Professor sacked after had trolled humanities peer review

Is he, I dare to say, /our/guy?
>A professor faces losing his high-powered job at an American university after writing 20 fake scientific papers. Seven of these fake pieces of research were accepted and four were published online.
>Peter Boghossian, an assistant professor of philosophy at Portland State University in Oregon now faces the sack after a widespread backlash from the scientific community.
>(...) Dr Boghossian claims he conducted the questionable experiment to challenge the 'nonsense' which features in many social science papers.
>Some of the works included convoluted papers on 'dog rape culture', 'a conceptual penis' and even a re-wrote a chapter of Mein Kampf.
>(...) This was not the first instance of academics have published fake papers.
>Twenty-two years ago, a respected New York University physicist called Alan Sokal published a hoax paper to the journal Social Text.
>He wanted to prove people would publish 'an article liberally salted with nonsense' if it sounded good and flattered current ideological preconceptions.
>The paper, which was titled 'Transgressing the Boundaries: Towards a Transformative Hermeneutics of Quantum Gravity', was accepted.

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More details of his fake papers:
>One paper, published in Gender, Place & Culture, claimed to be based on a year observing sexual misconduct among dogs in a US park. The paper said that parks were 'petri dishes for canine 'rape culture'' and said people needed to be aware of the way dogs were treated depending on their gender.
>Another paper published in the journal Fat Studies claimed that body building is 'fat-exclusionary'.
>They published a paper in the Journal of Poetry Therapy was about feminist spirituality meetings. It was written by an algorithm.
>Another paper published in peer-reviewed journal 'Affilia' was a rewrite of a chapter from Mein Kampf which was accepted despite going through a double peer review.

Marxists do not like their low IQ and parasitic useless nature pointed out to them. they will make an example


fucking legend

I was wondering how far they were going with the experiment. Can't say I'm surprised that they'll lose their jobs over it.

science and culture after creation of jewish mass media is failure

I swear I read about this same shit happening in like 2005. What fucking timeline did I wake up in?

Wtf, he was exposing how corrupt academia is and hes the one getting punished? Seems like he was right.
