What does this mean for the future of the EU?
What does this mean for the future of the EU?
little late on this, francia. too gay now.
>in Aachen
You know this would be really cool if everyone involved in both of their goverments wasn't fucking cancer
I think this marks a shift in focus, they have actually given up on creating a full EUSSR (too much resistance from visegrad, italy etc) and are now going for the downgraded version that is easier to implement. This is risky however, as both leaders are quite unpopular (especially grannyfucker), and I cannot really see how the french would not be second class citizens in such an arrangement. Anyways interesting times.
>Putting two rotten eggs in the same basket
Makes them an easy target.
This. Why can't we have a nice empire that isn't run by globalist kikes and degenerate faggots?
I would be comfortable with this if it was a white empire.
>What does this mean for the future of the EU?
Tie up two one-legged cripples together and you got a gold medal runner.
What convenient timing. I guess they will have to unite the police/army too huh? Half the stasi goat fuckers in paris are probably german already.
I don't think you are alone in that hehe
But again, anyone else think this is significant? re