For fuck sake I just want to make at least a dozen white babies, how am I supposed to do this if I only attract poos, chinks, spics, hajis, and nigs?

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Women know that hybrid children are healthier.

..plus, moderation is important- you don't want any extreme of child, especially one so silly as color- Imagigne wanting a child, but caring SOOO MUCHHH about its color..

as a white guy, I've had far more non-white women flirt with me than I have actual white girls

fuck white girls, they don't want me - I don't want them

White women are pickier and basically make no effort. While non white women show interest and are more assertive.

because non whites will bang any white man even the ugly ones because they want white babies

I have the exact opposite issue
>White wimminz like me
>Only dated one non-white, a flip/mexican

>Also, mfw no Tenshi thread

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Because you are superior to their men.

The opposite is true.
Why am I not surprised you're pushing this. Pay me money.

yet inferior to other white men

Hybrid children are infact healthier!
But with mutts, the hybrid aspect has been taken too far, and is affecting your brains.

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>stop pushing intelligent reproduction
OFC it's an American flag asking this..

Checks out
You know very well the opposite is true, Schlomo

Why are Jews inferior to the Afro-Eurasian race?

>mfw wish I could shitpost with an Israeli flag
Don't want a VPN though

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>As a ____
Stopped reading there, opinion automatically discarded

Had the same thing happen to me on new years. Me and some friends went to a house show and I got my red laces in with the docs. We have our bit and mosh around and felling like im gonna puke I walk off and sit down in a side room. A short little cute negress who I saw on the dance floor came across me and sat down and we hit it off. By the end of it I got her number. I don't know what to do. On one hand I know race mixing is bad and it's what the tribe wants, on the other hand it would be great for a run in the bush.

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>not wanting a vpn
What are you, some kind of faggot?

This. Get a fucking vpn

>Why are Jews inferior to the Afro-Eurasian race?
They're not. Jews are a culture, not a race.

>opinions differing from mine are shills

Okay, jude.

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You don't need to lie to the goyim

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It's impossible to lie to those who can't determine reality, which is not a conspiracy!

Jews are parasites.

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Jews are definitely an ethnicity. Mainstream sephardi and ashkenazi look similar. It's outliers who are different Jews (ethiopian, nordic)

Imagine wanting a satanic ritual but caring SOOOO MUCHHH about getting to suck the bloody baby dicks...

all women are probably attracted to you if women are approaching you. White women are most coveted as well as white men, so the ones you're eyeing are probably being pursued by literally hundreds of other guys. If you don't put forth the effort to get the girl you want someone else will.

Only good kike is a dead kike or a raped kike female.

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>it's parasitic to be paid for your work
Goyim hate Jews because they don't understand that work cannot necessarily be seen.

>Only good kike is a dead kike or a raped kike female.
Not all Jews are Kikes!

How old are you

im right there with you pal,
dont be afraid
red pill these women of color
white men are leaders
lead them to the truth
and white whores will follow soon
the white devil woman hates when i pull up with the 10/10 latina or chocolate goddess
and it makes them want me more
where we stand in society, its super hard to find a good white girl who isnt already wifed up
so just lock down and bleach a christian POC
Jesus will forgive you
but he wont forgive the roastie
latinas, hajis, and poos can produce white kids due to recessive genes
sometimes the best dog for companionship is a mutt, we cant all afford a purebred german shepherd, so why live unhappy and alone?

Actually vampires are a species; neither a race or a culture. Nice try though.

Colonize them

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Why not open the border in Israel then kike? Produce healthier children.

Israel is largely nonWhite.
>open your borders
Jewish men go abroad to impregnate Jewish women. We're doing it right!

People hate Jews because they rape and eat kids. The money and all that is just the way they're able to worm into places like a virus.


But many kike females will be raped.

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>Jews are cannibals
Citation required
>muh foreskin
That is not cannibalism.

you got a target painted on you by evil.
fuck non white girls up their ass only.

>Citation required
Bust out your Necronomicon/Talmud Bible its all in their.
>Jewish mothers not bearing male sons will ingest the foreskins...


just make a wish when you masturbate and if ur an luky guy the toilet witches will grant you 1 million babies of all colors

have a similar qt pajeet at work that wants the D, not sure what to do desu might just go for it

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Jews are not human. They are clothed animals we all have anthropomorphized.

We're dealing with a small part, and only a small number of people doing it.
FGM is the norm for most Muslims

>have a similar qt pajeet at work that wants the D, not sure what to do desu might just go for it
I dated a Indo-Guyanese pajeeta that looks similar to the girl I posted (the girl I posted is some pajeeta thot who posted about her sexcapades with Chads on Tinder on her Tumblr account. Then she deleted her Tumblr). I got the Pajeeta pregnant. Unplanned. But unfortunately she miscarried after 2 months. It was a girl too. I wouldn't want a half-pajeet son. But a half-pajeeta daughter would be fine as far as race mixing goes.

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This is what I want every white man deserves

Patrician taste

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>tfw all Israeli proxies ban 4chins

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Saved to my pajeeta folder