Nigerian Mafia is stronger than Italian mafia

International Mafias have become too strong for the native Italian ones, for many reasons, the most important is because they were supported by politicians from these parties: PD, Partito Democratico, +Europa -Soros Party-, LeU -PD 2.0- and others members of the State, like functionaries of the state like Judges and Bureakrats and Catholic organizations too.
It is not known, at least it is not proven, that those people are supporting them because they are directly founded by Nigerian Mafia or just because their ideologies, they think to be good while they are much more dumb than good.
I quote one leftist intellectual:
>I'm always on the side of minorities
This is the level of their stupidity: they do not reason, they just have to side with an ethnical minority just because (this is how gypsy could build a criminal organization in the last 30 years that they never had in their history here in Italy, but it is another story even if related).
>How it started
With immigration, obviously. Criminal organizations work like a state in the state, where there is no state control they put their fangs. Clandestines to live in Italy had to deal with them, and the Mafias see them as low cost manpower, so they were really happy to use them and to put their hands on public money invested to "hospitality" of those people.
We don't have ICE nor we kick them rightfully has US does, and this is for political reasons.
The biggest waves of clandestines are from 2011, but Nigerian mafia already settle before that period.
Italian mafias used it to do what they considered not really interesting racket, as control of the (black) prostitution and such.
It quickly gained enough power to have the completely control of certain areas, like Castel Volturno (if you saw Gomorrah: the Series you understand what we are talking about), that massacre was in september 2008, ten years ago.
That was a Mafia war, our media shilled that it was a massmurder made by mafiosi just because they were racist.

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That was a Mafia war, and Camorra lost it.
Today Castel Volturno is completely, 100% controlled by Nigerian Mafia.
>What is Nigerian mafia
It is born in the Nigerian university that are made copying the Anglosaxon education system. The british tried to settle some masonic lodges and developed brotherhoods for students, the Nigerian Mafia born as one of these brotherhoods, but they built a cult around it.
It mixed the masonic system with their traditional believes, vodoo and other esoteric sorcery thing.
Today it has the monopoly of the control of Heroin traffic from Liberia to South Africa.
>How could they win against Italian Mafias
Many reasons, the most important two are:
>Untouched by justice system

>Untouched by justice system and support of the Left wing media, politicians and functionaries
As I already stated those mafia wars were shutted in the political debate with the "racism" label, nobody could talk about them or it was a racist.
Those information were totally banned, nobody could talk about Nigerian Mafia. An example on how the Italian media shut down people:
It is not related with Nigerian mafia, that this is their method. Here this woman, a doctor that now is a Fantasy writer, Silvana De Mari, is asked about verbal violence, and she answered that yes it is a tragedy that she was attacked online and brought in tribunal to have reported to the public that there is a lgbt organization named Mario Mieli, a guy that was a pedophilia apologist, that recieve money from the state. She was shutted down and could not talk for the last 20 minutes of the show.

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Pamela was a girl tortured, raped, murdered and cut to piece. Part of her body, has her hearth, were eaten.
One of the many initiation ritual of Nigerian Mafia (it depends in wich brotherhoo we are talking about) is about killing a woman and eat her hearth.
This is the first case known, but how many girls were already killed in those initiation rituals? We have no idea. Those guys were discovered just because they were really stupid, maybe it is because they betrayed each other, the guy who had to take the body (it was put in a bag) left it in the middle of a road.
Well, the media and leftists tried in all the ways to shut this episode down, they said that the poor girl was just a whore and that she died of overdose and the poor migrant was scared, so he cut her down, just because he was a poor oppressed guy that didn't want to deal with fascist police.
Well, that the guy in the pic went crazy, took his gun and searched for the pushers in his town, totally ruled by Nigerian Mafia. He didn't hit only pusher, in fact he asked sorry for the people he hit by mistake.
The media shilled about him, they did not say that he wanted to kill the mafia guys, but that he was a just racist that killed (he didn't kill anybody at the end of the day because he suck with the gun, even if it was his intention, or maybe he didn't want to kill anybody and wanted just scare the pushers or push a reaction from the locals).

The stuff are really crazy here in Italy
Our Ministro degli Interni was inquired for "kidnapping" while he was doing his job, maybe you all know this fact.
What you don't know is that leftists judged do this thing by a lot of time, but the media don't talk about it.
There is a case of 7 policeman inquired and accused for kidnapping because they stopped some clandestine, and the judge wanted to give them 20 years of prison.

Attached: pamela-mastropietro.jpg (2048x1365, 156K)

Actually the local Mafias never lost a "battle" against Nigerian criminals, but at every exchange of fire they were just decimated by the police.
Nigerian brotherhoods don't have a family member core system of power, they have a cultist one and can change their bosses in a really fast way. They use a lot of people that are not totally affiliated with them that comes from all Africa, they are just zerging.
The time a local Mafia needs to "train" and "hire" a new soldier (they have to check their loyalty, teach him the basic skill and how to not go full retard) is a lot, and of course just a tiny minotiry of Italian people want to deal with Mafia.
The clandestines instead have do to with Nigerian mafia everyday. They went here in Italy with contracts made with them, they own them money, they are easily manipulated with vodoo and sorcery, they are in desperate need of money and basic services. They all works, in a way or another, for Nigerian mafia.
Local mafias cannot kill them all, they know that, and this is way they know that they already lost. They are being zerged, those guys just flow in a territory and in that way local Mafias have to retreat, they just control their bastions, for the rest they have to make deals with the Nigerian bosses.
The heroin here is almost all under Nigerian control.

Recently FBI discovered a traffic of human breed like cattle to be butchered to harvest organs. The farm was in Nigeria, then they smuggled the people by plane in Italy, in Castel Volturno, where the harvesting and distribution of the organs in the whole world happened. They sold their stuff to American doctors too.

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I quit here, thank you.

>be italian mafia
>lose to african mafia
history repeats itself

Interesting, OP. Thank you for the info and here's a bump. The world needs to know how dangerous these animals are.

Sadly we are full of progressists that do damage control and try to hide these facts.

When you are on the wrong path, the man that turns back first is the progressive.

Niggers are way better than Southern "Italians". I hope the Nigerian mafia enslaves all terroni.

this is a piddino.

He has a point though.

Niggers act like the animals they are and have no fault because their behavior is instilled in their DNA while terroni deliberately choose the act like niggers and leeches of their own country sistematically asking for gibs without paying taxes and without working, only voting for welfare providing parties (M5S).

My brain can harldy handle all the info. Is there any other place I can read about these clashes?

we are not surprised that the corrupt leftist, acting like glow in the dark nigger jews, literally support criminal gangs and organizations, that they must be arrested, detained, even executed if necessary, to protect the safety of the community

Niggas gotta nig.

Pastas, what happened to you? The Triads, Cartels, and the Yakuza would never allow this to happen ESPECIALLY on their home turf.

You watched too many hollywood made mafia movies, son.

Mafia doesn't know honour and they ultimately don't give a shit both to their country nor to their people unlike it's their family.

They're won't give a flying fuck until they won't stop making money and lose all the power.

Either way, Salvini should send the army and every single tank we have to the south and glass everything because it's the only way to get rid of this problem, as the Duce already demonstrated.

No surprise. Mafia in Italy is already went into business

Attached: thats-how-mafia-works-tam-th-thats-how-mafia-works-39571293.png (500x676, 176K)

Global ringleader mafia status

you glow in the dark, faggot

>Castel Volturno (if you saw Gomorrah: the Series you understand what we are talking about)

I swear the only black guy I saw in the series was in the Prison episode. Am I forgetting something?

bump, very good

>That was a Mafia war, and Camorra lost it.
Why? how? is their ground, all you need are bullets and your enemy is easy to identify, just shoot the niggers.
Did they lost their edge?