Nanjing is the biggest lie of WWII and was only used as a propaganda tool to force the new constitution onto Japan and give the Chinese a justification for the real reason so many people died. They butchered people who tried to flee and burned down food sources resulting in a mass starvation of their own people. They would arm women and children with weapons in a poor attempt to stop our advance. One day the truth will come out and it will be a turning point for the political climate of Asia. The sun will rise again on China.
Nanjing is the biggest lie of WWII and was only used as a propaganda tool to force the new constitution onto Japan and...
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I have a feeling both sides are telling the truth here Kenji. The IJA gave no fucks about human life. You Asians make the Roman Army seem humane.
I hope one day we can BTFO the chinks together. Sorry for nuking you twice.
You did what you had to. We never would have surrendered. However you still believed the chinese lies so fuck you in that regard but we are getting our revenge.
The only humans we fought were Americans, the rest were cattle being mindlessly sent as fodder.
Daily reminder unlike the Holohoax Germany knew and local Germans from low to high ranks reported themself about the Japanese war crimes and complained directly to the German government and Hitler personally and individuals within the German party openly condemned the Japanese war crimes
You never hear about this used as evidence. Not from larping "hello fellow Nayzays" Pajeets like this faggot . Not from Shlomo on the news. Because it destroys the narrative of punishing only Germany for it.
no one cares
Fuck off. The day of the blade is coming, and the ones who refuse to take up arms against the chinese menace will be brought to the sword.
The Nanjing Massacre didn't happen but it should have.
Yamaguchi did nothing wrong.
The nips are afraid. Soon China will have its revenge....