what is the lowest point of your life?
What is the lowest point of your life?
Single mom, extremely depressed. suicidal because of an abortion.
single moms are a stain on our society
You don‘t fucking say.
Gambling/drinking problem/flood all at the same time
When I was 17 I had lung surgery. Ended up having such bad nerve damage I couldn't get out of bed for 3 years straight.
I just about killed myself ~4 times because breathing hurt and the pain medicine wasn't working. I decided to start snorting pills because I figured might as well just get so high I die. Never did die though. Lost what most consider their "golden years".
Life is really good now.
>In dream university
>solid relationship
>family is doing okay
Don't know how I didn't OD some of those times though I must have taken way above what a normal person should be able to without dying.
Had kidney cancer while all my old friends from high school were starting their senior year in college. Chemotherapy is a fucking bitch
waking up after being resuscitated.
>lost what most considee their golden years
No worries user here are people like me who literally slept over them and played vidya.
NEET for 5 years straight out of high school. By the time I started college, everyone I knew in high school either graduated or are graduating.
Actually moving into the dorm tomorrow at 25 and it will be the first time I'll be on my own.
Still heroin and alcohol addictions
Good luck user. Dorming is an interesting experience in that you learn how to live with complete strangers in a compact living space.
20 years old apathetic. Losing interest in everything even socializing with people. My only hobby is just sitting at computer all day and jerking off. To be honest sometimes I even think I am losing interest in living...
But I have a dream of becoming a software developer. College starts next month but I don't know if I it will go well. I am afraid that I will lose interest in it, drop out and then return to being a parasite on my parents back living only to browse shit and waste my time.
>19 years old
>First year of college
>Dorm room was a fucking mess
>Lived solely off of pizza and fast food cause I couldn’t be fucked to cook
>Old pizza boxes everywhere
>Floor buried under empty coke bottles
>About three KFC wings boxes in the corner of the room from 6 months ago, the bones were rotting and insects had eaten them
>Mold on the walls like pic related cause I never opened the windows
>Never went to class
>Did all my assignments last minute (somehow still got good grades)
>Only went outside to get drunk with friends
>Got arrested several times for drunk and disorderly conduct
>Lost most of my friends for being an ass
>Went from a skinny guy to very overweight from endless fast food and alcohol
Yeah that was a hellish time
Woah, we're nearly twins
Right now. My job does not pay me much, I don't feel any progress, only pure deterioration. Parents could barely support themselves, I can barely support myself, my friends are either lumpens or those who moved with their life and I no longer fit there.
But what grinds my gears is that I feel that everyone is against me.
Did you manage to climb up? How? This was basically me, I still am, but it's a void, a quicksand.
I'm 22. Left university last year with the best degree the university has handed out in my subject since 2001. Had chronic sciatica and back pain for the last two years. Could barely walk to the end of my road. Applied for teaching position in Japan and fucked it up big time. Hospitalised in March, had two back spasms, catheterised twice, kept in during my birthday. Put on innumerable drugs including four oxycodone (heroin) a day. Deformed body, all in all excruciating pain every waking second, could barely sleep. Operation on June 15th got rid of it but I'm still technically recovering, but holy shit what a difference it has made.
That said, still jobless, still claiming benefits which I retardedly only applied for in June, still barely mobile because I've been living a sedentary lifestyle for so long. I've spent a lot of time recording demos and I'd love to get back into performing but I'm honestly terrified. My life is ruled by fear.
I get closer every day though. At this point I have absolutely nothing to lose. I've allowed it to define me and I never should have.
Glad it's behind you user.
When I lost both my parents as a teen and the 10 years that followed.
Getting divorced by a 300 lb Puerto Rican female.
Wasted 3 or 4 years of my life playing video games in a college dorm and I have nothing to show for it. Always a fun conversation to have with people who know I went off to college
Did you just stay in your dorm all the time and play video games?
I'm and I'm bringing my desktop so I can play online games in my free time (shitty internet at home). I'm more worried about my roommate getting upset with me being in the room all the time since I have agoraphobia and need to recharge after class and shit.
>Did you manage to climb up? How?
Well the third time I got arrested was a pretty big wake up call because I nearly got hit with assault charges for fighting in public. That was a low for me
After that it was a slow climb. Gradually forcing myself to attend class. Gradually trying to become less reliant on alcohol. Gradually repairing friendships. Gradually eating less to lose weight and regain self confidence
I went home for Christmas break that year, a month after my last arrest, miserable and alone. Saddest Christmas ever. Considered dropping out. I went back to college after Christmas and somehow everything fell in place. I met new friends and did new things and once the snowball of positivity was rolling, it was easy
My room was still a shit heap for a while though. I didn’t add to the mess after I got out of my worst depression, but it was too horrifying to clean up. I woke up one morning after a party with a raging hangover and just had an epiphany moment and spent an entire day panic cleaning my room. Filled nine trash bags, scrubbed the mold off the wall, vacuumed, went out and bought a bunch of air freshener shit to make it smell nice. After that I got a LOT happier cause I wasn’t living in filth anymore
Yep, wake up at 4pm and get a hot and ready pizza to last me a few days. I never gained weight because I was terrified to go outside during daylight. It's a weird sensation for the first time you hear yourself talk for a few weeks to be at little ceasars lel I wish I had gone to class more and made something out of myself. Oh well
Right now because I'm stuck with a bad room mate and I get constant urges to murder. I think I might become the next Elliot Rodger if i don't get out.
In my case it's actually not the games which make you weak, but the general inability to have a healthy lifestyle outside of games. As soon as I dropped gaming, I simply didn't know what to do. I put off my electronic gadgets and sit at the couch, stuck, for hours. Anxiety levels drastically raised. And this particular unhealthy habit gets replaced by new, not any less harmful, but as attractive as previous one.
I feel the "snowball" effect. If everything goes bad, the more effort you have to put in order to climb out eventually. I hope you'll be alright. Since this shit eats me inside and I am happy to see people who manage to move after the wake-up call.
Lowest point would have to be maybe 18ish months ago. Working as a chef is bad enough with stress ect but the place I was working at had a bunch of people leave/get fired at once. We were literally running a busy as fuck kitchen with less than half the staff we should have been. Everyone was stressed out and pushed to their limits. I worked like 6 weeks straight with no day off (and these were 12+hour days) at one point. I left that place some days wanting to die.
Why not just quit? I dunno I really liked the guys I worked with, we developed a sick sense of camaraderie with each other. I knew I would be screwing them over if I just left because I knew for a fact it would be at least a few weeks before the management would be able to hire anyone else. I actually did try to fucking quit that job TWICE, but both times they talked me into staying.
Things are fucking great now though. I left my career as a chef behind (I'm perfectly fine with it as a hobby desu, if I'd have kept at it I doubt I would have moved up the ladder so to speak, I probably would have been chef de partie my whole life) and work at a hospital now. I'm only a janitor but if you can believe it entry level fucking jobs here pay double what I was getting as a chef. And I only work 8 hours a day! Been working there a year now and it still feels like I'm on vacation compared to the stressful life I used to have.
right now
>can't find work that utilizes my skills, can't get respect for my craft
>quit in frustration
>cat dies, vet had been shady with me and dragging out his suffering, the end was horrible
>landlord now making up rules that prevents me from getting another cat, no point in fighting him on it because non land owners don't actually have rights (my only option is to move, which is not an option, I can't sue to make him let me have a cat and it's not cost effective any way)
>alone, so alone
>best friend and I fought (well she just got really pissed at me and drove like a maniac while I was riding in the car with her) and now hardly talks to me and doesn't invite me over
>there was no reason to live in the first place
>software developer
just don't get good at it, there's no point in caring about your craft. People will treat you like shit, no one will follow process, if there even is a process, there is no advancement
could you elaborate and give tips? just got my first job as dev, although i cant code for shit
>first year at uni grandma gets cancer
>second year sister drops out of uni
>third year mom gets cancer
>foiurth year sis is diagnosed with schizophrenia
>get a job. Finish thesis. Extremely depressed.
Currently 23 years old
I don't know what to do and I'm super lost and overweight. Kek. I hope it gets better from here on but at this moment the thing that helps me get out of my panic attacks are the images of bullets going through my head. I really feel lost.
interesting. what are some of the odd things that she does?
Why do you care? Your question is morbid. Just google experiences online.
Talking about mine is too painful to even write. I wish there could be a cure. I love my sister so much I can barely see her like this
what’s your job like as a hospital janitor?
is it any different from a janitor in any other building?
Is this image real?
I've been homeless on the street. I was a heavily drinking alcoholic and couldn't put the bottle down to even save my home and place to sleep.
Bought a plain brown t shirt for -00 dollars
My adoptive father (the only relative I had within 3,000 miles) died in January from a combination of pulmonary embolism and opiate overdose.
That same month, I crashed my car for the first time and got my hours cut at my dead end job from 32 to 12.
I was overwhelmed, and my girlfriend at the time swooped in to take care of me. I considered her the first girl that I could have seen myself marrying.
Well she just broke up with me in June. She dragged it out too. From June through July, I had the first mental breakdown of my life at 25. I quit my job, stopped eating, stopped sleeping. Mid-July, I was legitimately considering suicide.
I'm now completely alone in a new apartment I can't afford (being paid for by a relative) as I try to study for the GRE, when I'm not too exhausted from crying. I'm completely dependent on Xanax to sleep now, after never having a substance issue previously.
This is definitely the lowest my life has ever been, but at least I'm beginning to stabilize since last month.
To add to this: in retrospect my problems aren't as bad as some people here. For those who were homeless especially.
Theres still hope guys :D
When I lived with my physically and emotionally abusive dad in a poor area of my state and got forced to skip a grade into a private school, although now I just deal with the after effects(aka depression, eating disorder, ptsd, etc)
Right now. I'm 31 without a career, family, a mentor and I can't see a pathway
My dad told me he would do good for me, make sure I get a car that's safe and help me learn to drive. I was desperate for a car, and he knew. He kept bragging about this junk yard car that was in good shape. I bought it, and made sure it was a good buy according to him. My brother said it was good too, but I don't even talk about him in this.
My dad fucked me over. It came with the parts it needed, but it unknowingly needed a subframe replacement. I paid 300$ to get it replaced. "Whoops, wrong one son!" Now I need to wait for this person, to come do it again, and I can't pay it at the moment, because I have to pay my gym membership otherwise they bring it to collections tomorrow, so fuck them. I'm not having my credit destroyed when I just fixed the errors on my report. And I hate my dad, and I hate this fucking house. I have no way of getting out. I'm trapped.
Tomorrow though, I'm asking my mom to take me to the local factory over here, which is 8 miles away. Gonna try to persuade them to get me a job or otherwise fill out an application, and maybe I can use one of the garbage bikes I have to ride all the way there, which is dangerous, but I need to start making money. I'm 23 and haven't done shit with myself, yet I thought I was doing good with this car but no, my dad is a fucking moron.
When I was younger, I always thought about how much fun it would be to go home after school and play video games. Now that I'm older though, I sit at home and dream about how much I miss work. Is this bad?
I love you all, we all hurt.
hard to top
right now, hopefully
you may find this interdesting
broke up with my bf of 3 years for a coworker crush but realized quickly it was a horrible decision and begged forgiveness of my ex. He refused, I became despondent but kept trying, even begging and he started to relent only to discover I was pregnant. At first I was happy thinking it was his but the doctor removed all doubt, it had to be the scummy coworkers child. I'm still not over this. Not only did I lose the guy I thought was the one, it was over a silly crush on a guy that had convinced me my bf didn't care for me enough and now I have to deal with a guy I hate because he's the father of my child. Surely life cannot get worse.
Surely you chose to go down that path.
I hope you don't blame others for your own made misfortunes. Those moms are the worst moms.
At my dad's funeral, be completely destroyed but try to keep a straight face.
His ex girldfriend comes and says "user, I think I'll miss him more than you ever will"
Next week slowly discover her and her bf took all his money while he was sick and that both lied to me in order to do that.
> lowest point has been reached.
It's not much and I can't really get it back because of the way it's been done, so I just learn the lesson and go on with my life.
Late elementary school and early middle school. Had to move schools when I was 10 and that’s when the hell ensued.
>literally 0 friends, not even internet ones since social media wasn’t a thing yet
>lots of bullies, pretty much my entire class and a couple of people from the other classes, had to hide in a library or near the janitors room on recesses
>intensifying acne that I could never get rid off until I finally nuked that shit away with an accutane when I was 22
>shattered confidence and painful loneliness that I eventually got used to since I didn’t have a choice
>developed book and video game addictions to cope, both of which eventually ruined my eyesight (close to -4.0 D on both eyes)
I’m 26 now and feel much better overall, though I’m still very lonely and never been in a relationship/had sex. At least I’m going to be earning good money soon and finally move to my own place.
Mine isn't so rough compared to like half of the anons here
>5 years ago got conscripted to Police Academy
>be your typical neet, with bad social skills, autistic etc. Squad's filled school dropouts, bullies you get the picture
>somehow, fuck knows why got made to Squad leader. Worst time in my life, mentally draininig as hell and won't deny got bullied here and there
Even lost a lot weight but gained them back and lost them again currently. I look pretty good and would rate myself 7-8 when I groom myself
And I'm still a useless neet atm, why am I like this
I feel it's all cause I never had a father or male figure in my life. And I don't even want to blame my mother. I just can't find that motivation at all, wish someone would just talk some sense or slap the shit out of me
>get an abortion
>problem solved
then you can go search for another guy's time to waste
I couldn't abort a child just because my bf wouldn't forgive one mistake in 3 years.
i left my girlfriend and started to not shower and do nothing with myself, got back with her and im doing fine since then
I did prison time after a botched suicide.
Also I got front row seats to watching my grandma mummify from cancer.
It's a tossup.
lmao you got knocked up by another man you dumb tramp, thats not a mistake, thats a decision you took and you blame HIM
ahahahha hope the other leaves your ass and youll be alone for the rest of your life being a bitter useless cumdumpster, just give the kid up not to ruin futher lives
I don't think I blame anyone but the father of my child (I hate saying that, the asshole) was relentless for two weeks at work telling me things he knew were lies and he knew that I had a bf just to have sex with me. When I had to tell him I was pregnant he laughed at me, said good luck and quit his job.
I'm not with either my bf or the coworker but now I'm tied to the coworker forever.
i hate that you got prison time for a botched suicide. what nerve the government has to make killing yourself illegal. everyone should be able to opt out of life if they are in too much pain to keep going in life
I have a feeling it is yet to come.
Most consider it their golden years just because they peaked then. Its nothing more than that.
Discovered my bf had cheated, proceeded to cock a loaded revolver and put it in my mouth.
My entire adult life seems like a low point. Still a virgin at 27, completely apathetic about life, no motivation or goals in mind, I can't seem to start anything. Just mindlessly go to work, masturbate, and play video games when I'm not doing either of those things. Feels like the same schedule ever since I was 17. I've only had material gains throughout my life, that's about it. I'm stuck in this rut but I can't seem to get out of it.
The 2 years I was bullied in highschool because I was a little too different, aka not into selfies, not into Justin Bieber etc. Can't believe it's been a decade since then, it was living hell. Fortunately, due to PTSD-induced amnesia, I hardly remember any of the attacks. Walked past my school a few weeks ago and immediately got a migraine though so I guess the inner panic mode is still somewhere in my head.
My "golden years" consisted of me waking up at 4 AM, grabbing my M16 and going to border patrol.
You know, it still isn't the other guy's fault.
You need to be smart and abort the child or ruin your life.
Start clean and learn from your mistakes. A kid doesn't need a father who doesn't want them. Ir a mother who hates the father. Planning having kids is a mindful thing now for the wellbeing of the kid.
Start again, but this time start with wisdom.
Or ruin your life again by your own choice and hate every second of it.
It isn't too late
Well to be fair, she's splitting the blame on both the coworker for "tricking" her and her BF for not forgiving one little tiny mistake in 3 years. Even if that little mistake changes everything.
Went to a protest, face got plastered all over the local news paper.
Got fired from my job shortly after.
My girlfriends family ended up hating me and thought I was something I wasn't because of the way the paper portrayed me.
Started drinking heavily and left my parents home to stay out in the country for a while, because people recognized me from the paper and yell at me or say nasty things. One time I was attending a church and some lady turned around and told me I didn't belong there and she knew who I was.
I got a job at a gas station while I was in the country and brought my journal to work to take notes. I left for the day and forgot my journal... My manager turned it over to the police and fired me.
The police gave my journal back to me but told me to get help. Because of the contents of my journal I was fired and my "pastor" at the time who was "counseling" me then, asked me what was in it. I told him a half truth as to what was in it (as to not make it sound as bad). He proceeded to tell the owner of the house I was staying at about my journal and the owner asked me to leave. Which I did.
With no where left to go I just stayed on the road for a few days before going back to my parents and getting a new job.
I already had my baby, abortion was never really an option and once I saw her couldn't give her up for adoption. The coworker was confirmed her father by DNA.
>cock and put it in my mouth
>Even if that little mistake changes everything
but when I first tried to get back together I didn't know I was pregnant and my bf (ex) still pushed me away, like he didn't love me anymore. How could he turn off just like that? Maybe he was just trying to hurt me and if that is so they wouldn't you blame him too?
>[He] still pushed me away, like he didn't love me anymore. How could he turn off just like that?
If a girl tells me she doesn't love me, that recontextualizes the entire relationship in my mind. She thought she could do better, and only now realizes not that she loves me, but that I'm just the best she'll have to settle for. It makes you feel like unwanted scraps and it's impossible to ever feel the same way about that person as you did before.
even after 3 years? I mean, even when I was crushing on the coworker I knew I loved my bf deep down.
lmao I bet it was because you have a Jow Forums tier IQ.
Hate isn't the answer at all.
Yeah, 3 months or 13 years, if someone breaks up with me they don't love me I'll never be able to be with them again. Even if I still love them I'll always know they thought my love wasn't enough for them and it's only now that they know they can't get what they really want that they've come back. It's a terrible feeling that overpowers everything else. Combined with the fact that I know intellectually breaking up is the best decision there's simply no staying.
hmm too early to say, i'm only 21. (only??)
i guess it was 2016, when i drank and smoked more than i went to class. almost dropped out near the end of the semester cuz i was fed up with feeling like not going anywhere.
nesting in Jow Forums at the time probably worsened my mindset then too
Go fuck yourself faggot.
Worst period of my life just passed me. My plan for my whole life has been join the military and die heroically, cause I’m too cowardly for a suicide and I don’t want my life to be wasted when it could have contributed to something. Train really fucking hard, study in school. Literally fucking ACE the mental exam. About a month before the physical my legs give out due to a pre existing medical condition. All my plans were completely fucked, and I still want to die.
Things are a bit better now, I’m trying to be a firefighter to contribute something, and hey, maybe there’ll be a burning orphanage that needs a hero to hold the roof up or some shit. A man can dream.
Guess things didn’t get better, but at least I have a plan moving forward now, even if I wasted a year bitching about shit I should have been working to fix.
I’d assume it was after HS when I was a NEET, and sat in my room for 2 years but in reality it’s now that I have a well paying job and I realise that money doesn’t mean shit if you’re an autistic retard such as myself. I chased wealth for years in hopes that it would make me happy, give me sense of self worth, but in reality I still feel like I felt back then, except now I cry myself to sleep in my own house and not my parents
It started when my best friend of 13 years commuted suicide. After that nearly got locked up in a mental ward for death threats. (110% my fault, biggest mistake of my life). Got in a crazy, and unwarranted disagreement with roommates, they then tricked me into signing my own release from the lease. Was actually ok with it because I hated them. Two of them were self proclaimed "Authoritarian Liberals", the third was my friend who wasnt on the lease, didn't pay rent and was unemployed. They realized they fucked themselves over, couldn't make rent without me. So they urinated all over my stuff. Bed, clothes and gifts from my deceased friend. Moved in with dead friend's Mom and her BF because she felt sorry for me. Wasnt allowed to call the cops on old roommates because Mom didnt want to deal with legal battle. I tried to join Army in a desperate attempt for money, a career and redemption. Got rejected twice and in the meantime tore my mensicus in my right knee. Running was agonizing. Tried to tough it out but my leg started giving away and jogging became impossible. Had to move out because friends Mom refused to help me if I got surgery and started to go crazy.(spying on me, treating me like my dead friend, screaming at the top of her lungs for petty things) Finally, moved backed home into my Aunt's, got leg surgery, and stuck at my Grandma's over crowded house till I can go back to my Aunt's.
It's safe to say the worst is over. Hope everyone's life gets better.
> 18 y/o
> Dropped out of high school
> Smoked weed every day
> Only had shitty shitty temp worker gigs
> Had to borrow money from my mother for rent
> Smacked by a hefty quasi-depression after taking acid for the first time
> Sitting alone, scraping the resin of the resin from my bong, hungry but no money
Got a callcenter job (asking people questions) 25 hours a week, got my shit together, quit weed and cut my 3.5 years old long hair and got an apprenticeship
All went forward from that
Damn bro that sucks, but it can only get better right?
Lowest point?
A week before christmas 2012. Woke up in my car (homeless), temp was 17f, couldnt feel my feet from cold, had no food or drinks, had cigs and heroin, weighed 135lbs (im 5' 10"), took my last shot of heroin, smoked a cig and called my parents. Cleaned up shortly thereafter.
My 19-23 years were very similar minus the college part. Those times sucked but looking back I would not change them for they played a piece in the eventual transformation to the person I am today.
Not really a waste. Video games engage in problem solving skill, puzzle solving, strategic thinking, tactical thinking, forward planning, rapid adaptation to unknown scenarios, builds hand-eye coordination, etc.
Engadget didnt cite their sources but this as well
That's like saying caffeine makes your life longer. Helps with depression. Makes you happier and more active and a thousand more things.
Are you fucking retarded?
The videogame industry is the next hollywood of course there are a thousand studies saying it is the best thing ever.
Guess what
It isn't when you are just losing your time
If all it took was two weeks of lies to get you to leave the "man of your dreams" you are a nightmare to have as a gf
>falling for the console jew
Failed suicide attempt and stuck in a mental facility on my 23rd birthday.
I came a pretty long way. 30 now.
You could alway join some fucked up fraction in the middle east and die shitting and pissing yourself in fear
Ex blew my college savings on drugs and his own bills after I gave him my pin (stupid, I know) for groceries. I didn't know he had a problem because he would be gone for days or weeks. We were together for 5 years.
We broke up, and I had 75 dollars to my name. I moved around the country as a homeless person, looking for a job that I could get to.
Then some asshole stabbed and cut me over 30 times, and I almost died. I had to hold my own intestines in my hand while I ran looking for help at around 3am.
I was traveling with my cat, who ate better than I did (he was chubby, even.) I haven't seen him since the night I was stabbed. I knew the person who stabbed me for over a year. He seemed like any other guy. I didn't move in with some rando.
My shoulder doesn't work properly anymore. I have scars all over my body, and I can't feel most of the right side of my neck. I had a bout of trigeminal neuralgia and other issues because of the attack. I'll never see my cat again. The guy got 15 years.
I can see what you are trying to say with this but you can't justify playing videogames for more than 2 hours a day when you are an adult. Unless it is on weekends or something. Man, do something productive
right now. best friend died two days ago
right now desu and I don't see it getting better. I feel old.
What the fuck
Sleeping on the floor, wrapped in a blanket and wearing my jacket and pants, trying to stay warm in the middle of winter. I was 16 and severly depressed. Situation was due to ex-father not paying alimoney and administrative faults leading to no or hardly payout of social benefits for several months. Begged God to show me love or end it.
Life changed after that. Mother met a half decent guy who took us in. Got a job and moved out after a year or two. Got my own place (rental). Went to university, worked a bit on the side, did two masters at the same time. Finished that, did a traineeship, worked some more. Read the bible from cover to cover. I have been going to church the past two months. And now, roughly 10 years after my ultimate low, I have 8 days to go till my permanent job contract goes into effect, opening the door to buy a house for my fiancee and me.
God showed me His love. I hope He shows His love to everyone in this thread too.