1. Don't put all your eggs in one basket 2. Cover your ass(not literally of course), never allow someone to see your flaws 3. Never allow people with flaws to be at the same level as you, as they may want to surpass you and stomp you
appreciate friends while you have them, dont take friends for granted
challenge yourself to complete your goals
Juan Cook
Always have 3 month's worth of pay (presuming these cover your monthly bills) saved in case of a rainy day.
Visit your parents and grandparents, it's shit when you visit them and see how frail they became since you last saw them.
Look after your health, your teeth and your fitness, those 3 things will dictate whether you age like a fine wine or milk.
Levi Price
Wait should I trust this?
Jason Cooper
Really nice advice. Specially the second one, I am living abroad since 2015, and a few months ago I went back to my country to visit my mother and family. Shit was though, she looked way older than before even though it was just 3 years, I've felt really bad at the moment I had to depart again. The thought of her passing away while I am so far it's just too much.
Matthew Williams
>Literally any skill you want to learn can be found on the internet. >Happiness isn't permanent. >Phenibut is not worth it and will cause severe withdrawals when you get tired of it not working and stop taking it. >Using a planner works wonders for organizing your time. >If you want good service, be polite. >If your beer is frozen don't try to heat the bottle ffs. >People who say they don't like drama love drama. >Learning the various logical fallacies helps a lot in arguments. >Khan Academy sucks. There's almost always better videos out there. >Cheap toilet paper is almost always better than the super-ultra-thick brands. Just fold the sheet in half and you get the same amount of absorbancy while using less of a sheet. >I don't care what she told you. If she cheated once she'll cheat again. >All the martial arts out there that involve catching punches mid-air like an anime character either don't work or take 30+ years to learn. >Brush your fucking teeth every day. You'll seriously regret it later if you don't. >Just because a dog walks up to you with a wagging tail and starts sniffing you doesn't mean it wants to be petted. >You might think yoga is gay but it actually works. >Linux Mint is basically Windows without the bullshit. >People will like you more if you let them talk about themselves. People will like you less if you talk more about yourself. >If you're going to buy a gun, take a class on how to use it first. >If you have a bad habit of being late, start leaving to get places an hour before you need to. >Check all the appliances in a house/apartment before moving in. Use the sinks, blinds, lights, toilets, doors, etc. >Off-Brand food is usually the same shit the food it's copying. >Don't mention on job applications that the reason you left/are leaving a job is because of the pay. >Jow Forums is probably one of the shittiest imageboards on the internet but it's good for getting quick responses.
also this
Julian Wood
>1. Don't put all your eggs in one basket How do you do that?
John Mitchell
get another basket? what a stupid question
Thomas Bennett
How do you do it practically? Anyone can use a clever, zen sounding saying while doing the exact opposite.
Nolan Gonzalez
>have one basket >get another basket >have two baskets
tune in next time to learn how wiping your ass works
Julian Torres
>Don't put all your eggs in one basket It can apply to life in situations like >Don't hedge your bets on an outcome if you rely on it >Don't make a girl your oneitis >Don't spend all your money on lottery tickets expecting to win
Adrian Cox
>needs a basket and egg analogy to do common sense things This is some cool *snap* material.
Nicholas Phillips
don't post personally revealing information on 4chuns
Diet and socializing is supremely important to well-being.
The hormones that serve as brain messengers are produced in the stomach. You do not exist in a vacuum, you have people around you that grow and mold you into who you are, so choose them wisely.
I was suffering from depression and inflammation for 10 years, did keto and boom, I'm back to normal. It's just surreal.
Isaac Ramirez
Die young and save yourself.
Ayden Hughes
>the hormones that serve as brain messengers are produced in the stomach
>trust nobody but your family (maybe) >those who are not willing to make the hard choices, will always be subject to those who do >everyone's fucked up in some way or the other, ie everyone has problems >most people are vanilla >almost nobody has any values, almost everyone is a hypocrite, and if you are on top, your word is law >don't waste time with propaganda-fueled hobbies like watching shows, or reading comics >spend every day learning something >push yourself to the limit, otherwise you're done for >life is a series of unfortunate events, that we struggle through because we hope someday, it will all be worth it >always go to the doctor, at the sign of the first discomfort >if you can help it, try to let go of your control freak mentality, otherwise you'll either go mad, or lose any resemblance of humanity in your quest for absolute control >happiness, sadness; nothing is permanent >people wear different masks for any and all situations and people >people tell you who they are, but we ignore it, because we want them to be who we want them to be >in this world, a man alone is worth nothing >if left unchecked, paranoia is going to eat you from inside >the world is a fucked up place, but through compromise and fakery, you might one day find a genuine connection >the vast, /vast/ majority of people just want to "feel good", and thus will not take any stands, or care for their people, or country, as long as they go with the current flow, and get what /they/ want >women are extremelly gullible and subject to trends >morality is subjective >strange happenings occur often; you can see them as conincidences, destiny, divine intervention, or freak accidents, but you'll never know >don't try to maintain a perfectionist attitude, because all it will do is poison your mind >keep away from porn, no matter what; it's just like any other drug >struggle is necessary, strife is good >without a code, without an ideal or mission, life is without any meaning
>morality is subjective >without a code, life is without meaning Don’t listen to this guy. Your morals are transient, not malleable. Transcendent not socially constructed. If your morals change on a dime it’s because you don’t actually possess them, you have only a notion. Find who you want to be, morally and mentally, and don’t let go. You’re racing against time to catch up to the version of yourself and victory is always right around the corner. Don’t let people tell you your vision or dreams aren’t worth pursuing or aren’t realistic or don’t have meaning, because they DO have OBJECTIVE VALUE
Hudson Evans
Never let your rape victim see your face
Gabriel Moore
You're missing the point. "One man's Freedom Fighter is another Man's Terrorist" and all.
Daniel Martin
Outside perspective is irrelevant.
Caleb Mitchell
don't date cutters
Jaxon Ramirez
Eh, whatever helps you sleep at night. For the Germans, Hitler was a hero. Now he’s seen as a villain. Had they won, he’d have been seen as a great man. Moses killed countless men and even kids, yet he’s seen as some great prophet and religious hero and freedom fighter.
My point is, fight for what you believe, otherwise life is without any meaning, but unless you “win”, don’t expect to be treated with respect. The ones at the top decide History’s monsters and heroes.
Justin Clark
Never EVER admit to wrong doing. Unless the result is assured personal gain. And even then double check and be absolutely sure. Lawyer up asap.
What if I don’t enjoy socializing? Will socializing be good for me if all I get from it was just wanting to go back home as soon as I can?
Even though I’m 25, I can’t socialize. I’m still too shy and self conscious.
Luis Harris
Everyone who enters your life is either a blessing or a lesson.
Grayson Walker
Never let people stand behind you, they will just stab you in the back The way to victory and success is much more enjoyable than victory itself Always play defensive when in conflicts
Isaiah Carter
It's the only thing you should trust.
Dominic Murphy
>never allow someone to see your flaws terrible advice. good thing it’s impossible to carry out.
John Ross
you cannot teach someone how to think
James Lopez
Porn is a cancer that is destroying your life Going to bed early and waking up early is a good way to not waste your day. There's never a good reason to go to bed past 2 am. Better to ask for forgiveness than for permission Women are nice but they're not everything It's better to be rejected than having to wonder "what if"
Wyatt Rivera
>stop smoking weed everyday. It'll fuck you up mentally and physically in the long run >don't pursue young single moms >exercise every fucking day >happiness really does start in your gut. Eat healthy food. >If you want to get ahead professionally, good relationships with colleagues is key. Don't be an asshole, show up on time, and do good work. People will vouch for you in the future when you really need it. >Saving 3 months salary and not touching it is extremely wise. Lose your job? No big deal. >Pay off debts as aggressively as possible. Live within your means. Don't buy shit you can't afford. >Have hobbies that are healthy or that you can learn shit from. They will help you out of some situation some day, guaranteed. >For god's sake know how to drive stick shift, apply a tourniquet, start a fire, fire a gun >All things worth having must be worked hard for. Shit that comes easy does little for your soul. >If your grandparents are still alive, talk to them as much as you can. Talk to old people in general. They are wiser than you and you will learn shit about life. >If you have little kids, encourage them to learn a musical instrument. Most smart people I know played/play music of some type. >Go outside, sitting in front of a screen all the time fucks you up. >Be in nature from time to time, it is good for your mental well being. >Brush your teeth twice a day and wash your face before you go to sleep. >Don't compare yourself to other people >Cherish the relationship that you have, especially if she likes you
Cooper Russell
Don't drink too much, even if it's your birthday, and always control yourself, because you'll probably mess something up. (talking from experience bois)
I literally never indicated that how history sees you is important. It is the farthest thing from important. How you see yourself, when examining your actions and thoughts honestly, is the only thing to be given actual credence. I couldn’t give a fuck how some faggot professor views me in some hellish dystopia ~70 years from now.
Jack Jackson
>Comparing Hitler to Moses Seriously this is the worst comparison I've ever seen. And Hitler was objectively a villain in his time.
Zachary Thomas
Be very cautious and don't allow yourself to concentrate all your energy into a single thing. Don't let a single fire burn down your life.
That said, spread yourself out, and always take risks.
Don't be selfish, but make your goals and dreams your #1. Don't put anyone ahead of them.
If you're not struggling towards something, you're wasting time. Always be pushing towards your goals.
And finally, do not let things outside your locus of control (POLITICS!) effect your happiness, or be your primary focus in life.
Figure out what career you want to pursue before you go to college/trade school. Not what major. Your fucking career. Pick the JOB to pursue and pursue it.
Attraction is like a campfire in the rain. Keep it going or it will fade quickly.