Conservatism and WMAF

Why do white women age at an exponential rate while at the same time Asians (particularly the Japanese) retain neoteny up through adulthood all the way through menopause?

Is this why marriage between politically conservative white men and white women is down 56%? Is the future of conservatism to have a traditional, ASIAN wife?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Why do aa overwhelmingly white nationalist board push race mixing more than any other website I've seen

Fuck the hapa faggots on this board.
WMAF is the future of the white race.
> Higher IQ
> Social benefits of being white
> Trad wife
> Does not age
> Obedient
> Treats you like a man
> Not permiscuous
This is it men. Don’t let roasties, White Knights, Incels, or betamale hapas tell you otherwise.

Pic related. Remember to say ‘no’ to the nonexistent white trad wife. She does not exist anymore.


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Diet is the answer. Asians eat high carb and treat meat like a condiment. White women eat way to much meat. Eat like a beast, look like a beast.

Because it’s doing it with women who are their men as the gatherers and hunters for the family, the providers. Most (not all) white American women are brainwashed that they can treat their husband like garbage because that “empowers” them, but when shit hits the fan, the man is there to clean it up. They have it far too easy in this country, especially as of late. I have been fortunate enough to be married to a woman who not only is thankful for what I do for our family but for her as well. As for other women, I’ve heard nothing but horror stories. If things magically don’t work out between her and I, I might go the /pol route and look for an Asian qt. My wife has already given me 3 white beautiful children.

Because they want to experiment in degeneracy.

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>Just when you thought today's AF fit is over after mods deleted the last post minutes ago.

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fuck that i was trying to save some nice pics and then got file doensn't exist anymore.

itt: neet incel losers

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Literally all unrealistic idol pics.

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>he doesnt want white men to have qt N Korean girls
Imagine being so angry.

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thanks based china man

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If you want conservative non white women just go for north african/middle eastern ones, at least they're caucasian too.

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>Ok, as long as you keep not having a wife I'm happy.
I hope people understand that when I said that I wasn't trying to say I hope user never gets married.

Pic related

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"I'm incredibly incel and always have been."
-Tenda Lung Spencer EurasianTiger, r/hapas

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Retard. Carbs are transformed into fat, while meat is almost entirely protein.
Asians eat little and healthy, that's the reason.

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It's a little ironic that a hapa would be advocating for anti WMAF.

Please don't encourage race mixing with the incels here. Asians are the trash of the human species. Short, slant eyed, most of them are stupid (only reason 'smart' ones exist is there are just so damn many of them). They are genetically inferior and will fuck any fat obese anti-socialized incel on here because they have white fever.

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gookcel thread
nastly little insectoid baby dick gook

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"None of us here like Asian women.
Asian women are for losers, period."
-Tenda Lung Spencer EurasianTiger, r/hapas incel

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