they're both running for president. Who does pol like more. is there gonna be some kind of alt right primary between the two?
Who wins? Patrick Little or Richard Spencer
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Neither, the future is bright, Lambright 2020.
>drunk, effeminate wannabe academic with no accomplishments who has alienated all his allies
>mentally ill IT help desk larper best known for issuing unrequited duel challenges to any and all critics
Neither. The alt-right is dead.
oh look another self important and un self aware sperg
all accurate and good points. i think they both suck but if i had to choose would prol be Spencer > Little
This. Spencer has personal issues that are now so public that he probably won't get much further. But his goal was to make his movement more socially acceptable, and he pretty much succeeded, though not to the extent he had hoped.
Little acts like a retard. He makes the movement look a little retarded by association. He's an attention-seeking loser.
I would go with Little because he fits the classic mold of a crank. The media can't effectively use him as a foil to whip up the left like they can with Spencer.
>oh look another self important and un self aware sperg
Oh, look a commenter on Jow Forums you're so respected.
They're both terrible.
Duke/Striker 2020
lol did anybody save that pic of Lambright showing his nipple when he was begging Little to run with him?
hilarious faggot