Chinks Have Finally Done it This Time

They've contacted aliens from the dark side of the moon. And now they'll all fuck us.

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Israel is freaking out. I wouldn't be surprised if Israel tried to use the Samson Option after Trump declares a state of emergency. Too bad!! Space Force will stop all of Israel's nukes.

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Thank you Cleetus, very cool!

>very cool!

How do they see on the dark side of the moon?

So much natural shit in space puts out radio signals all the fucking time; wake me when they're actually in patterns a magnetar can't make.

Fucking retard

1.5 billion light years away. whatever caused it is long gone.

Astral project by getting super fucking baked & listening to "Dark Side" over Wizard of Oz.

they probably meant deep state
and it was fucking SOS


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This sounds familiar

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Roundly ignored cause we're the interstellar nigger dumping ground.

So few in the world understand this. I didn't know fear of the scale of the universe until I read this.

No, faggot! Its lizard controlled Jew greys! Its a 1.5 billion yo psyop to trick the goyim into buying dogecoin. Are you a shill of just fucking stupid?

you are a complete retard.

only 1 E in Cletus, Le'monjello.

Figures you'd know that.

Not if it's a clone of Cletus made from the hand he lost on Bespin.

I don't know if you're dense or trying to troll me.

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Of course. While you were fucking dogs and sucking moose cock, I mastered the hillbilly lexicon.
When you were selling off that shitstained tundra you call home to a bunch of chinks, I was perfecting the art of makin' moonshine.

When you eleceted a substitute drama teacher for weed, I brought you meme's to last a thousand years with the orange man.

>rotating neutron star
Once again Electric Universe BTFO theoretical physics with a real explanation of how these radio waves work. But no let's keep spouting the dogmatic religion of Einsteinian theoretical physics and bullshit pop-sci.

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Explain what you're pretending to know about without jewtube or dot org links.
Inb4 research it

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>random tin foil about ayys
really Jow Forums . i am disappointed . i would have expected this kind of tabloid garbage from /sci/ or /lit/ but you ... you have fallen very far in short time. im not sure if we get to have a race war now. youve ruined everything with your faggy technobabel about radio signals. nobody listens to radio any more

oof I hit a nerve there ;)

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Just YouTube Thunderbolts of the Gods and watch the whole thing. It is just an hour and will blow the doors off your world.

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Meant to reply to


Reminder there is absolutely no proof that space is even real and NASA means “to deceive” in Hebrew

Fucking faggot
I knew you couldn't do it.

The "singing" is a well documented phenomenon. You brainlets that pretend to be interested need to take an active interest and go do some reading.

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Stars are electric. Neutron stars work off a similar property to a relaxation oscillator. But cool. I'm a fag and you win... a cookie I guess.

Is this the FRB thing? Such a waste of time and money. From all looks of it, these very same astronomers believe that these FRB's are from a young magnetar. Let's give them the benefit of the doubt that they find out for sure what this is, was the money worth it? Are they going to now use that information and try to put it to good use? Create new technologies by experimenting with whatever they learned. The answer to that is hell no. Don't get me wrong, I love space, but it seems like a lot of money is being spent on useless shit. FFS, the scientists themselves are not even open about new ideas or possibilities, just more of the same old boring shit that does nothing for humanity. /rant

Glow in the dark niggers



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probably they need more money or have to put out some news to justify the tons of money they burn every year on useless shit.

I'm not saying it's aliens, but it's aliens

.>radio signals
>1.5 BILLION light years
>in a week
i feel sorry for you kid. There's not some other world out there where you're not an irredeemable retard.

I tried this and my soul got captured by the greys.

Don't do this guys.

Lol, I think your looking to hard.

Redshift is intrinsic, Hubble's Law is bunk, we don't know shit about how far away things are in space.

>not recognizing the superior phase-shift oscillator hypothesis of neutron star magnetohydrodynamics.
Yeah, I'd say you're pretty fucking gay

The first FRB was 3 billion light years away, the 2nd is half that. The distance from the first one to the 2nd one is just as far away from each other than earth is. If they are aliens, they have a monopoly on this shit, so I doubt it's aliens. They can't even say for sure what it is even if they tracked it down, which they did with the first one being from a dwarf galaxy far away, and even then they only have theories.

Flaming, apparently. Enlighten me. I'll read a url if you got one or watch a jewtube vid if you have one. Sounds fairly interesting.

its not aliens its ching chongs from the future sending info to the changs in our present time

Shit. I was just throwing around jargon in an attempt to seem profound. Just like your YouTube "research" video.

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global boker face

You should write for Star Trek.

Not to mention going faster than c/sqrt(2) creates diminishing returns from time dilation.

Also, Killary is running a top secret pedo ring from a pizzeria!


Dilation always leads to diminishing returns; ask any tranny.

The trick is the liberal use of magnetohydrodynamics.

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The Chinese and the aliens are able to coordinate together like an insect colony without having to speak

If the moon is 238,900 miles away from the Earth... how do we see it? Checkmate, balltards.

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Yeah, I’m sure an advanced race would side with the first people who talk to them. They’d obviously side with the most superior race, white people.

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loved that book, have yet to order the second and third book and read them. tried to get my friend to read it but he couldnt get past the muh communism intro

FP burger post

In all honesty, man, project thunderbolts is quite possibly the closest to truth I have found yet. They explain how the universe works using electrical engineering and plasma physics. What is the kicker is that in these scientific disciplines, things that happen on a large scale can also be scaled down for lab confirmation. The final confirmation for me was if Tesla was still alive, I truly believe he would have approved of this model.

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Why are you using the EU flag, Israel?

Didn't you know magnetic force is a liquid that occupies the fourth dimension?
(insert Juggalo pondering the nature of magnets here)

I really will check it out, user. Jow Forums is definitely not the place for scientific discussion, though.

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I know that magnetism ultimately leads to all sorts of mindfuckery.

Can I get a quick rundown?

>"Wut's dat? I raff I ruse?"

Magnetism is just the properties of electrons, and their balance, which when in different values (more energetic, less energetic) enables positive and negative polarity.
Gravity is a centrifugal force, from atoms, this rotational force acts as a gravity wave generator, in negligible (Read: practically impossible to measure) levels, but when multiplied by a force of a planet of said rotational force, (How many atoms in a Earth sized planet) you get gravity equal to 1G.

>chinese communists receive and decode alien signals in the 60's and keep it secret.
> ayys live in a shithole and decide to take earth over.
>they launch a fleet with a 1000 year arrival window.
> a cult forms on earth accepting of this scenario
>they create an immersive VR game to weed out the smart people to indoctrinate them into their cult, which is what the title is.
its very worth the read and is a trilogy. i havent read the second and third

I’ve actually wondered why we would try to contact aliens that might try to kill us all and we’d be powerless to stop it

oh forgot to add
>dumb communist bitch who decodes signal decides to send signal back to the ayys
>radio operator ayy that received signal was a neet and warned us his civilization would invade if they replied again
>bitch fucking replies again

Oh my God just shut the fuck up PLEASE

What purpose would it serve to kill us?

I think these aliens already know, and if they wanted to kill you they could. I don't think we are dealing with aliens as far as mechanical parts on a spaceship goes, I believe they are more than just that. I refuse to believe that there is no architect behind all of this, and they have a monopoly on the universe. I don't believe in the god of the bible, I'm just saying.

You successfully worded this as Donald Trump would tweet it out.
Apply for whitehouse secretary. Please.

Even Bigelow Aerospace, they did a study on this shit, they don't believe aliens are creatures, but entities that can bend human perception, and that every proof you bring will not show anything. Basically, the proof that aliens exist is that there is no proof LOL.

I agree. But it happens. Best of luck in your searches for the truth, user. I am out for the night. Got some dicks to suck. Kek

To kill your an enemy before they are grown up would reveal you to be cowardly, but would indeed assure that they may never be a threat.
Can you imagine how well humans would fare if we had space travel right now?
Fucking space raiders.

it's free real estate

Let them, the Earth by 2960 would be fully capable of interstellar warfare on a galactic scale.

Doesn't sound any worse than what Jow Forums already thinks the future holds.

Tits before you gtfo

Iron particle beams are already possible, ask CERN about their weapons papers.

For the last time it’s a hexagon

Hope so.

well i think it was 100 years actually and they did realize humanity was fast outpacing them in tech. so they did some science magic and created a supercomputer A.I. that was the size of a neutron or some shit and sent it to earth through a wormhole to give us false readings in our particle accelerators and fuck with our science development and make scientists kill themselves en masse. fuck i should really read the second one

they are in patterns.

the turtle's shell or earf?

Those are no aliens....
They’re Jews!

death's end is fucking great

more like 2001: A Space Odyssey
fuck can't upload pics

I feel like this is a recycled story from years ago

Eu is a peace project, too.

Yahoodis do this.

Thx satan

it's not. this is the story of the 2nd repeating frb. the first one was in 2017. now they got a new one. best thing about it is that maybe they will finally figure out what it is. the more bursts the better chance where they can see it. apparently, this thing in canada was barely setup when they found it, and that now they will find many more repeating frbs.