I am a female and confused. Maybe someone takes his time to help me. Do guys prefer a housewife or a woman who works for her own money and is indepandent? I often hear that men complain about also working for the needs of their wife. But otherwise there are men who complain about women in the worklife. If I would have kids and a household I would like to pay my full attention to these things and not having a job nearby. But then I would have to rely on my husband that he pays for the things I need. The other option would be getting a good job by my own. Sure I couldnt compete with the best men and their big passion in my work area (design) but I still am pretty good to keep a good income. But when I pay my attention on my career I couldnt concentrate on the other things I would like to have in my future (family, household, gardening etc). Do men blame the woman for relying on the men and not having a career? I also would kinda feel bad not relying on myself. But if I want a nice family I think I would be forced to. Do men have this big need of a family too or why is it so easy for them to choose the career? Especially in a society where everybody tends to focus on that (man and woman). And another problem I have is that I feel like wasting myself in terms of my design and art skills if I choose family. I could be very good and would also be able to deal with everything that comes along with a career and otherwise am afraid I will get dumb if I dont develop in something relevant where I will be forced to constently learn new things. I dont want to end like the dumb housewife who never experienced the reality and what comes along with being a relevant worker. Iam just confused with what I want to do in my future, what is compatible with my requires, what is right and wrong, please help. I dont know who else I should contact with my questions where i get honest advice.
Childless with personal growth or family but dumb
Bla bla bla. Me me me. Blame this blame that. Always the victim. Just do whatever. Stop flapping your mouth hole.
To be frank, it really depends on the guy. What kind of guy do you want OP. From there you can work it out.
Or maybe I should look at that like I am sacrificing my personal development for the development of my children. I guess with this kind of attitude i could live
What's your age and country?
what do you suggest me to focus on instead?
they want both. they want your income so they skip through life but also want you to clean their room. you know a mother they also get to have sex with
I know this may sound flippant but I haven't met a mature man in 10 years and at 30 I decided to make myself happy and forget about a male partner.
There are plenty of great quality men available in their 30s. Are you sure it's not you the problem?
Doing whatever you are doing. Is there a man yet? No? Why the fuck make problems when there are none. Are you bored? Does your emotional female side crave drama?
19, Germany. I finished "high school" and am at the point where I have to decide my next education path. But what I prefer to study takes 5 years at the minimum and after that I have to find a good job and till i reached a good position i could already be 30. And when I want to have children I would have to sacrifice a lot of the career leader i took before. Besides that I believe in the benefits of becoming children in the young age in the early 20s. Around 30 will also be fine, but the other disadvantages will still stay. Why trying to become really good at something for many years when you have to focus on something else in the future anyway
You can either prepare for your career, or quickly get married to a provider. Note that no guy your age will be able to provide for a family so you need to find a guy 15-20 years older. Are you up for that?
Indeed, 23-24 is the perfect age for a childbirth. German society seems to be very healthy, so if you marry a right person, you could (and should) focus on childcare.
Godspeed, fraulein.
Yes I also feel attracted to them. Thats a good point, thanks
Thank you
Hi, older guy close to Germany here with a well paid job.
Honestly it's going to depend on the guy and how high the cost of living is where you live.
I'm highly paid but I also live in one of the more expensive cities in the world. Personally I'd prefer to work together with my wife to build up some savings over the course of at least a few years, and then decide based on finances whether or not she should continue working or should quit and spend more time on the kids.
But ultimately it's going to be something that varies from couple to couple depending on the preferences of both. Don't just bend over and accept whatever a guy wants you to do either. How you want to live should guide whether or not you stay with him.
So figure out the answer to this question: do you want to focus more on a career or more on kids? Neither answer is a bad one, it just depends on what you want out of life.
the option is you do both you stupid whores, this american meme of you are either a carrierist whore or a houswife gotten too far
you find a nice guy you like, you marry him, you go to uni and you got to fucking university, shit out a baby or two, work, keep shitting out more babies, you dont stress your guy to earn more and more, you dont expect a car for your own, you expect holidays abroad twice a year
but since most of western europe is extremely generous about raising a family you will still be okay and once you stopped making babies, you will have a family, a career and a loving husband
also raising children is not a fucking job at this age, neither maintaining a househole, switch on the dishwasher, nuke the food, put the cloths in the drier, very tiresome
kids were brought up before this age too without moms and dads watching them 24/7 and maybe they grew up to be more lively, not like todays generation who cant even change a lightbulb or ask a girl out
you pop out babies. you don't shit them out. bad expression and even worse anatomy.
Thank you very much. I guess it could actually be good if kids would learn to be more independent
>I am a female and confused.
Certain I'm certain. I do know some men with their shit together but they are in their 40's. Its a shame it takes half a lifetime for men to grow up.
Sry, I am out now. Only needed a viewpoint from the other side. I got what I wanted, thank you.
It's a double edged sword for me. The thought of a house wife is extremely attractive on a primal level. Having someone pay half/some of the bills is pretty dope though.
Then date men in their 40s.
Trad housewife - over 9000
Career women - 0
Only incompetent losers want the money their wife brings in. Do you want to marry a loser?
The world isn't black and white sweety.
Housewife. I don't need additional competition at home. Got enough of that outside.