Why is every single woman aged 20-26 already in a relationship?

Why is every single woman aged 20-26 already in a relationship?

Attached: he-hates-it-1595419.png (500x397, 94K)

Because other men were better and faster than you. Thats it. No more no less.

Don't worry, enjoy the single life, any way you can since you won't be able to once you are in a relationship. Do stupid shit since you have no one to embarrass as a love interest, hang out with other single Bros so the couples don't get on your nerves.
Eventually laugh at all the miserable people who spent their prime years in a relationship rather than enjoying the fruit of youth.
You can find love later if you get yourself straightened out first. Remember, age is just a number. (No pedo)

You're gonna have to go out with 16 - 19 year olds instead.

They're not. Why are you lying?

Oh no how horrible. Young tight meat. ;}

When did you leave your moms basement the last time?

>every single woman aged 20-26 already in a relationship
They aren't single if they are in a relationship, retard.

Clearly you haven't in years. Ever heard of this thing called tinder?

You're delusional if you think anything meaningful can come out of tinder, also women on tinder have extremely inflated egos since your avg woman gets orders of magnitude more matches than your avg man.

you're kidding right? I had my first real bf at 16 and all my friends did too or had a guy they crushed on.

I would suggest OkCupid. It's more work, but way more engaging. But speaking on behalf of all girls on the planet, no one likes a negative nancy, so get that sorted.

t. Incel who has not left the basement in years and thinks the world is like Jow Forums tells him.

Depends on what you mean by relationship and even if you meant engaged or married even that is not a non starter for most women.

For example, I was engaged and we had been together for 3 years and into our careers. I was an accountant doing well and she was a RN but she cheated with a doctor she only knew 3 weeks. All it took was for him to ask her to dinner and she jumped at the chance. Who wants to be an accountants wife when she could be a doctors? She didn't tell me until a month before the wedding as she was packing to move in with him.

There isn't enough women in the world.
Why do you think the department of health is putting trans-fats in food. It's to turn the surplus young men into trans-women to prevent predicted rape epidemic.

you're an idiot. tinder is for hook ups. I do disagree with the user you responded to on one thing. Its not just women but men looking to feed their egos. If they were half as good as they thought they were they wouldn't need the constant feeding and are shallow at best.

don't forget the female teachers and school boards that recommend medication to control the boys at 8 or 9 that stunts their emotional growth and make them passive.

This is what will happen.

You’ll stay single and build yourself while girls are spending those same years slutting around. When you’re in your late twenties/early thirties. Those exact same girls will be tired of wearing out their pussies and will decide they want to settle for a nice guy. So Stacy will find you, you’ll date and eventually marry her. You’ll have kids with her and support her off your salary while she’s a stay at home mom. This is the reality of the situation.

“One (Multiple) men’s trash is another man’s treasure”

It's true.
The guys sleeping with these easy girls when in their 20s won't marry them, they'll have nothing to do with them at 30.

you are some fucked up individuals
honestly believing the world is against first world boys

Incels from Jow Forums invade here sometimes.

Yes. the roasties will marry nice guys who invested their time in their career and goals instead of fucking around. It’s how it always is. It’s very unfortunate that nice guys get stuck with the used up whores. But it’s just how it is

Nice guys always finish last.

someone has a relationship in their 20s isn't whoring around, it's just finding someone who isn't an incel more desireable at a partner. and they usually do marry in their late 20s, not wait for the incel to get older and even more bitter.

it's so crazy the difference in what people spout online and real life.

Nope you ass clowns. I just went through a huge fight with the school board trying to dope my son just because he's disrupted class a few times. Some of the things they said to his mother and I were like we lived in the twilight zone. They also resorted to threats and brought their own counselors and psychologist in an attempt to prove their diagnosis. By they I mean the teacher and the school principal and had to scramble because we resisted. We paid a highly respected child psychologist and threatened a lawsuit and they retaliated with isolating him. We finally withdrew him from the public school, placing him in a private school, instead of medicating him

>someone has a relationship in their 20s isn’t whoring around

Yes I agree with that, if it’s an actual relationship. But in modern society, today’s feminism is actually encouraging women to be sluts because it is “empowering”. it’s not uncommon for a woman to have slept with 10+ men in their 20s. Not all of those were boyfriends

actually they are still very judgmental about womens lives usually out of upbringing, jealously, or societal expectation.

women are just doing what guys do and get away with. they call it empowering because we aren't treated the same as guys who talk about sex all the time without judgement, it's not about sleeping around but being able to control our oen sexuality which is something society has never once allowed women to do. you may see these messages but they are just that. giving women a choice is just catching up to men, some countries have reached that, some haven't, and some have gone backwards which is why there will always be people trying to keep the message there, to avoid going backwards and losing rights.

tldr: women have been killed for beig raped. men who have raped are not punished. the past can become to the present and the future at any time. the past used to be how saudi arabia is now.

I'd ask why it bothers you so much but I feel I already know.

All of those are provably true and using the hottest buzzword won't change anything

>they call it empowering because we aren't treated the same as guys who talk about sex all the time without judgement,
You want women to not be judged for sleeping around like whores (and then killing your unborn child when it doesn't suit you to accept the consequences of your actions), yet women judge adult male virgins. Having few or no previous sexual partners as an adult man is viewed negatively by women. They conclude something must be wrong with him (if we conclude women who sleep around must be trashy, impulsive, unreliable, that's just sexism, however). Women with few or no sexual partners are valued, on the other hand. So you want to judge and not be judged.

>making historicaly dubious statements without backing them up
>making wild assumptions about her colloquist
Fucking roasties.

You know... women are absolutely free to judge manwhores. But they choose not to.

Women are the ones who enable and create this monster.

Link or it didn't happen. You would easily have a case if you took it to court. Plus you would get lots of attention if you contacted media.

>provably true
Incel buzzword that means "completely made up but incels do not need proofs for their cult beliefs".

alpha fucks beta bucks

many women like having a beta bf and cheat on with alpha chad, with some gamma orbiters

its a win win for them, since there is little downside to this behavior in 2018. women have all the sexual power

Shhh user, don't crush their dreams please. The hope of divine justice or karma or whatever happening to the girls who ignored or betrayed them is the only thing keeping most guys on Jow Forums going.

not sure how you got any of that from the post but you are the exact proof of what I am saying. you make tons of assumptions based on... not judging a woman's choice to have sex before marriage and date to sleep with more than one guy? even when she dates them? do you think women have abortions every other week or something?

you're like a kkk member who has been indoctrined to an idealogy to support your hate. it's really amazing that you can say these things and then act like this.

men were shamed by other men for not having partners. women reaching the same status as men are only mimicing what men keep saying. you know, the people who run the government and entertainment world who create these laws and messages, are men.

not all of your issues are from women, that's your indoctrined hate spewing out.

truly shocking response as expected.
if anything I said was wrong you would have proved it. one who fights with insults instead of knowledge is wrong.

we do all the time.
but I think the people who sleep around find each other by default. women reject those kinds of guys far more often than guys reject those kinds of women desu.

Fuckin hell this. Read this and rejoice.

and here I thought they were all the guys who learn guitar and smoke weed.


i appreciate this post yet i worry, the older and older i get with no real sight of intimacy is just instilling a loneliness ill never truly escape

Incels are heavily indoctrinated. They are literally like cult members.

Then why don’t women start denying manwhores and stop associating with them?

And what about when you want to love later in life, but all of the girls left are former sluts?

>You can find love later if you get yourself straightened out first

I found the potential love of my life before I did this. It cost the relationship and marriage with the girl I wanted to marry. I'm 25. Don't be like me.

If girls didn't like you when you were 20, what makes you think they would like you when you are 40?

because women are individual people and not one large mass with a single brain? and women make their own decisions about their own bodies and sexualities.

I don't got time for this bro

stay ignorant or grow the fuck up

>if girls didn’t like you when you were 20
Some did. But what if instead of pursuing girls you focused on building up your life first?

Then you are not an incel and will easily find girls who are interested in you.

but what about when the only girls left are former sluts?

This doesn't happen in the real world, only incel wank fantasies.

What do you mean? I’m 29 and all of them girls I’ve met who are single either are single moms or used to be active in hook up culture

I see, you are an incel cult member. To you a girl who is not a virgin is a slut. There is no hope for you except leaving the cult.

So any criticism of promiscuous behavior in women makes you an "incel cult member"? lol

>every single nonvirgin is a tinder slut who has had more sexual partners than birthdays
>girls who had one, MAYBE two partners don't exist
Oh I see. This is bait.

"Promiscuous behavior" is "girl who had sex with someone who is not me" for incels.

>active in hook up culture
What is this supposed to mean? And how do you know? Did you ask them of their sexual past?

I never said anything about virgins, retard

Because it comes up in conversation. such as, on a previous date with a girl. We were talking about our early twenties. She made a joke about me and girls, and I said “no, I never really did anything with girls. My focus was my career goals”. She responded with surprise and so I turned the question to her and she sort of laughed and said “ah well you know, I would see guys and play around on Tinder”.

And this makes her a used up promiscuous slut? Sounds like you see what you want to see.

It’s definitely promiscuous to go around and hook up with a bunch of people who you’re not in a relationship with

I know girls >25 who are single. most of the time they have some huge, usually mental, problems. I also know single guys who are >25. They have huge problems themselves. Sometimes they're rich and successful professionally, yet they all have a hole in their brains. Basically if a person older than 25. no matter of what sex, cannot form and maintain relationships, they're are human leftovers, a degenerated scum.

>There isn't enough women in the world.
What a ridiculously dumb thing to say considering women outnumber men in almost every single place you go.

>the only girls left are former sluts?
Is this truly your biggest fear? There are lots of girls out there who are still single and celibate in their 20's, hop off the incel kool-aid

Obvious underaged detected. Come back when you are 18, you stupid kiddo.

>Basically if a person older than 25. no matter of what sex, cannot form and maintain relationships, they're are human leftovers, a degenerated scum
What an accurate assessment from Dr. Phil. Or maybe some people don't want to get into mindless relationships they can't sustain and would rather work on their own personal goals and achievements without having to worry about what an underage teenager thinks.

I can maintain relationships just fine, I however am at the stage of my life where I just don't settle for the first girl who bats their eyelashes at me.

Unfortunately I'm > 25 and single, so I know what I'm talking about.

I stressed that these people cannot form and maintain relationships. They're totally single. Celibate. Most of them virgins. If you don't want to settle down, but make relationships then and now, even brief, you're totally normal.

Some people never learnt how to form meaningful relationships, and even I still struggle doing that. But blanketing an entire group as "degenerated scum" is a bit disingenuous.

Some people just like to isolate themselves. I've met a ton of people like this where when you try and talk to them it's like they're rushing to get away from you and you can tell that they're uncomfortable just exchanging words with you.

Yeah, and that's not healthy and normal. These people tend to die younger.

cause they would never go short term sex stuff with a guy they're in LTRs with

girls never do short term sex stuff with guys in their league. she defs fucked dudes better than you in her prime and now that she's less attractive she's willing to settle for you and how the fuck am i weird for saying fuck that shit

Not him, but I agree with that. I don’t want to be the nice guy who settles with some girl who spent her entire twenties hooking up with different men.

I agree....but, at the same time, I disagree. Realistically, you've got a limited window in your life where your sexual value is at its peak. It's a shallow way of viewing it, but it's the truth. After that, opportunities come less often and the prospects less satisfying. This is true for everyone.
So, while you absolutely should be comfortable being single and with yourself and you should definitely sort your shit out if necessary. You also shouldn't waste time & squander opportunities that could result in a good relationship because, if not, the day will come when you kick yourself for it.