The Only Way Out For Ukraine Is National Reconciliation Not Political Persecution

>Again, instead of political vendettas, Ukraine ought to focus on national reconciliation, stopping the war in Donbass, restoring the economy and getting the country out of its economic crisis. Today, Ukraine is an ally of both the U.S. and the EU, but it is also a failed state at war with Russia and with itself. As part of the reconciliation, it may be worthwhile to involve Yanukovych into the process of the reconciliation in war-torn Donbass. Ukraine needs to bring Donbass home. The World Bank and the IMF also stress the importance of the Donbass for economic growth of Ukraine. The Ukrainian representatives stressed that the “experience of Victor Yanukovych and the influence that he still wields possesses among the residents of Donetsk and Luhansk regions could play a positive role ending the war there.”

>Last month, the Trump administration made private requests that Ukraine considers getting the former president involved in the peace process and that Ukraine adheres to human rights principles in its administration of justice, referencing the Yanukovych trial as one that is being watched.

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I agree. If Ukraine's goal is to retake it's stolen land, then regrouping and developing its domestic situation will attract powerful allies. In their current state, they will never beat Russia, mainly because NATO (the opponent to Russian expansion) will never go out of their way to help a "rogue" nation. So it's either get out and join NATO to increase chances of getting back land, get out and just forget about land but make your citizens happy, or keep being aggressive with Russia and continue getting humiliated by a couple highly trained mercenaries with jeans and AK47s.

sending fresh 20k new troops to "deal" with DNR does not sound like reconciliation to me

>I agree. If Ukraine's goal is to retake it's stolen land

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it seems no one cares yet. not even me. sage'd

I guess those Russians are just Indian givers then. Give something to you, then years later, want it back.

>at war with Russia
Look at this idiot who thinks Ukraine has been successfully fighting off the modern Russian military.
My fucking sides.
You and your military would know if you were at real war with Russia.

>Ukraine has been successfully fighting off the modern Russian military.
This retarded opinion is pretty common on Jow Forums, I think theres some Blog or forum that shills this stupid idea
Their meme picutres always have the same font too, must be from the same source

I am sorry, but Ukraine is some sort of retarded slav sibling of Russia, because everything they do is completely fucked up. Not talking only about the government, the common people are also politically braindead. It sadly reminds of a african cargo-cult type of state, where everyone pretend to be functional but they don't know what the fuck they are doing most of the time.

You need to jail the pro west and pro Russia agitators and shills and be independent and close your borders for a few years and then decide with who you'll negotiate, either Russia or Nato/EU.
UA needs stability at any cost.

And then unicorns come and give out cookies to everyone
Ukraine is a mistake

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I wish it was still in vogue for a struggling new nation to ask a competent aristocrat from another nation to come and rule their country. So many civil wars could have been averted.

You forgot Bugeac was taken by Stalin during ww2.

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This comparison is kinda retarded, you know?
You wouldn't annex polish territory to Russian soviet republic when there already is Ukrainian soviet republic which is closer?
And Crimea was given to Ukrainian republic because of construction of some water channels - it was a bureaucracy convenience.

Romanians are complete retards for supporting Ukraine, I know they're massive EU cocksuckers but they should be trying to get a piece, kinda like Hungary
I heard a Polish politician sugguested taking Lwow back, but I doubt their cucked government could do something so based

I understand, but at the same time your government gave it to them under the pretense that it was apart of their Soviet Republic. Your government can't just say that it doesn't belong to them anymore. Well, they can, but it's not a good look. Which is why I say it's stealing, and so does most of the world. Also, don't you guys have Kaliningrad? That's way more inconvenient to have than Crimea or the Polish land.

Well, it wasn't really our government. things have changed. Also republics in the USSR were kinda like our current republics - it's wasn't that big of a deal.
yeah, I don't know why no one asking about Kaliningrad. Seems like Germany doesn't care at all.

>You wouldn't annex polish territory to Russian soviet republic when there already is Ukrainian soviet republic which is closer?
That’s exactly what Soviets did.. annexed eastern Poland and then named the stolen territories into fake states of Belarus and Ukraine

>I don't know why no one asking about Kaliningrad. Seems like Germany doesn't care at all.
Germany has desperately tried (and succeeded) of getting rid of its Prussian culture. It makes sense that they don't want Kaliningrad, it's ground zero of the Prussian way of life.

Foreign intervention as humanitarian aid when shit really hits the fan and when things calm down "adopting" or administration aiding/counseling certain regions and then basically doing administrative integration, as things don't stabilize, make a referendum and annex it as "protected" or something like that, region and DONE.

I can explain. One of the most basic properties of Russian culture is hating itself, that is, realising that Russian culture is an abomination responsible for our suffering. Now, Ukraine is a sort of schizophrenic Russia: instead of hating itself it chose to label everything about itself that it hates as "not itself", that is, Russian influence, and then proclaimed itself a victim of Russian oppression, without trying to change anything about itself to be less Russian at heart, of course. It's a split personality disorder at its finest.

>it's ground zero of the Prussian way of life.
Why? I thought it was a backwater town Kant loved for this very reason.

>National Reconciliation
Through brute force I assume instead of negotiation. What's the point of taking industries back when you're killing off the workers? Poroshenko is all excuses, no action.
>stage a grand revolution
>elect a turbo brainlet at the helm
Great job faggots.

Wow, that's the most fitting description yet. I have relatives there and i can confirm that's PRECISELY how they act and talk.

And why is that one of the most basic properties of Russian culture? And what does it mean for the future, are they trying to change?

Prussians originate from this land, Königsberg being their capital for much of their history. The old German Military Academy used to be in Königsberg and was known as the Prussian Military Academy. Kaliningrad is very important to German history, which is why the new globohomo German government abandoned it.

>And why is that one of the most basic properties of Russian culture?
Dunno how it came to be this way, but you'd find this attitude since the very beginning.
>And what does it mean for the future, are they trying to change?
The whole cultural program of the XIX century and since was motivated by trying to change. What it will bring no one knows.

Because Russia is not a real culture.
Russia is a mixed bag of odd influences with some shining diamonds mixed in but with consistently tyrannical government that bred self hatred and need to feel like an obedient slave.
It doesn't even matter to Russians if their slave owner is Russian or not, just look at papa Stalin.

t. punching bag for everyone

Halp me, halp me someone

There is literally nothing wrong with Tyranny and Autocracy

Russia likes to pretend that only situations similar to Ukraine exist, ignoring the fact that Russia has through it it's history back stabbed Nations with zero common history or geography with them in an attempt to annex the country to the point where you were willing to revoke autocephaly of a church that is older than yours just to culturally wash over an existing culture.
Let's call it true names, there is no real internal logic as to why Russia wants X land, it's simple imperialist agenda, globalism with Russian culture as it's mask.

Can you be genuine for a moment? No memes no farce, just honestly.
Do you believe that tyranny and autocracy has no downsides in the long term, especially if the tyrant doesn't turn out to be an actually good ruler? Can you not envision at least some downsides? Do you believe that tyranny is at all close to the natural state of a human tribe?
I am honestly curious.

Because they are the Orthodox capital of the world and they seek to unite all other smaller Orthodox nations.
You can't fucking survive on your own against a unified Western Europe or a unified Islamic Empire.
What do you think the EU is? They will force you to give up your religion and customs and take theirs like every Empire does.

Totally agree.

Offer a TRC process for former fighters/operatives on both sides and then offer semi-independence to the breakaway regions.

>TRC = Truth and Reconciliation process, admit to your crimes publically and as long as politically motivated you get pardoned.

It’s the only way forward.

Georgia is the same as Ukraine. A third world country in denial. At least Ukraine is changing. Try telling a Georgian that they factually live in the third world and watch them lose it.

It is the right order for nations according to the bible.
Anything else is Satanism and a brief look at the state of Democracies in the world proves me right.
It is ordained by god that all nations MUST be ruled this way. That's not an option, you can't argue with it. You can just leave your religion if you don't like it.

What you said may be or may not be true, but the reason Putin needed the Crimea is simple - naval base. Por*shenko (new government) would have ended the agreement and we would lose our crucial fucking base.

Punching bag for who exactly? Or are you going to refer to Saalashvilis retardation despite the fact that he was a literal kgb CIA double agent?
I worked as a director for a Marganec silo in chiatura during his reign, Saalashvili and Bendukize repeatedly tried to sell it of to Russian oligarchs and the only thing that stopped then we the fact that a large percentage was already owned by US because it was sold off by Shevardnadze previously.
Georgia is a puppet nation controlled by morons, that does not change the truth about imperial Russia and that it historical never had any honour regardless of how much you would help them out.

Only way out for Ukraine is to arm and train their entire population to the fucking teeth, then take notes from the middle east with IED's.

>Russia historical never had any honour
Yes, yes, heil to fellow Dagestan. Mountain pride!

Russia is a great nation, Georgia is so-so. Fact.

And you still believe Democracy is a good order for a nation?
A bunch of greedy fools who will just sell their mothers to the highest bidder?
A monarch hands over his nation to his son, he wants it to be better and more valuable than it was before he took it over.
He doesn't want it to be flooded with Africans just because some greedy oligarch/aristocrats/capitalists need more cheap labour. A Monarch thinks long term, longer than his own limited time on earth.

If this intention was genuine than Russia would not be trying to erase Georgian church history and paint over/destroy half our temples after annexation and heretical cancellation of autocephaly. There was no motive behind those actions other than cultural domination, because we are also fucking orthodox and older ones at that.
What exactly do you know about Georgia and what is your definition of a third world country? Because you missundrstand what third world actually means.
What exactly will Georgian not agree with though? Georgia is objectively a mismanaged country that survives only despite its rulership not because of it. Quality of life has improved in central cities immeasurably but only due to large tourism bubble. No one is saying that Georgia is in a good state, but it is pretty and has good food and comfy situations, that is enough for most normies to ignore giant political issues.
Tyrany of a president and oligarchy is not the same as rulership of an annointed king and his court, you know this very well and this is a non argument in case of Russia where all of their truly good nobility were slaughtered by the Communists.
I understand that and it makes sense, sure. I just hate when people pretend that Russia is motivated by higher morals and not logic and convenience.

You clearly do not know history of you believe that Georgia, the third nation ever to become Christian, a nation that provided some of the best generals and rulers for Byzantine empire first and then to the Russian empire is related to Muslim scum of Northern Caucasus the we used to slaughter regularly.
Might I remind you that need between Georgia and Russia started literally because you tried to erase our church and our culture after annexation.

And I'm proven right by the fact that the first thing they always do when they take over an Orthodox nation is trying to create a split in Orthodoxy.
They did it before with creating a pseudo Orthodox denomination in Ukraine that accepts the Roman pope and they just did it again recently.
Their total victory will always be that the Orthodox church must cease to exist in the end, same goes for all traditions these countries might have had before they took them over.
If a Georgian peasant believes that his little nation of gangsters and robbers will be able to stop this with MUH Democracy and sovereignty then it is proof that Democracy is shit for allowing such people to have even their voices heard in elections.
If you were merely useless it'd be a great improvement, but instead you are harming your own nation without even knowing it.

Russia is not a noble monarchy and oligarchy of Russia is mostly composed of greedy Jews that want nothing more than to milk it's people and those around.
I don't understand how your argument relates to Russia at all?

>Kurdish babble
The Chinese are very bad too, I've heard. It's sad they're about to rule the world. How do these things happen...

Oh you fucking retard. And here I thought you would understand. NAVAL suka BASE. BLACK suka FLEET. It's not some shitty land in nowhere and imperialist dreams.

My Orthodox church is older than Russian church, it is also one hundred percent Orthodox and not some strange split off.
This did not stop Russia from trying to erase our church, which is completely heretical and akin to Russia conquering Greece and trying to remove Greek autocephaly. There is no way to justify it in any shape or form.

Sure, they only milk and steal from the people. If only Russia was as wealthy again like it was before Putin and not as poor and weak like it is today.
I wonder how you can even write stuff like that without feeling shame.

I understand you retard, I'm saying that half of /poll/ and Putin himself is playing up and acting like Crimea was returned because muh Crimea is Russia again, muh feels.

>Do you believe that tyranny is at all close to the natural state of a human tribe?

I do not care about your church, it cannot survive on its own, only by being allowed to survive by someone more powerful.
You can try with the Muslims or the US instead and see what happens.

Without feeling what shame? Are you for oligarchy or do you actually want a blessed king of the nation, can you decide?
And no, I don't have shame for calling out people that depleted national oil fund meant for the people. Do you have shame yourself?

B..b..but MUH fund. I'm sure Putin bought himself Cocaine and prostitutes with that money and isn't using it for important things like creating hypersonic ICBMs, cruise missiles with near infinite range due to miniaturised nuclear engine and so on.
Go suck Soros's dick like Navalny and all the other traitors who cry about corruption all day long.

Do you understand orthodox dogma? You are speaking outright sinful herecy.
Orthodoxy is built upon the idea of patriarchs of various Nations, given autocephaly by their father nation, autocephaly that can not be revoked by anyone other than the original giver.
When Georgia was in Russian empire there was literally no need to revoke our autocephaly, they wanted to have Russian prayers, Russian paintings and Russian culture in our churches not because of religious reasons because we have the same faith, but because of political reasons.
You are very ill educated in theosophy and you do not understand how orthodoxy even functions it seems, what you are saying is completely ludicrous.
I repeat, this isn't some heretical Ukrainian shit church, we are orthodox since fucking 4th century, this was an act against God.

And are you going to pretend that oligarchy doesn't spend funds on cocaine, villas and yachts.
Fuck Soros and fuck Navalny, Russia n government is not from God and any such claim is a delusion. I bet you have an excuse for everything starting from globalist Rossianin identity to literal Islamist death squads being held back by existence of Kadirov.

fuck Navalny, but he is not that wrong about corruption. Putin himself acknowledges this problem. and he alone can't just purge it in one night.

Additionally if having autocephaly isn't important all of the orthodox world would not instantly accept and return Georgian autocephaly as soon as it was possible.
The reason why orthodoxy is less prone to become cucked is because there is no big kiked Pope, having one patriarch is literally against orthodox dogma.

Can you name a single country where the top politicians don't spend all their money on luxuries?

Putin can't purge it because Putin himself is a mixed individual partially mixed in corruption regardless if he wants it or not.
I can not believe that there are people who believe that Putin is evil or good and that he even has full control of the situation.

But these jews scheme constantly trying to overthrow every Eastern European government that isn't a slave to the West using fabricated corruption charges.
They are trying it right now in Serbia. But Ukraine is fine, no issues AT ALL there, perfectly Democratic government with wise and incorruptible leaders.
And this Georgian peasant is a Judaised little rat trying to create revolutions to serve his masters in Washington and Tel Aviv.


Yes, you are right. He can't just start a war against oligarchs because then they would just overthrow him. It's not like he's actually almighty. So he works with them.

And in Armenia too btw. Always the same system used.
I wonder how retarded Armenians must be to give in to that.
Are they not afraid of what the Turks will do to them once their masters in Washington drop them?
Like they never did before like with the Kurds right now.

If Armenia is invaded and taken over in 10 years by the Turks because they aligned with the US instead of Russia and they dropped their support then the Judaised Georgian rat will still write on Internet forums that Democracy is better and Russia needs revolution because of corruption.
There is not even a point in talking with such people, just beat them when you see them.

Off topic but as an asian girl where can I find a nice russian/Ukrainian/slavic white boy in nyc?

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>So it's either get out and join NATO
In current state Ukraine can't join NATO, unless NATO changes rule specifically for Ukraine.
>Aspirants would also be expected:
>to settle their international disputes by peaceful means;
>to demonstrate commitment to the rule of law and human rights;
>to settle ethnic disputes or external territorial disputes including irredentist claims or internal >jurisdictional disputes by peaceful means in accordance with OSCE principles and to pursue good neighbourly relations;

Or Ukraine recognizes Crimea and Donbass and joins NATO. But then it wouldn't be "retaking stolen land", it would be an offensive war and NATO is not obliged to help in that case.

Slavs in America are either total trash or 300IQ nerds
Just go to Eastern Europe and steal one

Turkey literally broke all 3 of those rules and it's still in NATO, they don't give a shit

It's not a direct full-scale war, but you have to be completely dishonest to say that Russia is not involved in Donbass.

Exactly, they want to expand and colonise.
The only rule they follow is that they must believe that it'll work out beneficially for them somehow.
They'll change any contract and law as they go when they feel like it is necessary.
They are just not confident right now that they can take over Ukraine and will be able to keep it long term, that's all.

Russia has created a pocket of instability it isn't willing to give up. We can crack Ukraine in half any moment. Specifically, thanks to their NATO inspirations.

It's called "frozen conflicts" (Americans coined a special term), we've used it e.g. in Moldova. Moldova doesn't think about no NATO.

But not without first creating a force there that tried to beat the Russian supported people in the various countries and loosing every single one of these wars.
It is frozen because the US determined that they lost using military means and Russia doesn't want to beat the people there who are supported by the US using military means.
So now the war continues using "Democracy" and all kinds of lies and propaganda designed to make those who are supported by Russia acting disloyal or even hostile to Russia.

>Because Russia is not a real culture.
>Russia is a mixed bag of odd influences
Almost any relevant country is like that, especially today. Doesn't mean it's not real culture. Not everyone has to be a self-absorbed, isolated, inbred mountain nigger.

Nobody fucking cares, gogi.

We are sure gonna have fun sanctioning your nation into oblivion the second we rid ourselves of this traitor. Which, if you haven't heard the news, is guaranteed.

Find me on the map first, third gender nothing

weak bait

>self-absorbed, isolated, inbred mountain nigger.
Woah, why don't you appreciate your fellow whiteypipo allies?

This. Ukraine has had years to get its shit together but it's still running around with it's head cut off.
>hurr hurr
They aren't necessarily an amazing people but they are still allies and in the same game as we are. These are legally still their lands and also majority Ukranian ones at that. Just because some failed empires had them doesn't mean their successors should.

We are trembling in fear right now.

>We are trembling in fear right now

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Lol, kid who won lottery and was born in successful country, who now lossing everything what his ancestors achieved and haven't done anything himself knows better, right?

>tits or gtfo
You know the rules