Annual pol meetup

annual pol meetup.
literally not one of you is white.

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i hate my state

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>inb4 polacks arent stupid enough to attend such an event, thats why no whites showed up
pic related is considered an aryan by Jow Forums

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pic related, an actual Jow Forumsfag.
this is as white as it gets here

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i hate anime.

another polfag.
lookout, aryan neckbeard coming through

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i want the hana pissing shirt

haha, abs are gay. who even works out, like seriously youre such a tryhard you twink.
your big muscles cant stop a ninja star. check m8 fitfag!!!!

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im white. 1488.
irish are niggers and australia is criminal island.

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I'll never understand why that fat fuck on the right has such a nice piece of ass clinging to him.