Why does Jow Forums hate us fags? What did we ever do to you?

Why does Jow Forums hate us fags? What did we ever do to you?

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You exist.

youre faggots
what other excuse do we need?

muslims are right, (((faggots))) should be thrown off a roof

Can you ejaculate handsfree?

You keep talking about yourselves. It's annoying as fuck.

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including this guy?

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be insultingly gay

Ever seen a pride parade?
What about*Amazing Desmond*?
Here in lies the answers you seek...

it's unironically the gay community pushing drugs, and pedophilia at such an effort that being gay is now not gay enough, and it's expected all men should be hons, or try, and pass. gay was a mistake.

I just hate bisexuals who pretend to be hetero

Because you post shit like this you fucking dumb cunt. You do not represent all gays, you better realize that. When the time comes and people I care about are thrown off rooftops, you will be first one i put a bullet in degenerate filth.


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You keep pushing to be more than equal. Now you have to die. Sorry but this is the only way. Thats coming from a previous bisexual. At least I could give up degeneracy, you are fucked. KYS now.

sodomites are what's fundamentally wrong with western society, they promote degeneracy of every kind wherever they go

idk about hate but I'm definitely not happy about Jow Forums being fully astrocided-colonized by /lgbt/, women, and all the other normal trash that refused to assimilate to board culture

I implore anyone who doubts me to visit that board and take a drink every time you see a thread about gay shit or women; stop drinking when you find funny greentext or a wagecuck/that kid thread

No because that is completely straight

who Sam? or the guy?

That body... how is that appealing to anyone? Even a gay man should be repulsed at such a thing.

No such thing as a gay person. Just a sexual deviant doing faggy shit.

If your identity is based entirely around where you put your dick, you are a pathetic person

you are the resources why the whites will dissaper on usa and the niggas are taking the whites girls

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He doesn't hate you

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As it exists, yes. The culture is cancer and hurts the cause more then helps it

I was always pro gay marriage and for equal treatment of gays. Then I learned that they did not want equal treatment, they wanted special treatment and to intrude on my life and our children's lives and spread political as well as gender lies and propaganda. Slowly I began to hate the faggot.

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No. I'm too much of a chub. Vascular system is fucky.


reazon dame you autotype

a queer is a queer

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What I love about Trump is that he's the fulfillment of every stereotype about coastal, gossipy fags who never stop talking about themselves. However, because he owned the libs he's also become this masculine alpha hero that all his base looks up to, and they now associate everything catty and bitchy about Trump with being manly and cool. It's amazing.

You're utterly repulsive to straight men whether they admit it or not.
You're the complete opposite of what straight men strive to be.

They always look at me in sexual ways.

Maybe you should have thought about that before being such a hottie with a naughty body user-sama.

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See this thread? This is what you are doing to us. You fags can't stop yapping about your mental illness for a fucking minute.

I don’t hate any entire group, but your fellows have earned a reputation for preying on children, spreading disease and very aggressively demanding endless concessions. Do you deny it?

Plague rats, pedophiles and most of all pets. A pet class just like niggers.

Female user here, I like gay porn a lot, it's like lesbo porn to guys, makes me feel so good. I love when guys moan in the scenes, it's kind of hot. I debate if I would date a fuck toy for a guy, though I'm pretty jealous, so I know I would be raving.

You probably already have, since you've had sex with almost 100 men already.

Then have Jow Forums colonize Jow Forums.

Girls write that shit on purpose trying to destroy a man post relationship. She feels like a personal failure and blames it on someone else, while saying his worst sides, while claiming to be an innocent little child female.
I've had sex with 15.

fucking sodomites i hope you all will burn in Hell

the world was a pretty cool place pre-fag this was probably mid 2000s then fags burst through closet and now everything is

gender spectrum

i identify as a xer, some mom says my child who is 4 and is a boy thinks they are a girl cuz i saw them playing with a doll once(that i gave them) lets change their sex and chop off their boy bits.

Lets make it illegal to say bad things about trannys.

toxic masculinity

ALL THIS within the span of JUST 6 to 8 years of being to free from persecution for being a homo and this how you degenerates act

Caused the moral decline of society. Rome is a perfect example of why faggots shouldn't be allowed to be open


see how far you get in this video

They are going to add the P in LGBT, for Pedophile, here soon.

>I've had sex with 15.

What a fucking whore. I bet you're not even 25 yet.

*M. The correct term is minor attracted person.

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24 to be exact. I've been celibate for 3 years.

Hell is for ever!

>be gay
>not feminine, just a normal guy
>likes guys like straight people like girls
>flaming faggots with issues, trannies and sodomites gives all who are homosexual a bad image
>people begin to associate me with them
>begin to hate myself for it.

If there was anything i could do to not be like this i would take it. Im a dutch guy, blond and tall with good genes, I just want a normal family and have some kids.

>I've been celibate for 3 years.

*I've been fat for 3 years.

Chug that corn syrup Amerilard.

we know that you will abuse children and that's why you have to be shot in the face

They hate us because so many of us are Jews. And that we Jews support homosexuality and all other stuff that the white oppressors hate so much. A huge middle finger to them and a big stick up their ass for oppressing and persecuting us for all this time in Europe. Last Jew leaving Europe should spit.

fuck you s a g e

MAPs need love too.

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Oh God why did I open that thumbnail?
Now I have AIDS!

You're the rare one nearly feel sorry for...

A canadian of Course

Oh, see, that's perfect. I would wife you, and give you kids as long as you provide, it's that simple really.
If I had no obligations to society, I would be in those fag shows. I'm kind of jealous of fags because they get to do all these fun things and feel no remorse, I just wish the bragging would be cut down because my life sucks.

You can literally choose to stop having gay sex user. You have that will, you just want to be gay but not be bashed for it. You can't have your cake and eat, so start actually taking charge of your life and repress your feelings. It's ok to repress feelings if they don't benefit you. Like, you can jack off to gay porn but you just dont act on the desire. You don't go out and actually have sex with other men you just masterbate to the idea. It's that simple

im a bifaggot and the sex with my bf is just so fucking boring.
i miss the old days when i could fuck slampigs doggie while binding their arms behind their back and have a belt around their neck, i miss the creative shit you could do.
Even gay anal sex is just so fucking boring.

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I used to browse Jow Forums (admittedly I was not a robot but in my defense I never posted) and I'm shocked at how different the board is now
what happened to the original posters? did they set up base on Jow Forums? explains the pro-asian shilling desu

Pretty much, "gay" is a choice like you choose to get up one day and go buy some apples, that was a choice and no one feels threatened by that, and no one claims "I was born buying apples", because that's a lie.

I can always try to repress it, but it's not that easy. Imagine just suddenly walking out the door and ignoring all the pretty girls you see. It's not like i live in america either, people look really good here.

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user you're just weak. It's a personal problem. Stop making excuses you flaming faggot and start actually trying

It never stood a chance against the election cycle. The various autists are spread to the wind, others chans, wizchan, incel forums, etc

please don't judge all of us based on people like OP... lots of us are just quietly married and mind our own business

Ha, very good.

>Not like I live in America
>People look really good here.

Fuckin' hell.
See that Yanks?
Le gay burn!

Find a wife who'll let you get fucked by guys and still provides you offspring, don't do it until you have a wife yet. You know because in real life you have to do your chores before you have fun, being fag means the opposite, you have too much fun and little discipline.

sit up on it goy!

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That's probably my biggest reason I hate fags, they are incredibly mean to women. The LGBT community even hates gay men they plan to purge them eventually.


You fucking disgusting, degenerate pieces of shit.


you know how taxes are faggy and gay?
well you sodomites are going to love the gay tax.
it seems gays cost our healthcare system 280% more on average than straight people do.
why should normal people pay for a sodomites bad life choices?
just like cigarettes are taxed because a smokers bad life choices will cost the taxpayer unfairly gays in Canada and companies that push the gay agenda will be taxed.
this does three things
gays will go back in closet
companies will stop pushing gay agendas
and clean up our society of you fucking degenerates.

The harder you try to ignore it the more attractive it becomes. But i will try, from now on i will not watch porn and try to ignore it. You know what i think happen when i look back on it? I was an attractive boy and got groomed at at like 14, real gays convincing me that it is normal and that i was born like this, they made me test things. I remember one seeing my friends turning on their feminine side around faggots to be accepted in that crowd, and eventually it became their personality. I have a "friend", a real asshole i seriously consider killing. He has slept with every attractive guy in my country, in sweden, in germany etc. Groomed and turned people gay on purpose. This is what they do. I hate faggots and disguist myself.

all i can say is fuuuuuuuuuuuuck
(this is almost unbelievable, like it boggles the mind as to how these events take place)

Are you really that attractive?

user you should have some outlet for your feelings, repress it but don't completely ignore it. You'll go crazy with desire. You just need to not encourage it, don't act on it, don't spread the idea like it a good one. Like I said, jack off to gay porn just understand that in reality these desire bring nothing but misery and disease and being gay has no practical benefits.


One time i was out with a friend, we met a gay couple at at this sleazy gay club, they brought with them their 15 year old son which they had adopted. He was straight. They made him dance in this stripshower thing in front of the club, despite him being young and straight. He obviously did not like it. We followed them to the hotel room to see wtf was going on, the couple had these thongs and shit laying around, and three beds next to each other in the room. There is really so much shit like this going on.

Kind of yes, but it is not always just about being attractive, but "cute" and innocent, its about domination or something.

Yeah, I know I only watch gay guy porn because it's the only porn that turns me on, or makes me cum the quickest. I mostly watch 2 gay guys, or I like the "straight guy" does gay, or something, but included is also trap or tranny porn, cause I view them as men. It's all the same.

>no practical benefits
Idk, I'm female, and it really turns me on. They have to be cute, though.

>Female user
Let's test this claim shall we.

Riddle me this;
Who are the more romantic of the sexes, males or females?

Guys, definitely.

Look, the only reason peolle should have sex is for procreation. There is no procreation with gay sex. Just dicks in assholes, and nothing good ever came from that! If you're masturbating to it, that's a personal preference for a way to get off but i wouldn't call that practical. And you need to show your tits if you're gonna admit to being female
This is a rule sweetheart
There are no girls in the Internet


Fuckin' knew it!
Okay, now that we've established you're a dude larping.
So, you bent or just straight dude trolling?

Yes, I'm well aware of this, being a Catholic, and I think condoms and BC both need banned as well as vasectomies and tube tying, because these are as being devious as being gay, unlike what Protestant people think.
Lol guys are the "more" of the sex, I really like my role as being the guy's property, at least it is more respect.

>just dicks in assholes
But, in my brain watching gay porn, the top is making the bottom pregnant.

Dude, seriously...

Seriously, I stay away from guys who punch property. Like I saw this guy punch a wall, and I just had this instinct he'd treat me the same way. Obviously, a guy that respects his property, and loves his property, catures and nurtures his farm, he'll be my husband one day. A guy that wants the best, whatever that may be, not just "success" but HIS personal opinion, will treat me like a queen.

white people need to have more kids, don't fucking argue with this, you think all those dindu's and sand niggers are using condoms on their underage wives? fuck no, they are popping them out as fast as they can.

Man, you are seriously dedicated to this troll!
You know the rules...oh, n don't forget to time-stamp the pic...

>obnoxious parades
>public indecency
>spreading disease via hookups
>normalisation of other degeneracy
>attack on religious liberties
Just get it together.

You misunderstand.
He's a dude trolling pretending to be a bird...

Yeah and at least at Catholic hospitals, you never have to worry about going in for surgery and waking up with your balls or uterus cut out "accidently". Protestants take a lot for granted and put too much "faith" on public peons.
I'm not sending you a tit pic. I really have a lot of ideological standards for men, what I think are men. Irish guys are okay, I could have an Irish man but he'd have to be buff.

Post feet with timestamp so...

Knowing the answer was a dead give away, but & I qoute, "In my brain, the top is making the bottom pregnant."
Was the confirmation!

Hahahahha get the fuck out of it man

the correct term should be death row inmate

You dont sound bisexual you just sound hypersexual