Are tall women unattractive or are they beautiful and deserve to be loved too?

Are tall women unattractive or are they beautiful and deserve to be loved too?

Attached: lola_is_188cm_tall_russian_model_by_zaratustraelsabio-d9xhvn4.jpg (1285x1922, 269K)

What do you think?

I like tall girls. If I breed with them, my children should be taller than me.

I don't care what they deserve. If they're above six feet they aren't getting anything from me.

Tall women are beautiful and deserve to be loved.

A perfect female partner should be just few cm shorter than me

I prefer tall women

Are tits at eye level unattractive or are they beautiful and deserve to be loved too?

Everyone deserves to be loved because nobody was asked to be born or could choose as what they were born as.

A lot of men though won‘t be into tall girls which is mainly because of average height women shaming average to short men for not being tall enough. So some men get the impression that they are lacking for girls that are even taller.

Nobody deserves shit. Tall chicks are awkward and usually have mannish faces and body shapes. Some are pretty and look like models but most look average at best. And many tall girls have fat girl mentality (very insecure and slouching) so it's a no from me. But there are many fetishists and guys who don't mind.

amazonian women best women

Tall women are sexy

Except you and OP. You guys suck donkey balls.

I find them unattractive because I am into girls as short as possible, without being considered midgets.

im a manlet but id love to date a tall woman

Speak for yourself. I like insecure girls that I can control, if the insecurity doesn't come from any actual downsides.

Give me a subby insecure amazon any day.

every human deserves love user

I actually prefer above average tall girls and wouldn't see a problem with dating a girl which is bigger than me (6'0) because I don't see it as a problem when we could potentially like each other in the end

on the other hand tho most girls prefer taller men, so it all equals out in the end

Well let's think about this for a sec, wdyd if you're afraid you're not enough man for her?

Answer: Get two men.

I wish I could date a woman taller than be but they usually just laugh in my face.

Why, are you 6'2"?

Oh fuck off. I'm 5'6".

Are you especially ugly and fat and smelly?

No, I'm fit and have a (slightly) above average face, and I don't smell.

Height and genital proportion is a factor. Taller women and longer, deeper vaginas.

Then why aren't you getting tall (or short or medium) girls?

Completely false. Height and genitalia are completely unrelated, for both males and females.

Short guy here (160cm)

Have had plenty of experience with tall girls, I seem to attract them a lot for some reason. Dont knock it till you tried it, they seem to love anal. I dont know what is the conection between taller women and anal sex, but it has been true for me.