Why do men get married in the first place when they risk losing much of their wealth? (serious question)

Why do men get married in the first place when they risk losing much of their wealth? (serious question)

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Marry a virgin, because when a woman loses their virginity to a guy, they feel an emotional connection to them for the rest of their life. It's why a lot of women divorce or break up with men who didn't take their virginity because they want to feel that same feeling they had with their first.

You never forget your first should be a warning to anyone planning on having sex before marriage.

Also if she says "lol i broke my hymen horseback riding" call bullshit and look for someone else. No hymen no diamond.

Marriage is the recognition of a union by society. The event itself clings more to women but men like the idea of love and having a future.

Market is tanking, all Bezos shares are locked up and the ones that aren’t would create panic in market if he sells. Have wife divorce you, her equity split is almost entirely amazon stock. She sells to funds/on the open market and plays the battered wife, financially incompetent card. Untouchable by financial media since she is a woman. Saves the bezos empire billions by cashing out at the top.

I wonder what kind of shit this guy has seen once money and power were made available to him and then govts and hanger ons were at his beck and call?

Two reasons.

everywhere you turn. Among liberals, conservatives, independents, atheists, religious, satanist, pagan, etc. On all six continents, and even Antarctica. In movies, books, poems, video games, tv shows, reality shows. In this century and as far back as many thousands of years B.C.
EVERYWHERE there always has been a constant peer pressure (aka cult-like indoctrination) reminding you that marriage is an expectation, and that if you're not married by a certain age you're a failure/loser. Even if a guy could withstand the pressure and choose not to marry, it's highly unlikely that his girlfriend won't be gullible enough (women are more easily swayed by "romantic gestures" than men are) to buy into the scam of marriage. She'll then pressure him into proposing, which he'll do because he wants that pussy and he knows he can't get it so easily elsewhere..

drug use and abuse continues to happen no matter how much we try to warn the younger generations of its dangers. But at least we're trying to warn them. There's an entire industry trying to warn about the dangers of drug use. But there's no agency with significant reach-power trying to warn youngsters about the downside, legalities, and repercussions of marriage. Since no one is teaching young people that marriage can be hazardous, young people have little reservations about jumping into a marriage with ease. Same goes with buying a house.

I hope I don't sound too stupid,but I am a virgin woman and I took my own hymen by mistake.I was masturbating with a decent sized dildo.LOL
Also,I hope it isn't true about feeling a connection to a man who took your virginity because I am very lonely and just want to feel someone.

You know the Яules! Post TITS then GTFO

Because most people don't let statistics decide their life
Women do have a strong connection to the man who takes their virginity
t. Dating the girl who's virginity I took 8 years ago (for the second time)
