How do I beat my Chinese friend at racist banter? He always makes fun of me for being pajeet and i have almost nothing to respond back with.
Racist Banter
Good old fashioned way - with a bat
Chinese are literally robots lacking any semblance of empathy or moral code. Insult his culture.
>I forget that some of you don't visit the darker boards here.
Tell him that you’re a Trump supporter. Nothing beats that when it comes to being racist.
Based gyrocopter man dropping snakes cannot be wrong.
Aren't chinese one of the widest open goals for that?
>oh look the movie just turned chinese
What are some example insults of Chinese culture? Everything "bad" about it he can turn it around and make it sound good.
Call him a zipperhead gook
Also look up “the Rape of Nanking” and bombard him with statistics and photographs of that event
>hurr dur trump supporters are all racist
lol trump won like 2 years ago and you're still buttblasted and giving him free rent in your head on daily basis.
kek ffs m8
Jesus dude, that event was horrible, I wouldn't even bring that up.
nanking wasnt rape
Just saying, OP wants to be more racist than his friends for some stupid reason. But, that’s why I suggested supporting Trump. That will work because most of his supporters are racists.
Tell him if he doesn't stop, you'll drop another bomb on his country. Its doubly racist because hiroshima was in Japan. If he tries to correct you say something like "all the same to me".
Keep talking about face. Constantly. Every single thing, you want to sound like a smartass about face.
Try talking in broken English too. You know the kind, I'm sure.
You could also make jokes about factory work. Made in China. Sweatshops.