Why do right leaning people love the gym?
Why do right leaning people love the gym?
Other urls found in this thread:
To prepare for the upcoming race war
Charity is for the weak
Because this is liberals
Gains is one of the few commodities that the government can't give left-wing degenerates in the form of gibs.
Because being in shape isn't something someone else can do for you. You have to work at improving your own situation for a long time before it gets better. Lefties want other people to hand things over to them without earning it
The title should be "We dont want you to be self improved goy, come here and watch 7/24 porn. Yes you want it."
>Why do right leaning people love the gym?
It's where they can enjoy being surrounded by sweaty dick without arousing suspicion while still maintaining an aura of being redpilled.
the right is about building (civilizations, families, bodies, etc), the left is about destroying.