Man brings bloody raccoon corpse into SF McDonalds

Welcome to Nancy Pelosi's America.

"The guy came in screaming, 'Help, help, help!'" said Brooks. "He came to the counter, and I thought it was a dog at first. The employees told him to leave and he went and sat down with it. "

He added: "There was blood on the table and blood on the floor and, with people walking around, you could see them tracking the blood around."

Brooks often stops at this McDonald's in the early morning and says it's frequented by people without housing seeking warm food and an escape from the cold. On Tuesday, he estimates over two dozen customers were in the restaurant.

Attached: McDonaldsRaccoon.jpg (576x1024, 40K)

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The only decent coon in SanFran.


Poor ferret

Sometimes you just have to have a fight to the death with a raccoon and parade around town with it's dead corpse.

healthier than anything they serve

F pbp

That poor trash panda

lmao why did he think they would help him make a raccoon burger

RIP strange doggo, you smelled weird.

Grandpa wandered out of the Home again.