Help me get her back

Sorry not good at green text but it’s important

>be me
>kissless virgin
>get first gf
>in the same classes
>ask her on a date
>date 1:dance
>she doesn’t like to dance so we just talk for a couple of hours
>we end up moving in class to sit next to each other
>teachers don’t give a shit
>date 2:during lunch a brought her to the mall near the school
>need to go through a romantic forest to get to mall and back
>we end up picking up ice cream since we weren’t that hungry
>we talk more and more
>help her when she needs help in math
>we even get the occasional “u are such a cute couple”
>end of school
>I get good marks
>she has to go to summer school for science
>makes it tough to meet
>summer school ends
>date 3: we go to the movies
>mama Mia 2
>too chicken to rap my arm around her
>notice her budging and moving around
>now that I think of it she might have been trying to give me a hint that it’s the right time to do the arm thing
>talk after the movie
>have to go on vacation with family for a week
>get back
>ask her to go to the mall for dinner and to talk
>she texts me yesterday that she wants to break up
>sais that in summer school she realized she needs to concentrate more on school and that she doesn’t have time for social stuff but still wants to be friends
>caught me off guard because we went to mama Mia 2 after summer school ended but I guessed it was true
>today she’s posting a bunch of selfies and photos with friends on social media
>mfw I realize she lied to me
>I don’t get why she did it though I thought we were good together
>had same interests
>could talk for hours
>she’s always smiling around me
>mfw I’m going down a rabbit hole
>mfw I lost my appetite
>mfw can’t sleep
>mfw I want her back

if ur reading this I miss u and want u back please

if u really are sure about not wanting to get back together at least give me the real reason for the break up

I’m not sure if any anons can get this out there maybe help me get her back

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I am



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Why not just tie her up and do what u want

>talking for hours is the same as taking a selfie
Wew lad, over-analysing are we?

There not any selfies there those cutesy ones with the filters and she was never as active online while we were together and the photos with friends bother me more because she said she didn’t have any time and that’s why she ended it

Ask her about it?

I don’t want to make things awkward she said that when she gets time we could start dating again but after those photos and the fact that she lied to me I don’t think that day will ever come but I don’t get how someone can lie to someone break there heart and then the next day post photos that prove that u lied

Ok op this is what u do
>tell her to go to the mall with u ones school starts than as ur in the woods get one of ur friends to do a fake mugging than u “stop” the mugger and “save the day” bitches love that chad shit

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Fucking cuck

She is actually obsessed with superheros and marvel

Tell her to watch Crazy Rich Asians with you.

>Watches Mamma Mia for a date
Neck yourself, OP.

Won’t it be awkward now that we’re not dating

Just ask her.

What r u responding to if it’s the movie invite I might just do that

It shouldn't be. Everyone loves a fun romcom movie

I was also thinking about that little Italy one that’s coming out

I haven't heard of that one, but find a movie that all your friends are talking about.

Sounds like a good idea

Op u gatta do this

Hey I'm not going to help much, but I just want to show you some support.
People don't always say what they think and don't always think what they say. It's okay, you seem young enough to have a chance with bunch of other girls if you expose yourself to it.

Thanks for the support but I really miss her u know what I mean

Does anyone know who op is like Instagram Snapchat discord kik stuff like that we have to get a photo of this mega cuck

We should take a photo of this greentext and post it everywhere YouTube Instagram iFunny 9gag Twitter Snapchat discord get the word out maybe it might reach femanon

Go back to pol

Go do commit no live

Thanks for the support

You liked her too much and your energy became toxic. You weren't sharing positive energy with her, enriching her life, you were draining her of her energy and making her feel anxious.
Learn to be a giver, not a taker.

What do u mean

Hey anons if ur going to make a YouTube video about what happened to op I have some name suggestions
>3 dates and done
>first love gone
>love and betrayal
>all good things come to an end
>hope when hopeless
>the search for love
We need to get this green text out there first one that made me feel in a while reminded me of my first gf who cheated on me with who I thought was my best friend

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Move on and find another girl. Go lift some weights and workout. Stop clinging to the past.

This this this 1000 times this

How can u support this after what happened to u

I don’t I just find it a good story and think it should be recognized as such it brought back memories of the good and the bad times

I'm 29, and I guarantee you I'm a lot more immature than OP will ever be.

We must help a fellow kekistani we must get this to her by any means necessary

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All good names but I think love and betrayal or first love gone are best

Bro just start lifting weights. That's it.

This shit cash

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Holy shit

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Get the bat and hit that rat

It’s a good idea right

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U got a better idea smartass or are u just baiting

I don’t get the gif it’s a genuinely a good idea that’s how I got my gf back so why won’t it work for op

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Best thread I’ve seen on this site in a while


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Jesus Christ WTF

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We need this to go more viral than aids in Africa

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Try to put yourself in a romantic environment and just kiss her

This thread has a bit of everything sadness, comedy, action


Hey, really what do you mean. I think this is what messes up my relationship too.

Get her drunk and fuck her brains out

I’ve read the article and I had nothing but positive energy I don’t get why she would leave me


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Hey OP, honestly it probably had nothing to do with you, not directly anyway. Don’t try and force it with this girl, that’ll go south fast. Chalk it up to experience and move on with your life.

I just miss her

I don’t know if it’s a good idea but it’s not a bad idea

Only on Jow Forums

We need this to get out there

I like first love gone

Look user, I feel your pain. Fact is you cannot trust them. They'll just hurt you. If you can avoid love, for the love of bullshit and for your own sanity and will to live, AVOID IT.

Thanks for the support

Just get another one.

I don’t want another on I want her back


Will probably see her tomorrow at school when I go for ID photos what do I do

Start lifting weights or you're never gonna make it

best answer here. grow a backbone and some muscles. this is all bait though.


Not the guy you responded to but:

I get this, mate. Gf of 22 months broke up with me a month ago due to mental illness on both sides (severe depression on my side and bipolar on hers) and she cited codependent relationship due to the illnesses (which i never really understood) and a focus on her studies.

I can't really help you other than say get someone to talk to. I've had a therapist for a couple years now and it's pretty helpful for me. I'd say find something to get your mind off of her. For me that's working my ass off to write, record, and produce my first EP but for you that could be anything. Self harm isn't the way to go but i'm not gonna pull the "holier-than-thou" attitude because even I stab myself with a sewing needle sometimes to get through shit but I highly recommend against it.

This shit sucks man I get it. I put most of my free time and energy doing stuff that would benefit us in the future but now I'm just like you. I love you man and I hope you find something to bring yourself back from this.


Also listen to Pinkerton. That's always been my go-to album for this.

Thanks for the support

No problem. I hate to see good people like you get into this rut. I commend you for at least trying and not just giving up on everything.

>dress up fancy
>do light flirting
>make her regret dumping u
>ask her to a movie

Focusing on school was just an excuse to let you down easy. A girl who likes you will do anything to be around you. In fact, she sucks at school so that makes no sense. She probably met another guy in summer school or else where. Just move on.

It’s just tuff u know I miss her

what the fuck is going on ITT?

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We need to help op get back his ex

if she says "I want to break up" she isn't the one
it's your first girlfriend
you'll be over it in a week or so

I just miss her so much

You dumbfuck. You got friend zoned. there's no coming back from that. Find another girl and don't be a fucking pussy next time.

Finally someone who seems as awkward and immature as me.
I congratulate you on getting a girlfriend i never did that step even if i had like 20 dates with 8 different girls of which 19 were completely cringy.

Some people are very bad in interacting socially, don't judge user like that

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give up on her had similar things happen to me saying she's not ready for a relationships less then a month after that she had a new boyfriend some time after they breakup and she wants us to get back together saying she loves me and what hapend was a mistake i agree(an actual mistake) in less then a month she breakup with me again saying she doesn't want to be in a relationship(any romantic relationship not just with me) less then a month later:that's right a new boyfriend.
basically women like this are not worth it.

Someone just had first hand experience on the dating life.
You won't get her back and get used to this.

Yeah, if you're a faggot.

Fucking cuck trying to defend himself by larping as someone else

Exactly op needs to chad the fuck up

This is what u do
>dress up in superhero outfit
>build a reputation as a hero
>either fake a crime or wait till she is the victim of a crime
>save her from the criminal
>flirt with her
>lift your mask just enough to kiss
>kiss her
>give her ur number
>if she already has it she will realize it’s u and want to get back together
>if she doesn’t have ur number she will call it and then realize it’s u by the voice and want to get back together
>girls love that chad shit and it’s better that she’s into super heroes

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This might work u should do it

Fucking tards

Super tard

Captain Depression

Super Kek

>mfw I realize she lied to me
Get her mom and if she has any sisters pregnant as revenge

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Now that is some good revenge

I didn’t see her at school but saw her car in the parking lot