The power of love

> Be an untouchable in India.
> Meet a swedish tourist in Delhi and draw her portrait.
> Fall in Love.
> Decide to go and meet her in Sweden on your bicycle.
> Ride your bike 4000 miles to Sweden.
> Live happily ever after.

Is this the best love story of all times?

Attached: 1454758753_pk_charulata17.jpg (960x1280, 153K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Every. Fucking. Time.

Very sweet story.

she is as average looking as him, but with pigskin

Holy shit someone is trying to shoot her

Might be the Indian clothing causing an illsuion cuz Swedish wiminz be smokin' hawt


At least he’s not a nigger who will murder all of them.

Now he can shit on a proper toilet

Attached: 1546294192336.jpg (223x226, 7K)

Now Sweden has -1 ethnic Swede and +2 gypsies living in the country.

swedish women are literally raised to believe theres no difference across cultures
hard to figure out most of our women become dysfunctional leftists

I think it's viking's blood in her (raiding and stuff for loot and slaves), it's just unfortunate that she is happen to be woman. If it'd be a man - just some story of spreading white seed in india.

atleast they are not nordic mongoloid

Attached: 1516818444234s.jpg (239x250, 6K)

Street shitters are already bad enough, but anything beats a nigger.

This. Nordic women are genetically predisposed to seeking foreign men.

>smoking hot

Attached: 1547039893565.jpg (253x262, 22K)

she looks like a female NPC

to be fair, she's an untouchable too.

Who gave this untouchable a brush and ink?! The Gods have been insulted! Prepare the altar now, we must seek forgiveness to his holiness, Indra for committing such a grave mistake.

this triggers the dalit

She's hideous, so... good for her.

Back in the days they didn't have internet to ask for bobs and vagene

Pajeets are all mystery meat mongrels anyway, so it's not like this one incident of cross mixing would substantially affect their genome. Let alone the Swedes, as they look like they'll stay home in India. Lmao, the kids will still be Poos btw. Pic related.

Attached: Poo chronicles.jpg (1031x336, 262K)

this girl is not blonde like swedes but a shade of amber blonde

Swedish whore.
Race mixing white women will go to the camps.

Attached: auschwitz-tour-krakow-tours-travelme-tailor-made-tours1.jpg (1920x900, 608K)

>be arab
>have sex with sexy nigress
>"my children will inherit good genes"
>inherits niggerness
>be ugly
>be pirate

Attached: somali.jpg (600x372, 47K)

We're 2000+ year old cross breeds pajeet, not Arab mongrels. As the west Eurasian migrants who inter mingled with our ancestors, were of a different stock in contrast to the conventional J2 of what is now considered the Middle Eastern Arab. Pic related btw, we actually raped their southern state not to long ago. So it's actually the inverse of what you're saying. Lmao.

Attached: Arabic cum tissue.jpg (1875x2208, 1.42M)

Might aswell drop this pasta since this is a thread related to India:

Indians are cross bred Aborigines. Not some sort of Asiatic Caucasian or something along those lines (although because of West Eurasian migration East, they are partially mixed with some Caucasian groups). With that out of the way, once you assess for their phenotypic traits, this assertion becomes self evident. For example take their conventional skin tone, and compare and contrast it with the other native ethnic groups in Eurasia. After you're done, what you'll see, is that they're the only race native to Euraisa with dark skin that exceeds the threshold of the conventional Eurasian tan(the darkest skin tone seen in other Eurasian groups). Not only that, but their eye sockets are also larger than what a Caucascoid should conventionally have. And their nostril shape is uniquely West African esk in appearance despite their geographical location. So what does this all mean? Well it means either they're recent African migrants(no genetic study points towards this) or are the cross bred descendants of the original Australasian population that balkanized and gave way to what we see in Australia, the Australian Aborigines. Who btw, seem to be their only unmixed descendants as India(their old homeland) was forcibly miscegenated into an old world Brazil.

Attached: 100% Pure Indian.jpg (454x640, 100K)


Attached: Pure Dravidian abbo.jpg (215x288, 16K)


Attached: Unmixed South Asian.jpg (410x547, 24K)

Attached: Poo enthusiast.png (1142x1131, 672K)

Another pasta: Quick run down on why it sucks to be an Indian:

>Androgynous racoon face
>Lowest Sexual Market place value in the dating market
>No visible difference in general non genital anatomy in regards to gender
>Conventionally sub 5'4
>Smallest cock size in the world
>No admirable genetic characteristics
>Both stupid (sub 80 IQ) and weak(nearly no unmixed world champion Indian athletes)
>Hopelessly incompetent

Attached: Goofy Indian.jpg (600x366, 41K)


Attached: Afro Europoid.jpg (2586x2533, 1.62M)


Attached: Somali conquest migration.png (900x550, 491K)


Attached: African expansion.jpg (474x344, 27K)


Attached: Gook gene flow.jpg (474x322, 25K)

>west Eurasian migrants who inter mingled with our ancestors
>not Arab
lel . are you a retard? there are many types of arabs and arabs do have eurasian gene, and for somalis Dir, Hawiye, Gardere( Gaalje'el, Degodia, Garre), Hawadle and Ajuran trace agnatic origins to the patriarch Samaale to Arabian Banu Hashim

actually somalis are diverse group but sadly you are a faggot.

Done, ect. Enjoy the free bumps OP. And take care.

Attached: Nazi fag.jpg (1024x668, 106K)

And yours is not the first.

Attached: Secondgreatestlovestoryevertold.jpg (1666x3169, 744K)

Fuck off nigger


Pink asshole = girl, so not gay.And the rest of your post is baseless garbage so no comment needed on my part. With that being said, see you later pajeet. I gotta get something done now.

Attached: European man expressing nature.jpg (850x1280, 108K)

Doesn't it bother these women at all that their children look nothing like them?

Nigger doesn't mean anything to a Somali, you Hispanic circus freak. Lmao, try harder.

Attached: Niggah please.png (2000x2000, 1.21M)

Exactly how many times are you gonna repost this stinky shit?

>t. whitey

Good for them!

>your post is baseless garbage so no comment needed on my part
>see you later pajeet. I gotta get something done now.
good luck for your research fag

Attached: pe4p.jpg (550x467, 57K)

Do you even know what haplogroups are you dumb nigger?


He got the bobs and vagene

I know a lot of idiots think this is a map regarding black genes, but it's actually northwest/east african (aka Cushite-Semitic groups).
This is South European, which has a much bigger influence in Northern Africa compared to the Cushite-Semitic influence in Southern Europe.

Attached: 23andMe_South_European.png (800x581, 64K)

The jews did a toll on that country kek good thing we sent them all over in ww2

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He won't

that's strange that it had such an impact in sweden specifically. How about we wipe out 99 percent of the population and you can start again?

More D & C drivel. S a g e

>Bobs and vagene
Jesus Christ, don't encourage them

>riding 4000 miles for bobs and vegana