Why do the kikes love this man so much?

He was a degenerate racemixer who was responsible for Israel's downfall.

Attached: Solomon.jpg (359x325, 138K)

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the OT is cycle of having a Prophet come to show them, turning away from God, being punished, repeat ad infinitum. the jews recognize the failure of mankind and at the end of their prayers/psalms ask God to come down, take possession of all his land and END this shit
solomon was son of david, rich as fuck, chad as fuck, and very wise. but all men are weak. even the prophets go astray. one prophet even married a prostitute.

You sound like a kike yourself or at the very least brainwashed. Your analysis of the OT sounds pretty standard but the words you use and your praise of Solomon is suspicious as fuck. No real Christian would hold Solomon over the prophets, and referring to the Israelites collectively as jews is very fishy.

Attached: 1536890103722.jpg (640x480, 38K)

i am a proud jew.
you sound like a common low-IQ Jow Forumstard, so i might as well mention that i hate how most secular american jews behave. degenerate and materialistic as fuck. doesn't mean i don't cherish the tradition and knowledge passed down by my father.
the israelites are the jews. genes spread, but the science is pretty well set in stone. indian jews who settled in india in the first century share genetic markers with ashkenazi, sephardic, mizrahi, and even ethiopian jews. all are descended from one people. taken with their ethnographies, it is pretty well-known that jews are descended from the israelites. but i know how genetics work. pre-islamic expansion levant was actually closer genetically to modern europe than to modern middle eastern (arab). jesus and solomon were white people, or as white as european jews today.

we wuz^^
read these or be a deluded dumb goy

The Israelites are Israelites. Jews are rejecters of Christ. You are not an Israelite unless you belong to Christ. That's all there is to it, kikerat. Deal with it.

>only few will be saved
>the path to salvation is narrow
>the gate is narrow
>a religion of billions
>hurr just accept jesus its all you have to do hurr
keep thinking that you can continue being a shitty person and be accepted into the eternal embrace of the creator of the universe
your faith is twisted. jesus' message is lost with your corrupted churches. if you truly follow the man's words, then bless you. but i bet you are more likely to quote paul.

Nice presumptuous strawman assumption, shlomo. I don't attend the institutions that claim to represent the religion because I already know they are all corrupt and do not teach the Gospel correctly. But why is this so? Because of lukewarm in faith messianic kikes who infiltrated it and corrupted it and still do it this day. The blind lead the blind. Likewise to you, if you truly follow the Son of God's Words as He was the Living Word become flesh, then bless you. But know this. All modern "jews" that do not accept Christ as the Messiah, Son of God will never be Israelites.

i like the Gospel of Thomas if i am going to be honest. just the teachings and wisdom, none of the 'fairytale' aspects. 'Son of God' for Jews meant a holy person. Prophets were Sons of God because they honored their Holy Father. Kings, too. But the mission to convert the Jews failed, and from that point on Christianity took on more and more and more Greek aspects until you finally have Christianity as we know it. The scholars agree that Mark was the first written Gospel by a decade. Why no virgin birth? Why is Jesus adopted at his baptism instead of pre-existing creation? Virgin birth was a pagan idea. This was their conception of 'Son of God'. 'Logos'.... get where I am going? Jesus was fully and Israelite, and was not cultured any other way. There was no 'Logos' in Israelite theology. It was added on later. Not saying it isn't a potent descriptor, but it is not Jesus. Suddenly you have Greeks adopting Jesus fully. They even make his birthday the same as their previous pagan holidays and replace Passover with Easter. Not my thing. I'll stick with the pure wisdom that left his mouth and leave all the fairytales and twistings to other people.

Is that so? Long ago, I was in a similar position. The interesting thing is that even the Pure Wisdom will lead you to the same destination, if it is pursued earnestly. I shall elaborate for your soul's potential benefit. In the Beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God. What is a Word? A series of syllabic sounds formed to symbolize a meaning that when spoken is a form of sound, energy, frequency and waves. Now, what is Jesus Christ considered to be among His many titles? The Living WORD in the flesh. Such as that is, He is the Logos. For Logos is logic and reason and all instructions given by Christ make perfectly logical and reasonable sense once the mistranslations and misinterpretations of man are chipped away to reveal the truth.

He's a homopedo, user. The gospel of Thomas is gnostic.

Thomas isn't exactly a book that off the top of my head I can recall well so, I can't speak for it's validity, but Enoch is one that I do remember the contents of well, and Enoch is considered gnostic also, but there is nothing inaccurate about Enoch, user.

Thomas is a collection of teachings, most of which you find in the canonical Gospels. I would say there are Gnostic 'hints', but nothing truly 'heretical.'
That sounds like a roundabout way of saying that Jesus was a wise teacher. 'Living word made flesh' as a name is not recorded until about 60 years after he had died.
Why don't the other gospels say anything about it? Must not have been important for the original followers of Jesus.

You are brainwashed. Gnosticism is evil and you apparently don’t have the discernment to distinguish what little truth it does have.

can you really call someone a "racemixer" if they have 700 wives and multiple children of their own race

I can agree with this. All the creation narratives are bonkers and they have such a large array of deities it is hard to pin down exactly what the fuck they are talking about. The one thing that attracts most people is the doctrine of the divine spark: that there is an immaterial essence of you that must escape earthly bondage and return to the creator. That part rings true. The entire enterprise is marred by the fact that the heresiologists of the early church like Iranaeus absolutely used slander and lies to describe every group that wasn't orthodox christian and this came to describe those sects rather than their own teachings.

You're making the mistake of applying materialistic ideas to the immaterial and your logic is not as good as you might think its is. The timing of when the title was recorded matters little when the results speak for themselves. The original followers of Jesus were dealing with more of a passed by word of mouth situation for many years, so that is going to have an effect on their overall knowledge until things begin being written down and recorded.

No, that would be you because I can already tell that you're that dumb spamming faggot who claims gnosticism is the religion of the NWO when it's in fact, Luciferianism. If you're working for the kikes to obfuscate the truth, you will carry that weight and if you persist, it will be seen to it by divine hands that it crushes you.

I think you are ignoring my logic.
> passed by word of mouth situation for many years
ever played telephone?
ever played telephone with illiterate peasants from the 1st century?

ever played cross-cultural telephone?

I think you are attempting pilpul now, trying to reframe the situation. I gave you the benefit of the doubt, but your words have exposed you by your attitude. You appear to value the canonical Gospels, but here you are attempting to discredit the Apostles and Christ's other early followers.
I did my job, witnessing to you the Lord and so, now I'm done.
Bye, shlomo.

>i dont like your argument
>it's pilpul
the only talmud i have read is what gets posted in Jow Forums memes
i dont discredit the apostles who knew jesus
i just dont trust the one guy who claimed to meet him after he died and went and did things jesus said not to do
>Mt. 10:5

Why is your kind always like this? You expect people to listen so intently to what you have to say, but then you misrepresent what others direct at you, as a false premise before proceeding? It's amazing how you can claim to say your pursue the wisdom but then demonstrate a lack of that.
>cherry picked verse that doesn't take into account the rejection of Christ by the original ethnic Israelites and the timeline of events
Even the verse with the improper translation saying that salvation is of the jews, that is actually salvation is of the Israelites, says in it's next verses that the importance is on the spirit and not the flesh.
Jacob wrestled with God and then his name was changed to Israel which means "wrestles with God." The materialistic would probably take this to mean that Jacob somehow dominated God, but that is wrong. Because to wrestle with something is not just physical but mental. To wrestle with an idea is to consider an idea from all angles to discern it's validity.
The real Israelites pursue a relationship with God spiritually, and the only way to the Father is through the Son.