It's come to this

Being a man is a mental illness. Suddenly I feel like I have nothing to lose. You guys?

Oh. Also:

>“Though men benefit from patriarchy, they are also impinged upon by patriarchy,” said Ronald F. Levant, EdD, a professor emeritus of psychology at the University of Akron and co-editor of the APA volume “The Psychology of Men and Masculinities.”


JFC. You can't even make it up anymore

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Other urls found in this thread:

Burn every one of these kikes at the stake.


Homosexuality is the norm goyim. Never mind hundreds of millions of years of evolution.

That's why we need more 10 years old transexual kids


The absolute state of the (((American))) (((psychology))).


I want to know exactly when psychology became such a cucked philosophy. Back in the day it used to be about studying how the mind works and now it's about as scientifically relevant as the Quaran.

>University of Akron
An internationally renowned institution that manufactures Nobel laureates like cans of soup

They've crossed the line and are now trying to establish a state religion. These people, in practice, are heavily funded by Medicare and this should be challenged on separation. The state cannot create a religion and that's what the AMA is trying to do.

This is how we will finally get rid of trump, He's mentally ill and unfit to be president

My bad:

>University of Akron
Ayy lmao

Liberals are demons


Why is it always a jew? What is it about jews that predispose them to doing this shit? Is it really an organized effort or some unspoken agreement amongst them? Or is it some kind of natural evolutionary predisposition to being evil and spreading corruption?

Get a load of this guy, he doesn't know about the jews

I lived next to it. A fucking shithole, producing feminist bs lawyers etc

The city itself is doing ok with what little it has

They've been pushing this for years ever since they created they co-opted the term "toxic masculinity" to include any and all masculine behaviors.

This video is more necessary than ever. Warning: It's by (((PragerU))).


better become a women then

The APA is a kike sham.

Is this how the Roman empire ended? They all became retarded?

I pray you get imprisoned forever with 5 shitskins for using the Lords name as a curse word like your jewish media masters trained you to. Faggot bitch, fuck you op

it is truly a lost society that demands its men not be men. the thin facade of civilization will stand in prideful defiance of the stiff breeze, awaiting the slightest adversity to come and topple it, with nothing and no one standing by to defend or rebuild it.

They really are genetically predisposed to it.

Thanks for putting this great work together for us (((Dr. Levant))). Every single fucking time.

We are already fucked. They have had 2 generations to indoctrinate kids with this shit.


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Inversion of good

Psychology is about as much a science as astrology.

I'm sure this Levant guy is a beast.

Politicians are completely unable to deal with this shit. We need to take back our schools, our banks, our law offices, and our newsrooms from the Jews.

You can't discriminate based on race in any place of the Western world. That's why the Jews can sleep well.

Fuck off and eat my ass you utter Christcuck leaf faggot. I hope at the moment of your death you realize there's nothing. And you're afraid.

How many times has this guy been divorced?

((((((RONALDD FFFFF {{{{{{[[[[[[《《《《《《《《《《《《《LLLEEEVVAAAANNNNNTTTTTT》》》》》》》》》》》》》》]]]]]]]]}}}}}}}})))))))))

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>You can't discriminate based on race in any place of the Western world.
No, you can in the US senate. Jews won't be sleeping well for much longer. At least not in my nation. And I'll see to that personally.

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It's cultural, religious, and academic with a purpose. They haven't ever been warriors. They infiltrate and take over positions of power in governance and use their influence to guide towards their own ends. In these positions, they invite discussion.
File a complaint, submit a grievance, negotiate, have a discussion. They are Masters at these processes. When you play ball in this arena, they win. Their pen is always mightier than that if the goyim. If you've ever engaged a Jew in argument, even if you win, they still don't admit a loss and continue as if the game is still on. They are, in their mind, never more right than when they are wrong.
The area in which they lose immediately and totally is when people stop playing their game and use force. When people stop talking to them, they lose all of their power. They aren't warriors or fighters, their constitutions are regarded as among the worst mankind has to offer worldwide.
If white men stood up to them with force, they lose and they know it. The solution is to feminize white men.

So white nationalists talk about “accelerationism” in the context of white people waking up when they’ve had enough of clownworld, but all I see is passive acceptance of pic related.

Good luck, but I agree with the aussie here at .

Thank fuck I don't live in an emasculated 1st world shithole
You think jews are out to get you?
Do you think being a trad male man is a good thing?
Do you dislike Homo Erectus from Africa?


The funniest part to all of this is that all the women pushing this are still attracted to ultra masculine men.
It is just impossible to brainwash women out of the chad pill.

>masculinity is deemed harmful
Such is the price of Pax Nucleara, O.P. The elites don't want nuclear weapons going off, so they have decided to crush martial virtues which of course overlap a lot with manly virtues.

>i don't understand this topic but i'll sure follow the narrative like a sheep

Good point.

I want to take a new hobby? Which is more mentally ill, hunting or fishing?

yeah thats women for you, dumbass

Hunting. Fishing it's more tranquil.

Oh I have nothing to lose. If I have to order billions to be slaughtered like cattle, so be it. I can no longer do anything wrong.

Das ist Jude!

bloody hell you guys get dumber by the day. read it again user.

even caring about something like this grow your beard lift your weights and stay frosty

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Psychology is literally bro-science but by women and jews, anybody who gives it credit deserves to be shot

>What is it about jews that predispose them to doing this shit?
It's in their nature to be parasites.

I know what you meant, im still calling you a dumbass for even having to make that post in the first place, funny how the westerncucks take offence so easily

Are you anti-white, user.?

so edgy. so euphoric. i tip my fedora to you, good sir.

>natural evolutionary predisposition to being evil and spreading corruption

Lol, what can go wrong with implementing this? Either your males in your country hang you, or your country become so weak the Chink hang you. Your choice.

Also : established memetc religion that specifically goes out of it's way to be 100% abusive towards non jews.

ah right, so you don't really understand but you'll pretend you did. ok user.
>the state of Jow Forums
>current year

whiter than you mohammed ;)

(((((((((((((((((((((medical group)))))))))))))))))))))

If it came from Kent State I might listen.

I eventually want to learn to do both. They are essential skills and useful. Getting a rifle and bow will be expensive, though.

>“Though men benefit from patriarchy, they are also impinged upon by patriarchy,”

This is fancy faggot talk for 'rights and responsibilities go hand in hand'

When all the shitfreaks go in their own direction and violently oppose complimentary science, we get garbage in all fields. Psych is probably #1, although business schools are awfully compelling.

This is a really, REALLY bad thing. This is not a Buzzfeed article. This is a study published by the American Psychological Association.

Pretty soon we are going to have to start worrying about:
>biased mental health professionals guilting us into right think instead of helping us with our mental health issues
>"activist" medical professionals violating HIPPA and leaking our private records to the media
which will no doubt lead to
>operating table "accidents"

It's coming.

>human behavior is harmful to the feelings of other humans
>humans must be killed

The APA is a bunch of communist Jews who can safely be ignored. oh and FPBP

No, it's a respectable science. You can identify patterns, cause and effect... but it requires intuition and actual empathy. I know a woman who always fancied herself quite clever. She's booksmart with zero intuition and no empathy at all. She went into psychology and it turns out she went into education (thank God).

But a proper psychologist requires much of the same mentality as a good judge. You have to remain impartial. Absolutely no bias what-so-ever. Judging from this article, it sounds like the field of mental health was much more pozzed than I had imagined, even though I thought gender dysphoria being no longer classified as a mental illness was a bad sign. I'm having visions of mental health professionals sniffing out the politics of their patients, and seething inside while they're supposed to be attempting to establish a connection to their patient. I'm having visions of "corrective measures" being taken.
>man is having marital problems with cheating wife
>"doctor" concludes the toxic male has alienated his wife, diagnoses him with a personality disorder, and heavily medicates him
>man comes to psychologist
>confesses something undesirable
>this mysteriously gets leaked to his employer

I see a lot of bad here.

First: reject the psichology scam and all the appeal to authority "expert" manipulative crap that assumes a "desired state" of the human being different from the one that naturally arose due to evolution and non-manipulative interactions.

Then tell these faggots to suck on your hairy balls.

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It goes back a long long way

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Evolution is a meme. If you read the Bible, it tells everything the jews are like and the kind of things they do and say are the same as today. Jews truly are contrary to all men.

Real psychology is called neuroscience now

(((Medical group, "New" American)))

There aren't enough echoes for a kike psychologist.

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They as a people sold their souls to evil, moloch, Lucifer, what have you. They on all levels, mentally, physically,spiritually and so forth are predispositioned to subvert and spread evil unto the world to help literal demons manifest in the world. It’s because they are bonded to evil incarnate that they always become persecuted. They cannot help themselves
