>Got rejected again for being a virgin
Every girl rejects me because they don’t feel comfortable being the first person to date/have sex with me
Wtf do I do?
>Got rejected again for being a virgin
Every girl rejects me because they don’t feel comfortable being the first person to date/have sex with me
Wtf do I do?
>for being a virgin
Are you telling women you're a virgin before you declare any form of romantic intention?
They might just be letting you down softly by giving themselves an out that you shared which partially made them uncomfortable.
No. We establish romantic interest in each other and then it becomes apparent I’m a virgin and they say they’re not comfortable going further
Then you're not being rejected, you're being binned after dating.
State that you're inexperienced instead.
After one date. I’ve never gone anywhere with these girls
I state im inexperienced but then they ask me “in what way” and I have to confess that I’m a virgin and never had a gf. Then they get weirded out
OR I try kissing them and they reciprocate but my technique is so bad they can tell I’m inexperienced
Stop mentioning it you autist.
How the fuck can i not mention it? I can’t just lie, because i obviously don’t know what I’m doing physically so it will be obvious I’m lying
Tamper with your balls.
>i obviously don’t know what I’m doing physically
So? Doesn’t mean you’re a virgin.
>just because he's orange and a citrus fruit doesn't make him a mandarin
Girls hear inexperience and think virgin. That's what they go to.
Fucking retard. You can’t fake experience when you’re a kissless girlfriendless virgin
Should... That even matter
Can you please fucking reply properly you shitstain
Who are you fucking responding to
>Wtf do I do?
Whores man.
You pay for whores.
Then you move up to desperate moms on craigslist.
Try not to get stuck there.
Be nice to shitstain you fucking incel.
Stop fucking telling them you're a virgin. Just make up some elaborate lie that covers your bases of inexperience but doesn't make you look autistic. Be creative, jesus. Something like your only relationship ever was in high school. You won't look like a virginal weirdo but it will be understandable that you suck at everything.
Who’s saying fake experience? Just don’t say anything. If the girl complains say you’re sorry.
>wah I can’t convince the ladies that I’m good in bed
Is this some kind of extra-dimensional bait?
Some chicks think that you should lose it to someone that you care about who also cares about you - makes it "special and memorable".
Some chicks just don't want an inexperienced guy because they know that virgin dudes tend to nut within the first 5 minutes.
Some virgins also get really attached to the first person they sleep with.
If you're looking for meaningless, one-night-stand sex, just don't tell the other person you're a virgin. Go look for one at a bar/club. They'll probably go home sexually disappointed, but it's nothing they won't get over the next morning.
If you want an actual relationship that requires building trust and whatever, keep telling chicks upfront that you're a virgin. One might stick around, get to know you, and decide that she wants to be with you despite the lack of experience because it would be meaningful and worth it in the long run.
If you lie and say you're experienced in that situation, she's going to figure it out the first time you bone unless you're really good at acting. The look on your face, the way you act throughout the night, and other things will probably give it away, and then she'll think you're kind of lame for lying about it; at that point, you will have given her better expectations and let her down, and you'll look like a coward for not telling her in the first place.
Then what am I going to say? Women are going to find it even creepier if I’ve paid for a prostitute
But if I say my only relationship was in high school then they’ll think I’m experienced in dating, but I’m not
What the fuck is smothposting
>posts Steve Smith
>doesn’t know what smothposting is
Swear to god.
I don’t want it to be “with someone special”. I just want to get it over with. But NOT with a fucking prostitute
>"wow you suck at kissing"
This is supposed to HELP?
I don’t know who the faggot in the picture is I just searched “crying man” and found it
You’re literally underage dude.
I’ve said this on threads before perhaps waaaay too many times.
Some have said I am a shill of the Chinese government.
However, I advise you to take the yellow pill and move to Asia.
Fuck the West with its shallow, lazy irresponsible women.
I see this phenomenon everywhere.
A guy living in Beijing
I have no interest in moving to asia ffs.
And in the kindest way possible I just don’t find Asian women attractive. Probably the least attractive race generally speaking TO ME. Sorry
Based and redpilled.
Don't pucker up your lips, practice by kissing your closed fist.
Instead of kissing their lips kiss everywhere else. Neck, collar, ear, check, etc. Work lower and lower
Sorry but as a virgin that all sounds incredibly difficult and intimidating
then stay virgin lol retard
>Then what am I going to say? Women are going to find it even creepier if I’ve paid for a prostitute
I'm surprised you're even getting close to having sex being so insecure. Just don't fucking tell them.
Your problem isn’t that you’re a virgin, your problem is that you’ve convinced yourself it’s a problem and fuck up every opportunity you get.
Anyway you’ve gotten plenty of advice in here and done nothing but argue. It’s clear this is just a venting/BAWWWWing thread in violation of >>>Jow Forumsrules/3. Shan’t be indulging your loser shit any farther.
How're you doing, serpentza?
You honestly have no other option. You can learn Hindi, be an engineer and try to get a job in India. Women there are curvy as fuck and they’re not bitches unless they’re working for Parliament.
Not hard at all, women will die when you kiss their neck, collar bone, and ears.
You don't have to be good, when it comes to those areas you can be gentle or sloppy, just mix it up. Give those areas a little nibble too.
Everyone starts off a virgin, if billions of humans can do it, so can you.
>But if I say my only relationship was in high school then they’ll think I’m experienced in dating, but I’m not
Nigger dating every girl isn't always the same and dating in high school definitely isn't the same as dating in college or the real world. Stop overthinking this shit jesus christ, either don't tell them or tell them a lie otherwise you'll keep getting stonewalled
27. Explain EXACTLY how that is supposed to be a solution when that is THE EXACT POINT that they leave OP in the dust.
Yeah but they're smelly and brown, a good Western woman is unironically the best kind of girl in the world and a white guy who can't make it in the West probably deserves to be bred out anyway desu. Nonwhites all smell like shit and look retarded. Slavs can be okay though, but really you're just as likely to meet a slav thot as you are a western one.
I said Beijing, not Shenzhen. I’m not a grumpy South African that is ungrateful for what China has givin him.
Have you ever been with an Asian? They don’t smell like anything. I’ve been with white chicks before, THEY SMELL. That’s why in China, it’s so hard to find roll on deodorant.
Being a French American in Beijing this is insanely difficult for me to not smell.
>the virgin beijing
>the chad taipei
I seriously hope you guys don't do this.
>Have you ever been with an Asian? They don’t smell like anything.
Not him but you're wrong. I've been dating this Chinese girl on and off for awhile. Her hair stinks. It's so weird.
Asian-Americans don't smell because they use deodorant. Asians from Asia smell, but it's not a traditional BO smell. They think because they get BO they don't smell so they don't use deodorant, but they do have this weird smell that I can't really describe. It's not anything like white people BO or even nigger smell, it's like an entirely different smell that only Asians get where you can tell it's not BO but it's something rank.
Reminding you, I originally said Asia. If he’s a Weeaboo, he should get a white collar degree, learn Japanese and move to Japan.
The Republic of China (aka “Taiwan” for the cucked 台独 is another good option)
She’s a slut and uses shitty shampoo.
>Republic of Taiwan
I hate that shit so much.
I think she just doesn't wash her hair often. She was complaining about shedding awhile back, and she really does shed quite a bit. I was finding black hairs in my car for awhile. Not washing hair daily is something foreign women tend to do in my experience.
this is hilarious.
I lost my virginity at 21. didn't say anything about it to the girl. she was convinced that i had fucked tons of girls because of my prowess in bed.
you don't need experience to be good at it (though it helps)
Taiwan “independence” is fucking cancer. This is why the Kuomintang needs another white terror to get rid of these cucks.
Most Chinese women I know are obsessed with clean hair. Maybe she has a condition?
Definitely don't hide it like some people are telling you to, for the right girl it shouldn't be a negative in her eyes. The ones rejecting you aren't worth your time anymore, if you're interested in marriage, there's a study that says couples that are both virgins have a very minimal percentage of divorce. Don't let these thots get you down.
You sound like a fucking faggot. Don't tell them you're a virgin. Lie and say you had sex with your high school sweetheart or some shit but say it was only twice when you were kids so you don't have much experience. "Why haven't you had any experience since then?" "I just haven't clicked with the other people I've dated and I'm not yet at the point where I feel comfortable having sex with someone when I don't have feelings for them". Fucking off yourself god damn. Easiest shit ever.
If you stop mentioning it like an autist you won’t have to explain anything. Autist.
Your other options are find a virgin gf. And good luck with that since every 90% of females have taken a dick in their body at your age. Or start going to church. Or watch some porn.
In my experience, foreign women will often say shit like "I don't want to break my hair" when you talk about washing it daily or even every other day. And I mean, really, it doesn't need to be washed daily. But they get panicked about every single hair that sheds and start blaming it on bathing frequently.
Anyway, this specific girl almost certainly has an eating disorder. She's like 5'8" and used to talk about getting down to 100 lbs., only eats one meal a day, eats virtually nothing other than low-fat protein in small quantities. Very picky too. If she got something with shrimp in it, for instance, she'd shove them onto my plate. Not that I mind eating them.
We're a weird pair. She's got that model look to her, tall and waif-like. I'm about the same height as her and pretty fat. I keep making comparisons to mandarin ducks in my mind.
I lost my virginity to a girl I worked with. She sidn't believe I was a virgin and mistook my autism for confidence. Once I told her I actually was a virgin she seemed excited to take it. Not every girl is the same.
I’m not a weeaboo. The only anime i watched was pokemon when I was 6 years old. I have no interest in Asia, Asian women or Asian culture. In fact Asian culture actively annoys me. I find it obnoxious. Probably couldn’t suffer dating an Asian woman unless she was 100% westernized
I don’t like virgin girls, they’re awkward as fuck normally OR are conservative/religious which I find very unattractive
It’s just not true if I say “I don’t feel comfortable having sex with random people” though. The ONLY reason I’m a virgin is cause no one wanted to have sex with me. I would have fucked half the girls in my school at age 16 if they would have let me. But they didn’t and now I’m 22 and a virgin
I don’t want a virgin gf. Tbh I want a girl with as much experience as possible so she can teach me what to do
We’ve given you like 20 different solutions and you’ve sperged out on everybody trying to help. Go fuck yourself.
>mistook my autism for confidence
Based tism
This. It's yet another "OP tries to fight everyone who is giving him advice" episode.
some spoke about how womens doesn't like to be less pure than guys.
Find an older chick, 35-40. They are more laid-back and not in a hurry to pop out kids.
>Women are going to find it even creepier if I’ve paid for a prostitute
why on earth would you tell them that, you're clearly not getting rejected because you're a virgin, you're getting rejected because you're borderline retarded and have no social intelligence.
this is my observation, there are guys who have slept with 50 women who are still horrible in bed and if they were to lie and say they were a virgin to the next chick they fuck they would undoubtedly be believed. If OP shuts the fuck up about muh virginity for a second, excises confidence with these girls and realizes women don't have some magical power to be able to tell if a guy is a virgin, he'll be fine.
There are girls out there who don't care. I met a girl on bumble 5 months ago and she found out I was a virgin and hadn't had a girlfriend pretty soon before our first date.
We just had sex for the first time last night and it was very nice. She guided me through shit and it was pretty passionate. Couldn't cum but thats whatever.
fuck you you made me punch myself
Heh yep, this was me a year ago.
Hope she sees you again. Some girls get really butthurt about the guy not performing. Like they subconsciously assume it’s their fault for being unattractive. Nothing you can really do to convince them otherwise either.
She seemed fine with it, she said it happens. She seemed to really enjoy me fucking and fingering her.
Look, you fucking retard:
Simply tell these bitches that you've only had sex twice. Once with a substitute teacher when you were like 12 and once with your first girlfriend but you both got really drunk and you don't remember what happened.
The former will alleviate any questions because a decent person will not press you for details and make it sexual (If she does then she's a freak and you should toss her back out to the rest of us so we can take a crack at her, shiggy) and the latter will keep you from any further questions because your memory was impaired.
You don't have a rejection problem, you are a pussy that doesn't know how to lie. Man up and take what's yours or step aside and let the rest of the men do man shit.
PS, if anyone says they heard rumors of your virginity, tell them you didn't trust them enough to tell them the truth but you trust them more, women fall for that easy shit all the time.
I'm a virgin and I've done this stuff
just kiss their neck you fuck
That’s good man.
This guy is smart. I got lucky and my first gf was into taking my virginity, but if I’d had to do it over again I’d have gone with something like this. It’s entirely believable. And the “first time was as a preteen with an older woman” is enough to excuse discomfort because you’d definitely have some serious hang-ups from that.
Fucking genius.
>Women are going to find it even creepier if I’ve paid for a prostitute
Do not know how to fucking lie or something? Are you an autist that feels compelled to tell everyone everything?
You're hanging out with some real low quality women my man.
I sense some sarcasm...
No, not at all.
Fucking don't tell them you're a virgin retard.
>implying he has to say a word for her to know
Lying on your resume generally fails at the practical exam.