Memes, Memology and 2020: The Rise of the Zoomer

Jow Forums the time is coming

2020 is coming

The Zoomers will be able to vote, and memes are their favorite method of spreading information and entertainment.

Jow Forums helped not only secure 2018, but start the movement. Memes, although trivial on their face, are the future.

We must begin fighting the information war. For the movement, to stop (((them))), and to continue in the war that is against our Jewish Overlords.

You may be a wage cuck, and have been born in between the greatest times of exploration and culture. But make no mistake.

This is one of the most crucial times in human history.

You were born with a reason. And that is to help fight for the greater good of our people, and our future.


Many weapons are now available to us. Pewdiepie, tiktok, social media, the (((media))) and memology.

These, and other weapons, are necessary in the all ecompassing, and important information war.

It is begin...

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I encourage all to resist shills, and ready for the coming war.

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Good write-up OP
Zoomers are our last hope.

The future of our country and families are at stake. It rests on our soldiers.

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For any zoomers reading this (especially newfags), YOU HAVE BEEN LIED TO ABOUT SO MUCH. You will not fathom it for many years.


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Gee some future you've made huh
fuck off

This is 100% correct. In less than 2 years, we will be voting again, and now is a good time to prepare yourself. Be ready on a moments notice to create a meme. Pop-culture is a great place to start. People can stomach that more than board culture.

>I encourage all to resist shills
Shills are going to be out of control. Learning what is a shill is important. things like (1 post by this ID) should be ignored totally. Meme flag faggots who don't shutup should be mass-shamed for hiding their noses. AOC tweets should be ignored, or simply filled with Trump memes.

Know that people are paying a lot of money to try to outcompete us. There is a difference between them and us. They do it out of fear for a paycheck. We do it for lulz.....for free.

Look at these fucking LARPers

Look at this Canadian Kike.

Jow Forums was built on LARPing. It isnt LARPing if you are genuine about your message however. None of us are claiming to be anyone special. I just realize that these things are coming, and that the current situation is amazing and one of a kind. There is no reason for us to not prepare and spread the message.

You're right, it isn't LARPing if you're genuine, it's autism