Hey guys so I unfortunately have to room with a black person this semester at college.
If we had separate rooms it would be fine, but there is literally two beds in one room. So I will have to deal with this chocolate person a lot. I've already decided not to bring much stuff like my playstation or TV because I don't want them to be stolen or fucked with.
How do I make the best out of this situation? I dont want him to know I dislike niggers. Also I dont want to deal with his nigger friends or music.
It sounds like there are two solutions to your problem:
1. Realize that he's a person too 2. Kill yourself
Daniel Walker
dude just get a nanny cam or some shit. If something of yours goes missing, just watch the footage and charge him. If he isn't a nigger, he could become your new best bro. If he hasn't given you a reason not to trust him, don't accuse him of anything yet.
Gavin King
2edgy4me I swear this is the most cringe board on Jow Forums.
Luis Reed
You don’t even know this person yet. Maybe college will help you grow up you dumb nigger
Christian Garcia
Yeah dude I realize he is a person. If you went to this college and you were white you would feel the same way.
There is a majority of blacks here. They are always being loud, playing music, yelling at each other, smoking weed, hanging out in large packs, and saying nigga and nigger. My bike has literally already been stolen.
My wording is a bit of an exaggeration. My best friends are actually mexican.
But listen, these blacks are young and thuggish. They dont act like normal people and so I hate being around them
Dylan Clark
>They are always being loud, playing music, yelling at each other, smoking weed, hanging out in large packs
So what you’re saying is they act like normal college students and do normal college things
Kill yourself faggot. Don’t go to college if you’re going to be a lame ass alt right weeb who has a cry every time a party is too loud
Nathaniel Davis
>So what you’re saying is they act like normal college students and do normal college things Like theft and vandalism?
Mason Ortiz
The white kids, koreans, indians, or mexicans dont act like that.
Parker Hill
All the retards saying "muh blacks are just like me and you" have clearly never been around them or are black themselves.
Go right now and drop into the blackest neighbourhood near you, you will find out real fast how they act and what they think of you if your not black.
>So what you’re saying is they act like normal college students and do normal college things You're full of shit, go to a half-decent school and hardly anyone acts like that. The ones that do drop out.
Oliver Ross
join a right-wing militia and make a plan to kill all niggers that or switch schools whichever is best 4 u
John Sanchez
Consider tossing yourself in front of a bus, you worthless sack of shit.
Elijah Flores
Why are people so mad about this
Gabriel Harris
Lol. I'm friends with an arab guy and he is way more racist than me. He always calls them monkeys.
And this is my last semester at this school. I definitely am transfering if I decide to get my masters degree.
Because they are typing from mommies and daddies house all snuggled in their white neighborhood while telling all the lower class they need to accept blacks and minorities into their live so that their parents make more money off of them.
Parker Campbell
Grow up niggerfaggot
Cooper Hall
Start a KKK cult. Lynch those fucking niggers. Make America white again!
Nathan Hall
Buy only cheap stuff for your room. Second hand tv and consoles if you really need them.
Rent a locker somewhere outside the college. Put your expensive stuff here.
Get a headphone with good noise cancelling function.
>Also I dont want to deal with his nigger friends or music suppose all his friends are white and he listens to metal? would he still bother you?
Parker Hughes
You spelled Jow Forums wrong
Jaxon Williams
I feel like this has to be fake because my mind just can't wrap around someone being so ignorant
Ian Wood
Listen dude, racism is literally irrational. Even if I accept the fact that what you’re saying is true and there’s a ton of black ppl being “thuggish”, and you’re making this with no bias whatsoever even though you’re calling people chocolate in OP, that still doesn’t mean you know your roommates gonna be like that. Maybe you’ll say “b-but statistically I know...!”, but then you’ll need to realize that actually fucking meeting them and judging their character without bias, (which is something you’re capable of doing since you’ll be his roommate) is always going to be a more accurate assessment than a statistical blind analysis of someone based on the color of their skin.
Like if they’re a bad person and all that, feel free to complain, but there’s no need to bring race into it and imply that skin color is related
>but it’s not race, it’s black cultire!
Liking rap doesn’t make you a criminal (yes even statistically)
t. white college student who is rooming with a black person next semester by choice
Jeremiah Reyes
Get a fuckin job, get a fuckin apartment. It ain't rocket surgery. But its gonna be harder than your current scenario to work enough to pay rent and also study enough to graduate.
Jaxson Jones
Watch ild FRIENDS with headpgones on. Hell get the hint.
Samuel Taylor
You mistook Jow Forums for Jow Forums buddy
Brayden Brooks
Stop being a racist piece of shit before you get your ass beat. Most black people are perfectly reasonable individuals as long as you don't treat them like some kind of animal.
Levi Jackson
>not being racist in 2018
Mason Baker
wow lad
Cameron Rodriguez
hes probly cooler than you are
Gabriel Hall
OP I had a black roommate at university. He was weird as fuck always nervous and overly sexual 90% of the time, I tried to be friends with him but he was just too fucking weird and always aggressively sexual with women? They let him get away with this because he was black? wtf if I tried any of the shit he did I would have been slapped and talked to.
Anyway he wasn't even worth the time I found out too late. He would get way too drunk and act like an asshole, he tried to fight me and various other people even though we were friends. What an asshole.
Basically be prepared for a fight, him messing with your life and acting weird unless he is a cool black person which are rare anyway.
Levi Richardson
Yes, only get cheap things. Act as if it's the best thing ever. See how you can work this bad turn in events to your favor for future use. It will be a golden token in your future to use in many other situations in which you need to provide proof to not being a racist. Outblack him. Read up on black history and culture. Tell him how the music he listens to is by racial sellouts and introduce him to real Mother Africa from the darkest recess of black culture (probably somewhere in France). Watch Black Panther serially and tell him how you "get it". Out discriminate him by declaring that he discriminates you fir being gay. And if anyone questions this, say you're in the process of accepting it yourself, and that all the antigay hate speech by your roomate is causing you distress and suffering.
Ayden Campbell
Because it's a blatant bait thread
Levi Flores
>not wanting a chill ass black roommate you can go play bball with at the rec center Your loss my dude
William Foster
> Watch Black Panther serially and tell him how you "get it". kek
Andrew Sanchez
>They let him get away with this because he was black of course they do but the white girls know what to expect and why they come around
Grayson Powell
Just imagine how he's complaining to his friends about this ignorant redneck racist he's stuck with
Jaxon King
Imagine being so much of a retard you try to virtue signal of fucking Jow Forums.
Owen Reed
dont bring a 1000dollar tv, a 300 dollar 1080p tv should be fine.
make sure you can retrieve the password of your ps4 account in case it gets stoken or fucked with, but do bring the ps4.
dont bring a 2000 dollar laptop but bring a cheap 400 dollar laptop.
sell the More expensive laptop and tv while they still hold value. Buy new models once u no longer witj da gangsta.
with a bit of luck he could be a cool guy.
Carter Morales
You know what... Niggers are really stupid so as long he's not in a sport or something he'll eventually drop out. In the meanwhile try not to bring anything of value.
Blake Rogers
Set up some rules about when you can play music. Don't bring huge items you fear would get stolen. Have a lock on your closet so you can store your laptop there. (Buy two so he has one too if you don't want to be racist about it) say that in the event someone breaks into your room, you can still secure some things. And then some ground rules for visitors.
If you sperg out at some point, calm him down and tell him you are not angry with him personally, you just hate all (black) people.
Jordan Howard
What? What are you saying?
Tbf I could see him physically abusing a woman if she didn't do what he wanted.
Anyway, still an asshole.
Jason Wood
I fucking did that for a year. It was literally my goddamn job. Overall people were nice, thanked us for trying to help the community, and generally minded their own business otherwise. My crew was also all hired from the same local area and worked hard as fuck, some of them put in a lot of hours each day.
Then when the sun was beginning to set, they warn us and tell us that it might be best if we called it a day and went home before nightfall.