
>What do girls/guys think about
There is no one answer. Preferences differ, but complexes are always a turn-off.

>I'm shy and afraid of people/rejection. What do I do?
Get over it by practising and exposing yourself to it, little by little, step by step. There is no single magical moment that will instantly change you forever.

>I like someone. What do I do?
>How can I tell if someone likes me?
Ask them out.

>Where do I meet girls/guys?
Anywhere outside. Or online.

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant. You're overthinking it.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me please
We're not in their head, we don't know.

>This person did something that hurt my feelings. Why do guys/girls do this?
Because shit people are shit people. It's not a gendered thing.

>Someone has made it super clear they're no longer interested in me. Do I still have a chance?

>Where do I go on a first (or subsequent) date?
Pick one or more of the following: coffee, lunch, dinner, drinks, ice cream, movies, zoo, aquarium, museum, art gallery, .

>Why is there no new thread?
Create one yourself.

>Why am I the only one who makes these threads?
Quit your bitching, no one's holding a gun to your head and making you do it.

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How do I (girl) sound less mechanical and "scripted" when talking to my crush over phone/Skype?

>unironically think women shouldn't have the right to vote (and that democracy should be discarded all together)
>unironically think women are better off being housewives and raising children
>unironically think most women have nothing to offer besides their looks
>unironically think women (especially white) are the most protected class of people in the west
Do I hate women? I have two female friends and there's plenty of female musicians and artists I look up to.
>inb4 Jow Forums Jow Forums
I don't go on either of those boards.

Not necessarily, no.
You don't respect them much, but I don't believe you "hate" them.

I don't know if you hate women, but you are certainly a threat to women, since you would limit their sovereignty if given the opportunity to do so. I don't think most woman in today's world would want to associate themselves with someone like you, and I can't blame them.

You're a blend of r9k and a Bernie supporter. Very unusual and practically undateable.

>unironically think women shouldn't have the right to vote (and that democracy should be discarded all together)
You're just an edgy faggot.
>unironically think women are better off being housewives and raising children
Not insane, considering lots of women choose that over a career.
>unironically think most women have nothing to offer besides their looks
They certainly have no less to offer than the average man.
>unironically think women (especially white) are the most protected class of people in the west
Also not insane, though politically contentious.

I diagnose you with being and edglord with a giant ego who needs to take some time to chill out.

Is hunting seen as a negative hobby by women?

Depends on the girl. Some are not going to be thrilled by the "I shoot cute animals for fun" aspect of it.
There is a lot of variance tho. Depends on the girl, as with nearly anything in these threads.

>women have nothing to offer besides looks
>yet offer the ability to raise kids and be housewife
Well which one is it faggot? Do they offer nothing or do they offer those things?

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Only by women who aren't into hunting. So most women.

Left wing women, yes. Right wing women, probably not. Date in your area (which I assume I'd reasonably rural) and you shouldn't have to worry.

Depends on the kind.

Trophy hunting? Bad. I wouldn't want anything to do with you.
Hunting for sport? Also kind of bad but only if you don't use the meat.
Hunting for food? Fine

>unironically think women are better off being housewives and raising children
>unironically think most women have nothing to offer besides their looks
How exactly are you supposed to reconcile these two? Properly raising a child into a productive, functional, and happy member of society with good values is a lot of work, as is taking care of a home.

>Do I hate women?
Only you can answer that, but you're definitely misogynistic and rather dumb. Go out into the real world, interact with women, and stay the fuck out of any echo chambers which reaffirm your views. Jow Forums and Jow Forums aren't the only such echochambers around.

Many women today are not wife material. Too many women are promiscuous alcoholics or mentally unstable.

>democracy should be discarded all together

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Girl next to me today at the place I was ordering food would not stop adjusting her hair, was she shy about being near me or am I reading into nothing?

She was playing with her hair while she was thinking about what to order

>wanting to discard the innovation that brought western civilization to its pinnacle
This is more of a concern than whether or not you hate women.

She already ordered, we were waiting with our receipts at pick up.

>the innovation that brought western civilization to its pinnacle
You mean the free market?

Then she was playing with her hair while she was waiting for her food. What do you expect us to do, read her mind or something?

Damn, whatever you're wound up about I didn't do it, it's a pretty harmless question.

>>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me please
>We're not in their head, we don't know.

What'sreally the difference between democracy and the free market. They're ultimately the same principle.

not exactly for the women here but IDK if it warrants a thread and it's related
how do people use sites like Plenty of Fish and and actually get in touch with people without paying out the ass for the subscriptions? what sites are actually good? some people said Tinder but I'm really wary of that because I'm not at all looking for a hook-up or one night stand

In democracy, you fuck over everybody else if you act in your own self interest.

It means literally nothing. People play with their hair, zips on the jacket, check their phone etc when waiting.

Just use Tinder dude. Paying to be on a dating site is sad.

what do girls think about seborrheic dermatitis? there's this red butterfly rash on my face and nothing I tried helped. I'm 20 years old and I don't think it'll ever go away.

Guys... What on Earth would make you even consider (though you're still not so sure) even going on a date with someone when you are in a relationship with another woman?

Seriously. My heart is broken here, I don't know if I can really trust my guy with anything he says right now.

>I did not find this information through snooping. But he openly shared with me and meant it as a "funny story" so he claimed.

>It rubbed me wrong at first but I was willing to overlook it until he said that he did not mention me to this other woman and said that "they had been talking before we came together."

>I did tell him that I found it disrespectful and that when I am approached I do not openly go, "fuck yeah let's do this/ummmm... I dunno..." It's a straightforward "NO THANKS."

I don't want to go the negative route. I'm already having a depressive episode and I tend to overthink to dangerous levels.

He did apologize, but with the state of my mental health right now, I don't know if I can believe his apology.

I mean if I am overreacting in any way, I will more than willing to drop the topic, because I don't want him to think that he cannot share with me... But... Right now I just feel numb.

>In democracy, you fuck over everybody else if you act in your own self interest.
Same with a free market though.

Need more information. Dating another girl while you're in a serious relationship like that is disrespect. But it seems like you aren't telling the whole story

Why in the hell do the people in this thread think I am not giving the whole story? Seriously. I mean no hostility to you or anyone else, but ... Damn...

Because you are not. You may be overreacting or your relationship may be toxic, but it's hard to tell from what you say.

Men are statistically shown to be better at raising kids and doing menial chores than women when put in the same position. Men are just better at everything by default.
Just because you can do something, that doesn't mean it's something to offer. The only reason you'd be doing it is because everyone else thought it was better to have someone else do it

>no source or citations

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Spoke with this cute thick girl at gym again, she smiles so nice and all.
When i was leaving she was standing by front door, texting i think. I just said bye and smiled because i bitched out to talk with her again.

I dropped it right

Maybe frw years back they had such ability

But these days most girls are really good at using social media and doing makeup and thats about it.

Not all, but most. And to not look mysogynistic, men have declined too and 90% are bitchmade sensitive flowers.

One is true tho, you can thank feminism for that

So I get erections super easily from physical stimulation; kissing, cuddling, even touching a girl that I like, I'll get a hardon super fast. Assuming I'm dating her, would a girl be weirded out by this? I obviously can't control it but it's kind of awkward.

>Be 23yo guy in a youth board thingy
>16yo girl clearly wants me
>Clingy as fuck
>Nice character though
>Got drunk together last night, she wanted to come home with me
>I told her no, because what if I bang her in a drunken lapse of responsibility
>Everybody around me is disapproving of her behaviour towards me because she's so much younger
I'm torn, and I want a girl's perspective on how I should tell her that it's a bad idea to get her hopes up, to think that she could get it on with me.
On the other hand, I don't even know if I should give her the D, which she obviously wants. She is too damn young, I'll probably end up breaking her heart if I do get intimate with her, and her (20yo) sister is just that little bit cuter and more socially acceptable.... But then again, when was the last time I got throw a 16yo girl towards me? My brain and penis are disagreeing in a big way here.

Forgot to mention: age or consent is 16 here, so no legal dilemma, only a moral one.

Stop leading her on, and don't monkey branch to her sister. What the fuck is wrong with you?

I'm not actively trying to lead her on, if anything I'm passively but politely trying to keep her away. We haven't done anything, not even lewd handholding, she's just getting cuddly, but it's obvious to anyone with a functioning social radar she wants the D.
I've never, ever had girls act this way to me so I have no idea how to make her stop.
Too bad, sister is really cute.

>What the fuck is wrong with you?
I have a functioning penis and it's clouding my sense of judgement - and I don't have mother/father anymore to ask this kind of questions.
Thank you for being a moral compass in this time of need.

To other girls/guys:

Lost my Virginity recently. Hardly any pain, but I started crying uncontrollably once he really started pounding away at me. It felt AMAZING.
Was he hitting my cervix? It was a spot I've never felt before.

From a clingy girl's perspective; you honestly have to ignore it and act completely oblivious to her advances. Any indication (even a no) makes the infatuation real.

I have a park ranger friend who is unfortunately with a girlfriend right now. Even despite not looking that good, I want so bad to join him on some of his trips.

He shoots animals for population control exclusively. I would think you were an awful person if you did it for a pretty trophy carpet, but nothing wrong with this. There is something strangely and instinctually appealing about what he is doing.

>What on Earth would make you even consider (though you're still not so sure) even going on a date with someone when you are in a relationship with another woman?

Either don't, or break up first.

>Started crying
>Felt amazing
Which one is it? Crying for sheer pleasure, or because it hurt too much? Cervix is usually painful to most girls, so if it's painful, then it's usually the cervix. If it's pleasurable, he was probably hitting your G-spot. The depth is also different: most G-spot are 2-3 inches deep, on the "roof" of your vagina (towards you belly). You can get a hooked finger in there and achieve the same effect as ramming a penis against it, although a finger is generally more effective at hitting the right spot every time. The cervix is deeper, generally 5-8 inches and out of reach of most penises, assuming you're wet and excited. If it was a pleasurably experience, I'd recommend having him go down on you, lick your clit, while using some or two fingers to stimulate your G-spot with a come hither-motion, blended orgasms like that are the best.

Ill get chub if girl even smiles to me in flirty way lmao

How do I get more female friends? I have had plenty of girlfriends, but all from clubs or tinder. I have few female friends, all from middle school etc. How do I get more? I am not trying to fuck them, just have friends!!! Thanks

>but I started crying uncontrollably once he really started pounding away at me. It felt AMAZING.
Uh... You cried because it felt good ?
>Hitting the cervix
That doesn't feel good. You are thinking of the g-spot.

That sounds like a really bad idea.

Agree that other user probably means her G-spot, just want to say that some girls like it when the cervix is hit, too.

The age of consent being 16 doesn't make it legal for you two to fuck.
She's still considered a minor and if you have sex with her, you're old enough where the Romeo and Juliet laws don't apply.

>meet girl
>very shy, seems uncomfortable around guys in general, but manages to warm her up a bit, mainly by complimenting her despite her obvious neglect of using make-up or dressing up in the usual clothing chicks do.
>Asks her out and goes through a couple of dates, things seem good although she seems weird whenever we are alone (ie: No friends around)
>Finally have sex
>She is just a beast. No talking, but her moans were very loud, and we went on forever, and repeated the event in the morning.
>Every date ended up like that afterwards
>She is suddenly extremely physical with me, and just constantly want hugs or other kinds of contact. Officially a couple.
>Suddenly a random girl shows up at my apartment I hadn't seen before
>Her sister
>Tells me rather bluntly to be careful about this, and tells me my newly found girlfriend was brutally raped multiple times as a kid, and I should not push her too much, especially since I am the first guy to ever put an romantic interest into her.
>Also takes the opportunity to tell me of a birthday party I am welcome to attend, and generally doesn't seem displeased with me
I am a bit confused about this mess, and would like some female perspectives on this.

1. She was "brutally raped", yet seems even more needy for sex than I am. Is she bullshitting me?
2. Why would she show up at my address alone like that, does she have some ulterior motives? If I was invited to a family birthday, why am I being invited by her sister?
3. Is there a red flag here somewhere? I have a hard time telling if I should be worried or not.

I don't want to be worried, I want this to work. We have a lot in common, she is very cute, and sex is great. I had literally no complaints or worries until her sister dropped by.

Fuck her sister too so they are both brutally raped

It might be some wicked ass scheme they both came up with to test you

Yes, they are this retarded

>some girls like it when the cervix is hit, too.
Some girls also like to be punched in the face or choked.

Don't know about his country, but in my country, it literally does. If you are 16, no one can legally go after your partner due to age. He could be 60 for all it matters.

That's the legal side of it, anyway. That's still super questionable and grounds for a mental check.

>some girls like it when the cervix is hit, too
It's a very small number. It's not enjoyable.

Wew, as a rape victim, this doesn't sound too much off honestly.
>1. She was "brutally raped", yet seems even more needy for sex than I am. Is she bullshitting me?
Not necessarily. From therapy groups, it seems people largely fall into one of two categories: "sex is scary" and "that sex was bad, I want to replace those memories with good sex", and overcompensates ridiculously much when they find a guy they feel comfortable enough around. I fall into category 2 as well, and the key aspect is that it is a guy I trust, it's a guy I really love, and I don't need to feel pressure from him or anyone else.
>2. Why would she show up at my address alone like that, does she have some ulterior motives? If I was invited to a family birthday, why am I being invited by her sister?
Gee, I don't know, worried about her sister? If you are her first boyfriend, chances are she really wants you to have this work and help her poor sister get through the massive mental trauma a rape causes.

And likely that your girlfriend was simply too shy to ask you, and kept "forgetting".

Another very likely possibility is that she didn't want you to meet her family, afraid you'd find out. She didn't tell you she was raped herself, and likely didn't want you to know. I can relate. A lot of guys would immediately dump me when I told them. Too much baggage for some people.
>3. Is there a red flag here somewhere? I have a hard time telling if I should be worried or not.
Well, you should not expect her to be normally functioning. Even if he seems fine now, she'll have issues beneath the surface you'll not see until further down the line.

But so does most people, so it's not like she is unique in that regard. If the rape isn't that much of a concern for you, and you want it to work, go at it. I think you are reading too much into her sister showing up to tell you this. She is just worried for her sister, that's normal.

>The age of consent being 16 doesn't make it legal for you two to fuck.
Nope, perfectly legal here. The only things illegal would be:
>Forcing her (that's rape, 12 years in jail)
>Recording it (that's still child porn, because she's below 18yo, 8 years in jail)
>Offering her money or goods for it, or leading her on with it (child prostitution, 4 years in jail)
>Being present when she partakes in any of the above, without taking part (debauchery (?), 4 years in jail)
>If she was my kid, stepchild, foster child, pupil or subordinate in a work setting (debauchery (?), 6 years)
>Helping someone do any of the above to her (debauchery (?), 4 years)

>If she was my kid, stepchild, foster child, pupil or subordinate in a work setting (debauchery
Statutory rape, actually.

But yeah, same in my country. Worse, actually, since you are technically allowed to "trade services" similar to sugar daddy schemes, as long as an exchange of actual money isn't taking place.

I think it is primarily the US who has such strict rules.


I’ve known a girl for several years now, but just as friends. But lately it seems like she’s starting to crush on me. She told me I’m the nicest guy she knows and has started being flirty with me. Here is the thing. Why should I ever even consider dating her after she’s fucked more than 20 different guys, with many of them being low quality people? I’ve only had sex with 2 women before, and both were gfs. Why should I abandon my values to date someone with a very high number?

>Fuck her sister too
I know you jest, but nah. She looks like your typical Facebook slut, not interested in that shit.

That would fucking suck. What kind of test would that even be? If I'd stay around despite knowing she was raped?

Alright that's a lot of information.

Jesus, never heard of that before. She does act very cautious and afraid around guys in general. It took quite some effort to get her to open up towards me. So I guess that does sound plausible.

>Another very likely possibility is that she didn't want you to meet her family, afraid you'd find out. She didn't tell you she was raped herself, and likely didn't want you to know.
I did wonder why I hadn't been told. I don't see the issue though, it's not like virgins are common or valued anymore, and rape is by default not her choice. If she had submitted to gangbangs, I'd nope the fuck out of here, but she didn't.

I'll just check with my and see if I can attend the birthday. Might give me more insight into this debacle. At least it is good to know these things. I had no idea some guys would be against rape victims who seem pretty normal. Maybe it comes later, I don't know, but she seems less mentally ill than the average Facebook/tinder whore does.

We can't convince you of anything anyway. You probably already know what you feel is best.

I am a girl, also with only 2 partners behind me. I would also never date a guy with 20+ partners. It's the usual bullshit of sleeping around, only to suddenly realize you want to settle down before you are too old to be a prospect for ONS and short flings, and settling for whatever is close at hand. Guys and girls do this depressingly often these days.

You guys continue to astound me with your ignorance. You don't have female parts, not even a physician and yet you are experts.

Is there any point in pursuing a girl who is radio silent when we're not together but is very chatty when we meet up and always wants to hang out more?

She seems to have a busy work schedule and no friends, but she can quite easily ignore me or not send any messages for a month. On the flip side on the dates she's very talkative and always has to run to get her last train home as she wants to keep hanging out.

If I don't initiate contact then she won't say anything for weeks. Pretty obvious she's not interested right?

>What kind of test would that even be?
I'll not lie, there is a possibility the sister is an evil bitch, and is trying to scare you away by telling something that may or may not be a lie, while also trying to pressure you into meeting her family. It could also be the less evil "either you commit to this shit, or you fuck off" ploy, which is more to test if you are there for a fling, or actually want this long term. Meeting the family is usually a big turn off for guys who just wants to smash, so even if that is the case, it's not really a problem if you actually want to make this work.

>democracy should be discarded all together

He's right though.
You can google yourself how men raised by single mothers are more likely to be criminals, homeless and nutcases in general.

What about girls raised by single mothers? And girls raised by single fathers?

I'm a girl dumb ass

Yes I agree with you. One thing that surprised me is another girl in my group was criticizing me saying “you shouldn’t judge her based off how many guys she’s fucked. You can keep your values to yourself since you didn’t sleep with many people, but that doesn’t give you a right to judge her values!”

It’s like I can’t win.

Not the one you quoted, but I am a girl, and yeah, I do know what I am talking about.

A guy hitting the cervix is pretty unlikely, given how long he needs to be, but it hurts like hell to have something slam against it. I actually broke up with a guy once because he couldn't deal with me constantly complaining about the pain, because he was too big, and didn't want to be more careful.

I don't want micropenises, but there is such a thing as too big.

the women usually become big cum dumpsters and get involved with drugs

>there is such a thing as too big.
Not really, the problem is slamming it in balls deep if it is too big. Using different positions that allow for less penetration helps.

>Girl loves hanging out and stays the absolutely longest she can with me, risking missing the last ride home
>Pretty obvious she's not interested right?
She is just giving you the reigns to control what happens, and likely feels you aren't interested if you can go for a month without asking her out. Like, that's really weird. I would really wonder what was up with a guy who did that.

They will always find excuses. Girls use the "womyn power, don't judge" excuse, and guys use the "muh master key, so alpha amirite?" excuse. I don't care much for either.

Not saying you should not consider them, we all made dumb mistakes when we were younger. It just sets the bar much higher for me at least.

I mean - your values are about you. I personally have no problem dating a guy who had a ton of partners as long as he respects my desires to wait before having sex and being strictly monogamous.

Then, you're not obligated to date her. Don't, if you don't want to.

Assuming there's already strong tension from the start, is it ever a good idea to have sex/even cuddling with someone then start dating/getting to know each other on a deeper level after?

>Not really, the problem is slamming it in balls deep if it is too big. Using different positions that allow for less penetration helps.
I have no doubt, but that still limits the options you have. And it only has to hurt once, and it will start as a constant worry for me. If it still hurts when he tries to be careful, I will never enjoy sex properly with him again, because I will always be bracing myself for potential pain, and be taken completely out of the experience.

And I like it hard. My preference is to have red and sore thighs and have trouble walking due to being smashed too hard. I can never have that with a guy whose equipment is just one size too large. Then even 2 inches too small is better.

Thread died before could get replies, so re-posting:

Do shy, quiet girls flirt at all?
How do they show they're attracted to a guy?
How will a guy know she likes him or at least can get some idea that she might so he can make a move?

>a guy who had a ton of partners
>being strictly monogamous.
Oh honey...

Define tension.

I have a stupid rule where if someone gives me excuses or refuses to hang out twice then I don't try again until they do. Stops me from seeming desperate and clingy

If she was interested she would at least find an excuse to contact me in that month, especially when the last thing I said was "When you're free let me know if you want to do something again"

I don't know user, I really don't. Sometimes you just have a strong pull towards a person that you compromise on something like that. Sometimes you convince yourself that you're just using them, and end up falling for them so hard that you're no longer in the dominant position.
If neither of these are you, then don't compromise.
I had this mindset and tried avoiding a guy for this exact reason. Why should I be the good girl that he gets now that he's old and wants an ""uncomplicated"" girl that he settles for after decades of debauchery?

It fucking sucks. Don't go after her if these values are important to you, otherwise you'll be betraying yourself and that hurts forever.

>Not saying you should not consider them, we all made dumb mistakes when we were younger.

If a girl has multiple ONS, it’s clear it wasn’t a mistake. She actually wanted it. If it was a mistake, after her first time doing it she would have realized it was a mistake and stopped. But a girl who’s has many of them? No way. She actually wanted those experiences.

I very briefly dated a girl one time, one evening the topic of our pasts came up. she casually said how she used to be very active on Tinder and has had a bunch of hook ups. then asked me about mine, she changed her tune real quick when she found out I’m not a slave to my dick and have the mental willpower to save myself for relationships. “Wait, you were only with 2, TWO??” “You know, those guys I hooked up with meant nothing. I wish I never did it. They were mistakes ....blah blah blah blah” I ended it that evening

what would you do if you found out your bf faps to shota?

>your values are about you.

Why would you ever date someone who doesn’t share your values? That makes no fucking sense

The only guy who ever cheated on me was virgin.

I'm currently with a guy who used to be a playboy when he was younger, we have bene together for 4 years and he never gave me a reason to doubt his faithfulness.

When a string is wound up taut, it produces a sound when struck.

Basically, we wanna fuck.

The qt from work left last week. We were pretty flirty and as she left she told me to message her during the week to meet up. What would be a good message to send considering I haven't sent her anything since she left (on Friday).

Just something simple like 'hey, hope you had a good weekend, fancy going to (location) for some food on (day)? Or is that too forward?

>Do shy, quiet girls flirt at all?
Very little. This is usually due to no confidence, and means they are always afraid of trying and being labelled "weird" or getting rejected.
>How do they show they're attracted to a guy?
Usually they don't, it's more subconsciously showing signs, like becoming more open/quiet when you are around, blushing, or my personal favourite, the awkward laugh.
>How will a guy know she likes him or at least can get some idea that she might so he can make a move?
You really can't. It's best to just stick around and see how much you can get away with. Just casual touching (touching her arm, nothing special), and see how she reacts, not being afraid of brushing up against her while you are walking together for any reason, looking at her with a smile and gauging her reaction, going for hugs when you see each other, etc.

Just keep inching the boundary.

>Why should I be the good girl that he gets now that he's old and wants an ""uncomplicated"" girl that he settles for after decades of debauchery?

This is literally how I feel, except for I’m a guy. I don’t want to be the nice guy who has the mental willpower to keep my values, just to settle with some used up roastie who can’t find anyone else

Then fuck. Just know that it may change the dynamic of your relationship with her, for better or for worse.
Is testing the waters with her worth that chance?

He thinks about those other girls he’s been with a lot, just so you know

Because it doesn't always matter all that much in practicality. I care if our values are compatible and things between us can work in the long term, not if we think exactly the same things.

Fuck. Thanks for this, asshole.

I doubt he does, knowing him and our relationship - but then again, even if he thinks about some girl he fucked, why would it matter? No reason to be jealous of a girl he pumped and dumped when he was 19.

>If a girl has multiple ONS, it’s clear it wasn’t a mistake. She actually wanted it. If it was a mistake, after her first time doing it she would have realized it was a mistake and stopped. But a girl who’s has many of them? No way. She actually wanted those experiences.
This is the equivalent of saying someone picking a bad subject to major in didn't make a mistake. Or drugs, for that matter.

You can make long lasting mistakes like this, where you look back years later and think "what the fuck was I doing?' and want to just undo it all. But that's life. You make mistakes, and you can't undo all of them. You have to live with the choices you made, and you'll just have to find someone who can look past your mistakes.

I won't be that person to do that, and I fully agree with your decision there. A guy with 20 or more partners would not even get ghosted instantly when I found out.

girls do that too