Is it ok for a 20 year old guy to want to fuck a 15 yr old girl? I have no shame and it doesn't feel wrong but my friends seem to think otherwise.
Is it fine to want a 15 yr old?
no off yourself pedo scum
You can do whatever you want inside your own head. Having sex with a 15 year old would make you a piece of shit and a criminal.
Why would it make me a piece of shit ?
Because a 15 year old girl is a child and you're legally not allowed to have sex with children. The fact that you need this explained to you kind of makes you a piece of shit. You're too old to have sex with 15 year olds, OP.
I get it's illegal but I still don't get why you think it makes someone a piece of shit..does j walking make you a piece of shit? No,but it's illegal.
no. die in a fire
You are a very bad person.
Jaywalking is not equivalent to having sex with an underaged girl you fucking moron.
I felt you were implying having sex with a 15 yr old girl makes me a piece of shit since it's breaking the law.
Yeah, theres nothing wrong with wanting to, but don't actually do it. Its not worth it, if you get caught your life will be ruined. Just find a nice short and petite girl and pretend shes 15 instead.
Having sex with an underage girl makes you a piece of shit in addition to it being illegal, not because of it. Piece of shit + a criminal = you. Simple math.
It is as long as she is not my daughter.
But how does the act make me a.piece of shit..
It’s a scummy thing to do dude
It's not fair, I don't like girls my age.
Because you're a grown adult and she's an underaged girl. By law, an underaged girl can't consent to sex because she's literally not developed enough to understand the implications/consequences of her decision. Taking advantage of a child's naivety just so you can get your rocks off makes you a piece of shit, absolutely.
Like I said, I don't like girls my age..
Whatever reasons you've come up with to justify behaving like a piece of shit are inconsequential.
I literally can't help it.
I feel like there’s certain instances when it’s okay to break the consent age (I turned 18 6 months before my gf but we still fucked) but this ain’t it chief
>I feel like there’s certain instances when it’s okay to break the consent age
The consent age in most states is valid within 3 years. Anything beyond those 3 years and its statutory rape.
I’m in CA so we don’t have the Romeo and Juliet laws to help out, technically I broke the law but she didn’t care
Not that shit-post again...
illegal in most places
>does j walking make you a piece of shit
So so does speeding, loitering or whatever other crime you think doesn't matter.
The rules were made so pieces of shits can be punished. Obviously there is a different severity to these things, which is why some crimes are punished by a fine and some mean jail time.
As to why this specific crime makes you a piece of shit, it is because there is a victim in this. Even if you convince her it is fine when it happens, she will spend a long time recovering after this.
Jail is actually to protect you because everyone wants to hurt you for doing this to a child.
So grow up and either find someone your own age or stay celibate until you have killed this desire.
I've had sex with girls my's just that I can't help but think about younger girls. I like them allot more than girls my age. Sometimes I can have thoughts about girls way younger than 15 honestly.
i used to date 15 year odls when i had my car when i was 21.
im still cool.
Don't listen to these morons, most girls nowadays are pretty mature at the age of 15. So if you think that you both are roughly on the same maturity level then there is nothing wrong with it, morally speaking. Of course if you are attracted to her because she is immature and acts like a child, this would be something else and would make you a pedophile.