If you criticize immigration and policy and if you support Trump, you're not American. Immigrants act far more American than "Americans."
Open the borders. Open your hearts.
If you criticize immigration and policy and if you support Trump, you're not American. Immigrants act far more American than "Americans."
Open the borders. Open your hearts.
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She's so stupis bruh lmfao
she is really dumb
>"illegal immigrants are better than Americans"
>You're right, Ms. Cortez, and if illegal immigrants can make it in this country then Americans don't need increased benefits
try this on lefties and watch their heads explode
Make the wall out of ovens.
some pure Mexicans are pretty based a lot better than the average mutt
I like you, user
hopefully she gets raped and murdered by an immigrant.
Trump enabled an idiot like Cortez. Some moron constantly saying and doing cringe worthy shit is what the media loves. It's like having comedians for politicians.
Knowing how the youth are these days they are so fucking clueless they are going to accept this kind of shit as normal.
>all fields