I want implants really really badly. I've had 3 kids and breastfeed them, my boobs now look like empty skin flaps, it's really horrible and embarrassing. I can't even stand to take my shirt off in front of my husband. We're not poor but my husband just started a new job, we just moved and bought a new house that took up almost all our savings and with 3 little kids to pay for we don't have like 10g just laying around to pay for new boobs. How can I find another way to pay for them? Any ideas?
I want implants really really badly. I've had 3 kids and breastfeed them, my boobs now look like empty skin flaps...
Save your pennies, sell stuff on etsy, take up casual jobs when you can.
Its going to take 3-5 years though.
Fuck that, I could just pay for it with our normal income in 3 to 5 years. I have dreams about cutting them off my chest with a stake knife almost every night I hate them so much. I feel like I'm going crazy. I can't wait 5 years, I just can't. I can't even wear normal bras or tops they are so messed up. I need a more imediat option.
Oh boo hoo
Have sex with a bra on.
Any shortcuts will leave you with a shitty boob job from a 3rd world country.
Bras don't fit at all now. I'm not asking for a short cut, I'm asking for ideas on how to get money to pay for a good one.
Not OP but question to anons
Is the the one exception when boob jobs are ok? After you had your last planned child with your spouse? I dont have any children yet, my bobs are incredibly big and perky. I know from my family history we get YUGE tits when lactating and they are never the same afterwards. My husband loves my tits, but i dont know if i should consider tit jobs to keep them looking good for him when this eventually happens. If your wife were to suggest something like this, what would your reaction be? Would you be ok with a tit job if its for a situation like OPs?
You’ve attached your happiness to a pair of tits. You need to re-evaluate your life.
It will also be the end of your marriage if you get fake tits. He will feel the real reason is that you want to impress other men with your new rubber ball tits. He’ll start fucking that cute young girl at work because hey, that’s what you’re doing.
Body modifications are nasty and a red flag.
I would divorce my wife if she made such a stupid decision.
Being realistic, if was genuinely a concern of hers, and they actually were bad, I think I'd support it, if only to make her feel better.
I dont want a tit job just for me, i would want one because big perky pretty boobs are great in the bedroom. Youre pretty insecure if you automatically think a tit job is to attract other men when only one man in my life will ever see me naked. Believe it or not, you can have both a motivation for your own self image AND for your husband to be proud of his wife's rack. It doesnt have to be one or the other.
That seems pretty harsh and unfair. Wanting to keep yourself looking good is no reason to divorce your spouse. Its like if i wanted to leave my husband because he started working out more and started gaining more muscle than ever, thus modifying his body to an ideal image.
Your wrong. He's the one who said I should get them done. They have no breast tissue or fat in them at all.i was an a cup before then went up to a G when they were full of milk. Now that the milk is gone I literally look like I have deflated bollons hanging of my chest. I can't wear real bras and have to rap my chest or wear tight sports bras all the time. They are super uncomfortable and ugly. My happiness is in my family, that's not the issue, it's that I can't wear normal clothes and having these ugly skin flaps hanging off me is getting really old to deal with 24/7. My husband dissent think I want other men, neither of us habe ever cheated, I've never even been with another man. It's a non issue in our relationship. Honestly he finds most other females so stupid and annoying I don't think he even want to cheat because that would mean having to put in effert talking to one. I want this so I can look normal again and feel comfortable in my own skin again.
Wouldn't this question just be how do I make a few thousand dollars quickly?
>work more
>try to sell your eggs
>sell a bunch of your shit
>rob a store or bank
There, now stop bitching about your sunnyside up tits.
They are so bad I've had my Dr say they are a physical deformation now and that I might qualify for physical reconstruction. I talked to my insurance but they won't cover it. It's not like, o I just want bigger boobs, I just don't want to look deformed.
But fake bigger boobs won't be the same as natural ones, and will probably just look strange.
I'm similar to you but I don't think I'd ever get surgery. Chances are they're going to sag over time and you can't keep lifting them with surgery every time they do. It's much better for you and your partner to accept this and hope that your love for each other will survive the natural aging process.
In the time being, you could just workout and lift to make sure they stay as perky as possible for as long as possible. I don't think surgery is the answer.
It’s a waste of a large sum of money.
Its a superficial and unnecessary procedure.
It will change your dynamic with your husband and people of the world.
My advice is that this is a terrible idea, but if you still feel set then you need to come up with the cash by doing something on the side that isn’t stealing from family income. Get a part time job for a few years.
Good day...
There's a difference between dedicating yourself to a goal and being healthy (working out to stay in shape) and paying a boatload to get surgery purely for vanity. A more apt comparison would be a man getting surgery to increase his height. Why don't you start working out? Chest exersize can improve perkiness and size of breast.
Found a pic of OP.
I dont want them bigger, just shaped back to normal. And if they do sag, 1) it wont be nearly as nasty as they are after getting deflated from pregnancy(in theory). 2) by the time they sag to the point of needing more surgery, we will probably both be elderly and cant have sex like we used to anyways.
After having children, you still have a sex drive especially for men. Tit jobs would be a sad thing to leave behind.
It's not superficial, using think you people are understanding the extent of the problem. You know what people look like after extreme weight loss, all the extra loss skin. That's how my boobs are. They hurt and are uncomfortable 24/7 I'm constantly pulling on my sports bra having to adjust them, it sucks, I have to rap them or they rub and hurt worse. I can't wear normal clothes or even move normal. It's hindering my every day life. I don't want big implants or something, just like a b cup so the empty skin is filled back out
>sunnyside up tits
Youre right. It takes more time and effort to gain muscle, but it is still done for vanity and sex appeal. The means to the end are different, but they still have the same destination. Looking sexy. And no, no amount of chest exercise will prevent the sagging caused by breast milkies. Im sorry. Tit jobs are the only way for a lot of women to have their tits back the way they used to be. Tits dont have muscle to build INSIDE of them. The chest workouts only benefit if your sacks have enough fat in them to give them shape in the first place.
And tit jobs as in putting the D between perky breasts, not surgery.
It's not fucking vanity, what are you people not getting? They are painful and annoying af. Would you want to have chafed skin all the time and have to rap your chest every day, constantly worry every time you move and not be able to wear normal clothing?
Exactly, working out isn't going to tone empty skin. They are like the empty skin people have after lossing tones of weight. Just loss hanging empty skin without and muscle or fat in them. I'm very in shape and thin, 100lbs. I have a 6pack, I work out daily and eat healthy, the rest of my body looks fine but no amount of working out has helped my chest at all.
Fuck any of this have to do with earning the money?
Nothing really, people just talking shit on boob jobs, it's all irrelevant, me defending my need for one is too. Any better suggestions on how to get money that doesn't take years?
Kickstarter or something like that? Im sure some rich indian would get a hard on to the idea of buying a woman big bobs
I was thinking that, like go fund me or something. I'd be willing to vid the whole surgary if it got it payed for.
Just dont do that behind your husbands back and only do it if you have his blessing.
Well yah, I don't do anything behind his back. No need to. He actually asked if he could watch himself. He likes surgical stuff, finds it interesting. Not in a sexual way just in a, the human body is fascinating way. I'd talk it over with him before doing anything. Idk if drs would even let that be flimed tho
Many places will now finance.
Have you had your hormones checked? Mine were still perky years after breastfeeding my kids. They've only recently started to drop a bit now. My estrogen was low so I take bioidentical hormones now and it's helped. I'm only a 32D tho so if you're large you might need surgery. It would have to be a lift and implants and imo the scars are so ugly I'd never do it.
I was a 28A before went up to a 30 G when my milk came in then breastfeed for almost 3 years straight. Now that the milk gone my skin is still streached out but there's no breast tissue or fat to fill it.
So your husband is actively encouraging you to get a boob job?
I'll look into that. Only place I've talked to said tho don't do financing, I'll look at other places I guess
Not exactly he's just seen how much I've struggled with it over the past year and said I should just get one so I don't have all these issues anymore. He said he dosent care how they look but hates seeing me have to bind my chest all the time and be uncomfortable
You are superficial.
You’re also very overweight. Eat less cake and exercise more and your tits will fit your body.
Op did you read this post? If you’re trying to come up quick these are your choices. Thread might as well be over.
I’m the above poster you could try going to a psychologist for an evaluation and seeing if they will write a recommendation to your insurance or something. If they are really that much of a mental burden.
Time to show us your tits, OP.
He is right, show us them flap jack tiggles.
I weigh 100lbs and have 6 pack, I work out every day and am fit. Have muscle definition everywhere else. It's not superficial they hurt and are physically uncomfortable all the time. If you can't bother to read then don't reply
Can't strip, already work a lot, don't have anything to sell (I'm kind of a minimalist and don't own a lot of stuff) obvious I'm not going to rob anything haha.
It's not just mental they are physically painful and my Dr already advised reconstructive surgery and my insurance denied it.
Prove it. At this point i assume this wntirw thread is bait and you’re some fat indian man living in LA.
I don't care what you think I am, the thread was to get advice not to prove anything to you. I'm a 5'2" 100lbs women with kids, you can take my word on it or not. Dosent matter to me either way
Yeah I'm thinking it's either
>bank loan
>save n' wait
Yah that's what it's looking like. I'll look into all those. Thanks user
You went up 8 cup sizes while you breastfed?
I know, I read that too and it seems excessive. Like medically unhealthy.
You and I both know what a lying sack of shit you are.
You can take those flappy flaps and get the fuck off my board.
Yes, over night. It was so painful. They went to like a b during the pregnancy they when I delivered by the next morning they swelled up to a G, hard as rocks and soooo painful. It was like implants made of milk. They stayed that big for the first 3 months or so after giving birth then when down a little to like a D. I breastfeed my first till she was like 18 months then had my second kid and stared feeding her. They swelled back up huge again after delivery the second time too then I feed her for like 12 months. Now that I'm not breastfeeding they went back to an a cup but the skin is super stretched out and just hangs off my chest.
Read up on it, it's actually some what common. A lot of women even say that the milk coming in and breastfeeding is as painful as labor. It was but in a different way. I think mine got so messed up because I had like no boobs to begin with so it was to big of a change for my skin to handle and then I nursed for so long they stayed stretched to long
This is medically unheard of. 1, 2, 3 maybe even 4 cupsizes if you gain a lot during your pregnancy, but not 8. Nobody increases 8 cup sizes overnight and even if your milk does come in quickly after giving birth, the amount you produce increases slowly. Your boobs don't just explode from A cups into G cups in a matter of hours.
For the record, you wouldn't have a growth in cup that excessive without an increase in your back size too.
t. Someone who isn't larping
I dont know how you chicks deal with all that shit
Protip - they don't.
OP will from this point further be referred to as “Flapjacks”
Thank you.
Your wrong. I know what happened. It's exactly like I said. My skin felt like it was going to rip open. I only gained 18 lbs during pregnancy, and 22 with my second. I lost all the baby weight with in a month after delivery both times
Don't really have a choose, your body dose what it's going to do and you just go along with it. I had natural child birth, it's not really as bad as some women make it out to be. My first baby was only 6 lbs 9oz, my second was 10 lbs 2 oz tho, it was a lot more painful, I'm a small women and it tore me bad. Every thing down there healed find tho thank goodness. My boobs are really only the problem.
Hang on though weren't your G cups about 14lbs each?
I went from being completely flat, like flat as a boy just about to these. When I went to a bra shop they said a was a G. Idk if that's correct or not, I never had to wear bras before that or shop especially for them like that.
You know most plastic surgeons offer financing right? You can pay it off in monthly payments. Makes it a little easier to manage financially.
flat is justice
flat is fine but flat and saggy/deflated is not. i’m guessing OP’s breasts look something like this, the same thing happened to my friend after she finished breastfeeding.
Yes that's what I have now. It's awful, they look a lot like that :((((
For what it’s worth I find saggy tits oddly sexy. Basically any tits period are good with me. I doubt your husband cares as much as you do.
i feel your pain, mine aren’t quite that bad but still very saggy and deflated. if you get implants and want them to look natural, go for teardrop shape under the muscle and low or moderate profile, NOT high profile, that’s what makes them look fake and stupid like obvious porn star boobs. also silicone > saline when it comes to the feel. ideal implants are best.
Not to be a dick to this mother of 3, but her description of her tits reminds me of a venture bros episode.
"Mournful tits", "If they were a person I would buy them an expensive casket and give them a tasteful funeral ".
Sorry OP, don't take it personally. Not aimed at you, you just made me think of it.
Yes that's exactly what I'm looking into getting. Under muscle placed threw armpit, med profile teardrop, silicone ones. I want them to look natural not stripper boobs
I know exactly what episode ypur talking about lmao, no offence taken
Why not sell your eggs?
Why can’t you strip? Mr. Man doesn’t need to know about it.
I think best advice has been given as far what to do financially. I'd say finance/loan and some extra work. Figuring you mostly stay home and take care of the kids so, part time job? You're husband sounds like he'd hell out too.
I have health issues that won't alow me to sell eggs and I don't have nice boobs to strip, also I'm a shity dancer, I work full time, live in a very small town woth no stop joints, and it's trashy af
I already work a bunch, I can't take on more. I'll have to look into financing
Just get pregnant again and be perpetually breastfeeding. Presto: Boobs will always be full.
Ok I was assuming you stayed home with the kids, would probably be cheaper than paying for daycare for 3 kids. If you and your husband both work full time then finance/loan, throw your tax returns at it.
I work from home most of the time and my mom in law lives up the street, she watches the kidos when I'm really busy and can't keep an eye on them while working.
Flap jacks
I really wouldn't care too much unless it was seriously messing with her head. Even then I'd discourage changing them due to complications and the likelihood she'd be tempted to start flaunting them. I know of many situations where it's been "new tits, new life.'
Unfortunately there is a well known cycle of self-esteem driven relationship changes that occur when someone loses a lot of weight, gains a lot from the gym or has cosmetic surgery.
The improved person goes looking for validation, usually to offset a fear they're still not good enough and won't accept their partners words at face value.
"New tits, new life" is a common thing for women who've aged and want men to show renewed interest in them.
>Getting out a 10k loan for fucking titties when you already have a loaded family and are riding the fence of financial ruin
Are you serious? How has your husband not slapped the stupid out of you? Your feelings don't validate being this incredibly financially retarded.
Like another user said, financing is your best option.
And I'm aware what you're talking about, and those tits look bad.
Silicone/Saline them up.
Your to stupid to read or something, wearnt broke, we just payed cash for a house so it used up a lot of your savings. We still have like 18g in the bank. I just don't want to spend a big chunk like that after spending so much on a house. We both make good money, I could save and pay cash for one in like 3 years easily, I just don't want to wait 3 years. I'm going to look into financing if the interest isn't to high.
Not my situation, I don't want a new life or validation. I just want my clothes to fit and not have my skin chafed raw all the time.
>Thinks 10k in 3 years is good money
Come on now. What's going to happen when family expenses increase from the kids growing up?
This whole thread is vanity incarnate.
Good bait.
>for your husband to be proud of his wife's rack
That would be one pathetic husband.
This is almost as bad as what I have, the skin is all torn and raw from hanging like that. I don't give a fuck what they even look like, is have them just cut off if it ment i don't have to deal with this shit anymore. 10k is what I could set aside by myself in a few years without taking away anything that we currently spend money on. I make like 34k a year and my husband makes almost 60. We just bought a house for 167 cash. We have no debt and I could pay cash for boobs now if I really wanted to, I just don't want to use up more savings after the house we just bought.
For gods sake buy him a whore and watch
Children ruin everything good in life. Sucked the life right out of those tits.
Fucking pathetic.
POST TITS (with nipples blocked) so we can see for ourselves.
Wow it took this long for someone to post this? I just saw this thread and 'tits or btfo' would have been my first post.
t. disappointed user
Beauty fades. That is what makes it beautiful
$100 to fuck your saggy pancake tits.
$150 your husband watches
$300 to fuck your anus with your kids listening in the next room.
$500 your husband eats the creampie.
not OP but my boobs are very saggy and not cute imo, should i get surgery?
Hey pancakes, you still around? Lets see a picture of your floppy milk sacks, shall we?
how old are you
i’m 25, no kids. they’ve just always looked like this.
Not gonna lie, it's pretty bad. But I still wouldn't recommend surgery.
depending on how pretty your face is this might be acceptable. if you’re ugly, get the surgery.