Is psychology a real science, Jow Forums?
>Samurai sadism, also entirely homosexual
Is psychology a real science, Jow Forums?
>Samurai sadism, also entirely homosexual
sounds gay to me
But ENTIRELY homosexual? Is it not possible for Samurai Sadism to be heterosexual?
Everything is philosophy until there's enough knowledge discovered to make a field out of it and psychology is in a gray area in regards to this.
It's just science is typically rooted in facts/knowledge/evidence etc and because you can't really read a persons mind, there's not really a quantifiable way to break things down to a science.
I think with improvements to technology and more research, it can undeniably be considered a real science, I just think we're still pretty early on in the field of psychology.
So what you're saying is, men aren't disgusted by menstruation because of innate castration anxiety... Back that one up, I don't believe you.
Psychologie does not equal "Psychologie" so to speak. There are many branches of psychologie, such as psycho-physics, cognition science, behaviorism (evolutionary psychologie to a degree) and so on, that work on a solid scientific basis witch correct methodology and experimentation similar to natural sciences.
Then there is the other parts which can be thrown out without a second thought because they are either asserting things without evidence, non repeatable studies, pc nonsense and so on.
no it's a Jewish scam
most of their studies aren't repeatable.
these Jews use this "science" to ram thru things like the idea that trannies and faggots are normal.
It has the potential to be, but right now it's a joke. Reproducibility is the most important part of science, and so damn much of psych is not reproducible. Their peer review process needs to be changed too.
Psychology is a philosophy and it can have value. Freudianism like in your pic is worthless
>So what you're saying is
Okay, CNN, I said what I said and it's clearly stated above, don't go putting words in my mouth. My argument had nothing to do with what ONE PERSON finds homosexual, it had to do with your question regarding the legitimacy of psychology is a science.