ITT: Ask The Opposite Gender Anything

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>Do girls/guys like ?
>What do girls/guys think about
There is no one answer. Preferences differ, but complexes are always a turn-off.

>I'm shy and afraid of people/rejection. What do I do?
Get over it by practising and exposing yourself to it, little by little, step by step. There is no single magical moment that will instantly change you forever.

>I like someone. What do I do?
>How can I tell if someone likes me?
Ask them out.

>Where do I meet girls/guys?
Anywhere outside. Or online.

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant. You're overthinking it.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me please
We're not in their head, we don't know.

>This person did something that hurt my feelings. Why do guys/girls do this?
Because shit people are shit people. It's not a gendered thing.

>Someone has made it super clear they're no longer interested in me. Do I still have a chance?

>Where do I go on a first (or subsequent) date?
Pick one or more of the following: coffee, lunch, dinner, drinks, ice cream, movies, zoo, aquarium, museum, art gallery, .

>Why is there no new thread?
Create one yourself.

>Why am I the only one who makes these threads?
Quit your bitching, no one's holding a gun to your head and making you do it.

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So a girl I asked out twice ( friendzoned) just randomly asked me today if she can teach me how to drive. Is this simply a strange offer of friendship, or is there anything behind this?

asked this in the last ATOGA but here it goes
girls - how would you react if your boyfriend admitted to you his really weird fetish? im thinking of admitting to my gf about mine, but im afraid she might think im weird and date me. im into ass worship mostly.

im asking here because she's the type of girl to go on here so i would think she has the same mindset.

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girls do I have a chance:
I'm ~5'2" (even thought the last time I measured my height by marking it on a door frame and using a tape measure it came out to 4'11), I am fat, but I'm working on that, I have a small penis (4.5" erect), but most of all I ahve trouble talking to people. I can barely keep a conversation going without long awkward pauses, It takes me a long time jsut get get to the point where I feel comfortable talking to a person, and even if I do I have a difficult time trusting that person or opening up to them emotionally. I can't even talk about stuff I like (hobbies and such) out of fear of embarrassment. also I have been rated pretty l poorly on /soc/ (anywhere from 2-6/10) and on here, where I was told to "hit up burn wards".

This really nice girl that is also insanely hot asked for my number. I responded with a smile. I didn't say anything because I was really caught off guard though it was surprisingly not too awkward. We work in the same store and I always catch her looking at me even after this. And she still acts really nice towards me. Did I fuck up my chances by not saying anything the first time or can I recover from this?

I'm not too experienced with girls because of really bad social anxiety, though I've been getting help and have been making some progress

goes out to both genders.
teach me to stop looking at breasts

baby you can drive my car
yes i'm gonna be a star
baby you can drive my car
and maybe i'll love you

I love weird fetishes and my bf has a bunch so I was always intrigued when he's revealed what he wanted. Ass worship seems pretty tame in comparison to mine and my bfs.

You can't guarantee that she'll be able to fulfill your kinks, but if she's experimental and into sex there's a big chance she'll try and comply. I feel like both parties have to have a lot of confidence to accommodate fetishes. Be confident when you tell her because there's really nothing to be ashamed of when it comes to you and your partner.

thanks. i'm pretty sure she would probably indulge my tamer fetishes, but i'm not really confident about anything really. i will probably tell her soon though.

also ass worship is pretty tame compared to my other fetishes, but that's just the gateway and arguably the most important

I'm going to a street fair/festival Sunday, probably alone. What're the odds I can actually meet a qt?

So I've started to realize that I need to be somewhat friends with a person before I feel comfortable asking them out.

Is this a bad process to follow? Because I feel like Im setting myself up for headache when things go sour and they're already a part of my friend circle.

If she's kind of vibrating/shaking during sex, is that a good sign that she's having an orgasm?

As a slightly above average guy, I see all these comments talking about a too big dick is not something a woman wants. But you all forget that they don't really like small ones either! Average is perfectly fine with most women!

Yeah, I’d say she’s either having an orgasm or very close to it.

Men, do you want kids, or already have some? How many would you like if any? How can I get my husband to want more? I love my husband and we get along great but I wish he wanted a bunch of kids like I do. I feel like it was a mistake marrying someone who dosent want a big family like I do.

My boyfriend is slightly above average when he’s hard and that’s more than enough for me. He was my first though, maybe girls who’ve been with a bunch of guys and are all stretched out might feel differently.

And is is somewhat weird that she seems to only cum during PIV sex when I am cumming? Like, she seems to cum regularly, but only once she came before I came, otherwise just at the same time with me.

Do girls with wider hips get more sexual urges?

you should’ve discussed that before you got married you stupid bitch

if you did and married him anyways, that’s on you. don’t force children on a man that doesn’t want them, he’ll resent you and them.

I don't think being stretched out is a thing... or do you actually think that the sensation of your bf's dick will become boring in some time?

nah they just enjoy sex more bc sex is less painful if you’re not so narrow down there

And what do you mean by MORE than enough?

maybe not physically stretched out, but i have friends who say a 5-6” dick is “boring” to them after being with guys who were 8-9”. it’s probably a mental thing.

my bf’s dick will never become boring to me because i’m in love with him. i’m fairly small down there and i feel like much bigger would be painful or uncomfortable. he fits me perfectly, he always gets me off, etc. more than enough.

He already had a kid and acted like he was fine with more, now that we have two of our own he dosent want anymore. I resent him for acting like he wanted a big family when he didn't really. I'm not forcing him into shit, I'm not going to make him have more kids or something stupid like that, it's just really disappointing because I always wanted a big family and I had thought that's what he wanted too. I would not have said yes to marrying him if I had known he'd only let me have 2 kids. I wanted like 6 at least.

I have a college degree, I’m fit, I have a well paying job and extreme financial security. But I’m 24 and live with my parents.
How much of a deal breaker is that? I just really love saving money

>Now that we have two of our own he dosent want anymore. I resent him for acting like he wanted a big family when he didn't really

So you already have 3 kids? You do know that some people would consider that a big family already? Wtf did you expect? 19 kids and counting? Are you mormon or something? Why the fuck would you want more than 3, that’s going to be more than enough responsibility and work for you assuming you’re not wealthy. Sounds like your husband is being reasonable and responsible and you’re a cunt who’s only joy in life comes from having babies until her uterus prolapses.

Stop crying and focus on being a good mom to the kids you already have.

No I have 2 kids, the 3rd is his and I didn't get to carry her or take care of her as a baby, I love her like crazy but I didn't get the joy of bringing her into the world or seeing all her firsts. 3 isn't a big family anyways, that's just normal sized. I love kids, I love being a mother, i love feeling a new life growing inside me. He knew I wanted a big family before we got married 6+ kids was mentioned more then once. I kind if feel like he lied. We have the money to have a large family. I make plenty. If he didn't want that many he should have been honest about it from the start. Wanting kids dosent make me a cunt, it might not be the norm now a days but I have the means to take care of them so there isn't anything bad about it.


>3 kids is a big family
maybe by european standards
it all depends on the guy, really. some (including me) want a dozen kids. some don't want any. i guess you placed your bets wrong. you could always leave him.

Will having some disgusting looking health problems drive someone away over time? I get boils on my body all the time and they pop at night a lot of the time and end up getting puss and blood on the sheets. She said its alright if I dont have my shirt on, etc in bed because its so hot and such but I always seem to wake up and have gotten a smear of puss on the blanket and sheet and pillow. I always apologise and she says its okay and not to worry.

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way too many variables to say. Good Luck.

I don’t want kids just to have kids. I want to have kids with a woman that I love with everything I have. If I had an accidental child with some random roastie I would be suicidal

Right 3 is not big. I wouldn't leave him tho, that be selfish. It would be wrong yo do to the kids we do have and I would pretty much loss my oldest because she's his by his ex. I've been raising her since she was 4 and not being in her life would be horrible. I would not want to rip my family apart like that. It kills me to think I'll never have anymore tho :(


what the fuck?! are you all socially autistic? like you can't pick up on social cues??? i was talking to one of your kind for a while yet it seemed like it was going nowhere so i became curt and stopped initiating any conversation and essentially resigned myself to believing that nothing was going to happen between us. yet of fucking course she has continued to contact me! i did the best i could without being rude that i no longer wanted to talk to her yet she has continued to message me! i don't want to turn into a little bitch and tell her "wtf stop talking to me if this isn't going anywhere" yet she seems so fucking obtuse that i might have to. at the same time i refuse to believe that she is not aware of what she is doing. like who continues to try to talk to someone that doesn't reply to their messages or only sends one word responses??? is she retarded? can she not get it? i mean i'm pretty sure she knew i liked her and could have had me whenever she wanted -- i was pretty upfront with that way back when, but i've tried to let it all die slowly so as to not make things weird between us yet she persists with her bullshit. how do i handle this? i've tried ignoring her, i've tried being rude, and yeah it'd be real easy to tell her to fuck off if i didn't like her but i do yet she doesn't seem to want anything more from me than attention so wtf can i do?

0 and this has nothing to do with you personally but with social norms. a person going to a fair by themselves just screams odd (whether it is or isn't is moot).

It's not like I want to go by myself, the friends I invited that would be interested can't make it.

Maybe I should just not bother.

just go and have a good time for the sake of it. make that your priority and your 0 percent chance might go up to 10 percent. it's just that being on your own at a social gathering seems unsafe to girls, you know? like i said, it's a social norm more than anything.

Men do want kids, but kids these days come with severe emotional and legal danger. Part of the old "patriarchal" family laws were to make men less afraid to having legitimate children. Now though, children are used as a legal weapon to steal money, and worse, if a man gets emotionally attached to his kids the weapon is all the more cruel.

All men know this. Hello, my own relationship with my wife nearly hit the skids because we had a kid and she decided to use the threat of leaving with her to get me to do what she wanted. I told her she could enjoy being a.single mother. 6 months of hell ensued.

My advice is to make sure your guys fears are assuaged. He has them, he just won't voice them. Most important though, don't go back on them and don't make the mistake my wife did and say something she really didn't mean that brings all those fears to the front.

I'm having a hard time connecting with girls. I've been on several dates in my life and I walked away from every one of them feeling a little depressed. It seems like I just don't have the "energy" that girls my age are looking for. A lot of people have said that I seem unnaturally calm and it is true that I never really feel passionate about anything. I sit across from these people, talking to them for hours, but there is no sense of connection. It's as though I'm regarding her from far away through a telescope. The more we talk, the sadder I become as the immense gulf between us becomes increasingly apparent.

I don't know what to do. I'm afraid that I simply don't exist on the same plane as other people and I can't find a way to bridge the gap.


only to old used up roasties who are bitter bc no guy their own age will date them. girls that are 18-23 won't give a shit where you live. the older ones will have their biological clock ticking about having kids and will try and guilt trip you into having your own place but that's only bc they're getting ready to nest. the only thing you might have to worry about are the insecure young ladies who are obsessed with showing how mature they are. nonetheless, treat them like shit and their insecurity will lead to them fucking you right away just so they can prove how mature they are to themselves

na retard if she asked for your number then you're in the gold, man. ask for her number next time and just play it off that your social anxiety stopped you from replying, she'll think it's cute if you do it right. i mean you really dont have much to lose since she asked for your number already so she obviously likes u.

Event that rule isn’t a hard one, I’m 28 and my boyfriend is 30 and still lives at home and is probably going to be homeless soon bc his family can’t stand him anymore.

sounds like you have a deeper problem you should take care of before dating

Sounds like untreated depression.

Go see a doctor.

My crush moved away. We went on a few dates and had some sort of interaction everyday. It’s been 3 days since we talked and I miss talking to him. What can I text him to get him back interested without looking desperate?

girls never seem desperate. send him whatever you want as long as it isn't some crazy confessional

I would never do that. I'd never do anything to risk being a single mother and making my kids not have a dad. I've told him this many times. I would never get divorced. I think he just dosent like our kids and it brakes me heart. He loves his oldest, got full custody of her. Now that we have our other two he just acts like he can't stand him. I wish I could change his mind. I thought I'd have a happy family with a bunch of little babies and two happy involved parents and that's just not how it is. I can't ask him to have more what he's made it clear e dosent want them and pretty much can't stand the youngest we do have. I wish I could change his mind. Idk it's just sad and I feel like I'm failing my kids and not fulfilling what I wanted my life to be.

As a 26yo virgin guy, is it wrong of me to want to find/have a virgin girlfriend as well? Is it even probable this late into the game?

I can see what the problem here is. The child he has full custody of is indisputably his. This means he can love it without fear or favor. The two with you have to be shared and could be taken away at any moment.

This is actually a common psychological phenomenon that used to be the providence of the military. During war, the veteran soldiers would never get emotionally attached to the replacement rookies. They would be ascorbic, and stone wall them. It's not because they hated them. It's because they did not want to go through the emotional pain when they met their inevitable death.

Since your husband has already gone through one divorce, he is EXACTLY like one of those veterans. He does not hate your kids. He is terrified of emotional attachment.

It's also not healthy. There is probably some traumatic stress as a consequence of the prior divorce that has not been addressed.

Tell him you love him, and ask to do marriage counseling. Maybe talk to one of his friends and get help/advice. Make it clear you don't want to upset the apple cart, but you want him to trust you.

why do you want a virgin? it's reasonable to not want a slut, but wanting a virgin is full meme and speaks a lot more about your own pathologies than anything else

It’s not wrong, but you’re right that it’s getting a little late to find one. I wish you luck though. Contrary to what people say here, there are girls who value virginity/are waiting for marriage and are looking for the same in a guy.

He was never married, he had a kid with a whore in high school and then got custody of the child because the whore was a drugy that dumbed out 5 other kids all by diffrent men. He wasn't even in a real relationship with her, they just fucked a few times. I can't just "take the kids at any time" he knows I'd never want to be a single mother and that I'd never consine my kids to a shit life like that. Also he us a vet and a cop, he'd get 50 50 even if we did split up

At the very least, i want to be someones first, and to share that.
Pray tell, what do you think it says about "my pathologies".
I wish they were in higher supply. Though, im not doing myself any favors by not looking. Im trying to get the important parts of my life together. Job, money, the usual suspects. Being a borderline hikki doesnt help me any either.

Heh, somewhat different. Major issue stands though. The one kid that is his completely is emotionally safe. Either way, sounds like there is significant lack of trust here. He does not trust you, and you don't trust him to not bend you over a barrel in a legal custody fight.

It seems to me the major problem is neither of you trust each other, but more.importantly, your husband does not have a good baseline on positive relationships with females. Being a cop will make this worse as his job is inevitably tied to the legal system, and our legal system fucks over the male side of family disputes 9 times out of 10. He may not have gone through it, but he hears the horror stories. He may even be called on to intervene in said horror stories mid incident.

Be candid. Men respect direct talk. Just don't approach this issue like you are accusing him of have a concern and want to hash it out. Seek professional help if necessary.

There’s this chick at work who’s sort of bizarre but kind of attractive. She’s married but married to a dunce who plays video games all day and she spends most of her income on supporting him and his child (not theirs).
I really don’t think I’m her type (muscle guy) but I’ll catch her straight up staring at me as she walks by my office or when I go to hers to chat (like a long gaze into my eyes when the conversation lulls).
I can’t tell whether or not she’s staring because she’s into me or if she’s staring because she thinks I’m an idiot.
Girls, would you stare into a guy’s eyes if you thought he was an idiot, or is she clearly accracted to me?
Not going to ruin someone’s marriage with this info, but the ambiguous subtext is really fucking confusing

u just outed yourself as a borderline hikki. if that isn't a pathology then 'pray tell' what is?

no meming tho, being someone's first is a childish endeavor. it's literally some shit romantic idea that you've gotten drilled into your head. as a 26 year old, you should've moved on from that silly dream of yours a long time ago but the fact that you're holding onto an idea teen christian punk bands write lyrics about speaks volumes about your stunted maturity. nothing special is going to happen when two virgins fuck man. most likely you'll get over attached and send the girl running for the hills if you're putting that much weight on it

No he seems to genuinely dislike the kids, says they are to loud, messy, annoying, is always complaining about every little thing they do even tho it's just normal baby stuff. He says he dosent have enough time with just me and wishes we hadn't had them, that they are a burden. He dosent ever want to take care of them or play with them or anything. He's just very uninvolved with them. I think you are projecting a lot. He got full custody of his first child. It was not in the women's favor at all. He's been with me for 10 years and I've always been submissive, obedient, loving, I do everything he wants and he knows it. I don't mind it being that way at all, it just hurts me a lot he seems to dislike our babies so much. I wish he was nuts over them like I am and wanted more. I can't make himchange his feeling a tho so I just try to do as much as possible so he dosent have to be stressed over things like poopy diapers or messes in the play room.

bf wants a threesome

>bf was a virgin when i met him
>enjoys sex with me
>said he wants to marry me but doesn’t want to have only fucked one person in his life
>says he wants a threesome because of this

i’ve fucked a good amount of people before him so i don’t have this urge

i understand where he’s coming from completely but it still tugs at my heart a little bit

should we have a threesome or is this a relationship red flag?

we’ve been together 6 months as of right now

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i’m in love with my best friend, she has a boyfriend that treats her like shit and abuses her. i confessed i love her and she said she loves me too but is afraid to leave him. what should i do?

Have you told him how it makes you feel? He might not think its hurting you that much to ask about it.

Coming from a guy with a GF, the thought of a devils threesome has crossed my mind and immediately gets an “absolutely fucking not”
Most tits, dicks, ass, and pussy looks exactly the same and no one “misses something” by not sleeping around
Someone always gets hurt when you bring someone else into the room. Unless you’re ready to see your boyfriend balls deep in another woman panting, say no. It’s something that won’t seem like much when it happens but if you truly love him and want to marry him, it will haunt your dreams until it destroys your relationship.
But I may just be old fashioned.
How old are you?

we’re both 20 y/o college students

My SO just got upset at me for not being expressive of my emotions for her. She compared it to someone else's relationship and it upset me a lot too. How can I do that?

>im afraid she might think im weird and date me.
fuck just realized that error now. i meant to say that im afraid she might think im weird and make fun of me.

if you've already fucked around then there really isn't any harm in granting him this one wish, but that's only if you really like him. otherwise his insecurity will only continue to grow and he'll resent you for it. you know how it tugs at your heart? the fact that you've fucked way more people than him tugs at his heart the same. of course it's a silly thing both ways, i.e. if it's not big deal that you've fucked more than him then what's a threesome gonna matter? on the reverse it is silly that he cares that you fucked more than him, but admitting that simply leads back to sex being no big deal so you can't really defend not having a threesome like that. and if it really makes you uncomfortable then just don't do it, but he will resent you for it more and more.

tldr: date people who've had the same amount of sex partners as you

she's just saying she feels like you don't appreciate her

You know your relationship better than I, but:
I doubt he wants to marry you. He may just be telling you what he thinks you want to hear, trying to just up the ante on “I love you.” I did this with my high school then college sweetheart, mostly because I was naive but also because I thought “well I love you has gotten old what else can I say”
Guys are dicks.

Also, how do you feel about it. You’ve said how he feels and that you think the request is rational but not what you feel about it.

I know for me, when I bought my engagement ring it was because I was SURE that she was the only one for me.
Don’t cheapen yourself by making this a transaction to get a ring from him. If he wants you, he won’t imply demands.

Make her a priority. Walk in the door and before you even put your shit down, hug and kiss her

Red pill me on blue balls. I’m drafting up rules for some sexy games for me and my bf (inb4 lame, he knows and is into it) and I’m wondering how much can I get away with in terms of teasing/prolonging sex/delaying orgasm etc without fucking him up.

lmao how old are you? blue balls is a meme guys use to get girls to give into fucking them

is he physically abusive or just emotionally/verbally?

>blueballs is a meme
That's literally not true at all, what the fuck are you talking about. No shit your balls don't actually turn blue, but if I don't cum at least once every few days they physically ache

sounds like you have a hernia

It's not a meme, that shit was a thing before memes even existed. I'm old enough to remember, how old are YOU?

Both males and females experience physical discomfort from denied sexual release. It has to do with blood becoming trapped in the area.

small baller mentality. the only time my balls have ever hurt have been when they were getting smacked around.

Some guys get it and some guys don't. But at the end of the day, blue balls is just a type of vasocongestion. The same kind of cramps women experience during their period. As with women, men can experience this in varying degrees of pain and some men may find it painful to the point of killing the mood while others may not.

Give a way to opt out of the game in the event of things getting painful or seriously unwelcome rather than worrying about what other guys experience, because it won't be the same.

no it sounds like hes any male younger than his late 20s lmao

I’ve gone over 2 years without ejaculating before and I was fine. Came out of a bad relationship and had zero interest in sex or even masturbating.

tell him it's his duty to his volk

small baller zoomers

starting to think it has to do with ball size, which would unironically make sense if it works like claims

That's pretty different from the scenario in which you might expect to get blue balls. Vasocongestion happens from sexual arousal (amongst other things) explicitly, not from going without cumming. Blue balls is a result of not cumming when aroused, not not cumming.

Definitely not related to ball size. Mine are bigger than eggs and I still get blue balls on occasion.

Don't have a threesome if you don't want to. And HUGE red flag, he might be going to cheat on you. I had two guys who said the same thing to me about "missing out on sex because they had just me", both cheated on me.

>is it wrong of me to want to find/have a virgin girlfriend as well?
Not necessarily, but it's pretty retarded. Especially if you're not virgin by choice but by chance.

i once got kneed in the nuts muy thai style and it felt like my cock and balls got split in half. nothing else has ever really compared

That makes sense. I definitely have had them before. Just last week I got rock hard while cuddling with my friend at her place. I accidentally brushed my hand against her bare thigh and it was so fucking soft, it was like I became possessed and couldn’t stop touching her. I have a girlfriend though so I couldn’t go any further than that and.. it was extremely frustrating and painful. I went home and took a cold shower and cried.

>Average is perfectly fine with most women!
Is this news to anyone?

K. I'm not saying that blue balls ate the worst thing in the world, just that they happen to guys of testicular dimensions.

yeah i know i was just sharing

Thanks for sharing then.
One time I made really tasty french toast but my sister stole the last piece.

this might be the wrong place to ask but would guys who lean on the side of normie not be willing to date girls who are less normie? i'm not very social and i don't like talking much. i think the person i'm interested in thinks i'm weird, although this is just speculation

It depends. How will they ever meet you?


is she hot tho

People can overlook certain things, but you need to get that fixed.

What kind of condition causes that to happen?

i already see them almost every day and they know who i am, but this is temporary and not going to last forever

I'm reasonably normie compared to most of Jow Forums, and all else being equal, I'd rather have a non-normie gf than a bland stereotypical whitechick.