Drinks for dummies

So it occurred to me that I'm a few days shy of turning 21 and I know nothing about alcohol. I've only had beer a handful of times and I wasn't crazy about it. Anything else I've had is mixed shit like rum and coke and I feel I'd be looked down on for ordering that at a bar. So would someone be willing to impart some alcoholic wisdom to me? What are some good beers to start with at a bar?

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No bartender is gonna look at you sideways for ordering a rum and coke. But just order a draft and find something you like, or better yet just avoid the bar scene and drinking if you don't like it.

its really dependent on taste. Im a Wisconsin fag so Alcohol is out thing here bruh. As far as beer goes.

> dont go for overly complex shit or start out with high alcohol percentage
> I would acquire a taste for shit domestic beer first to just see what you like ie budweiser, PBR, schiltz, modelo shit like that
> maybe branch out into more comlex bigger names heiniken, shiner bock, guiness and such
> always look for deals...it will be whats popular and cheap in the area
> asking whats on tap is always good you will get the popular suggestions and a nice glass of beer is great
> try to get into IPAs if you like bitter. great for sumer and a decent IPA is a dime a dozen
> winter time go heavier like stouts and porters
> fuck the fruity shit/over advertized nonsense

As for liquor

alot of the same principles

> summer a good gin and tonic with a lime is soooo good or vodka lemonade
> dont mix expensive alcohol with soda you dumb cunt. if you want soda go rail but dont have to many mixers with soda
> dont feel pressured to buy expensive liquor till you know what you like
> whiskey and water is a god sent
> take it easy on the shot (not on your 21, get wasted)

It really comes down to just trying and figuring out what you like like i said. the world of alcohol is a great thing my dude. really for a biggener like i said go for the deals the bars have and go from there. PBR 4 life son

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find out how much is too much

Truthfully I doubt I'll be getting very involved in the bar scene all that much, but I know a few of my friends are gonna want to take me so I feel I should go in with some kinda idea on how to not look like an ass.

Haha, fucking Americans
21? Don't know nothing about alcohol? What the fuck

Anyways, I'm a 29 year old alcoholic. So ask me anything. Because shit, I've pissed out everything you need to know

Don't go too crazy. Most people do. Just do simple drinks like cadillac margaritas, screw driver, etc.

I personally think beer is gross, being a girl. I know dudes are embarrassed by ordering fruity drunks. Beer makes you bloaty and tastes like bitter moldy bread.

Just pick your alcohol based on your general tastes. I like sweet and sour stuff so I enjoy lemon drop, vodka and cranberry, vodka shot, frozen margarita.

I think a lot of people like seagrums and soda or jack and coke.

I can't stand the taste of rum so rum and coke sounds like sweetened piss.

I think there are websites that tell you the names and ingredients of various drinks so just read that and see what sounds good. I don't see the point of paying a bartender for a glass of wine or a bottle of beer that you can just buy yourself at the f****** store so usually if I go out I buy something that I'm not good at making it home like some sort of mixed drink.

Drink a glass of water in between each round and please don't drink and drive.

Thanks m8 really appreciate the detail. Gonna look into your suggestions

I feel like I'll end up a lightweight bitch. I've been tipsy before, but never actually drunk

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Not OP but I'm Australian and don't have much experience with alcohol either. I'm 25.

Yeah, Canuck here
I really got fucked up for the first time around 20, despite having some amount of drinks for years before.
My parents kept trying to get me to drink wine since I was 16.
Only really drank any of it since I was like 19

if your looking for a game plan for just here you go

> order a nice cocktail like a high end whiskey and water or top shelf gin and tonic (im the WI bro from above)
> get your friends to buy a round of shots for you. go big with tequila. tastes like fucking hell and will get you going right away and will be a great ice breaker to get everyone laughing and having a good time.
>after savoring that drink take it easy with some beers light. Im a big PBR guy (its not a hipster beer anymore and everyone has it cheap)
> eventually if you feel like going to alcohol go for it my dude. this would be a great time to break out the rum and coke (always go spiced rum)
> keep an eye out for good deals
> once you have a good buzz going ( you should by now) offer to buy a round of shot (make it easier this time like peppermint schnapps)
> this should make your friends want to buy you more drinks and shots the rest of the nigh
> grab a water sometimes to stay hydrated and coast the rest of the night but dont slow down, black the fuck out its your 21st my dude

>Americans don't drink before 21
I'm just socially retarded m8, turned down a LOT of offers to drink during hs and uni. As for questions where do you draw the line with drinking? How many would it take for you to call it quits? Maybe not so much now since you can probably down a shit load before getting drunk, but more around the beginning of when you would drink?

if you way more than 160 and have any kind of liver on you...if you drink 4-6 drinks in under 2 hours youll probs feel a nice warm buzz if its decent percent

bish Im from Wisconsin so we trump the rest of this pussy ass country. we could keep up with you eauro/ausie/canuck cunts any day here

no prob bro...drinking is hella fun but can get expensive so just make sure you not wasting all you money on it...unless you in college for the love of god get wasted have a good time...its all down hill after. but thats also when you can really start getting a good taste for what you like instead of going for deals all the time. finding yous shit beer of choice is a blast

>tequila tastes like fucking hell
Mexican here, stop buying shitty $5 tequila. If it burns and doesn't have taste at all it's shit. Buy tequila reposado or aƱejo if you're feeling fancy.

>How many would it take for you to call it quits?
It depends. If you're having fun with friends and there's at least one not-so-trashed person go wild. Otherwise when you feel like you're more talkative than usual it's a sign that you're intoxicated enough. I wish I could say stop drinking when you're doing stupid shit but usually we don't notice or don't care.

I know good tequila it easier...I buy shittier stuff on purpose bitch If im gunna drink that beaner crap I want it to burn. Its all terrible why go for the good stuff

You can get drunk with good tasting shit. But hey, everybody's free to do their thing. I just want OP not to fall for the meme of "tequila is a burning poison that should be drank as fast as possible"

it really is tho. I drink it almost every weekend cuz I like the kind of drunk I get but its all garbage. give me jose and im good son I WANT THE BURN

dubs get cuz their is only one in this thread

double bubs god damn Im good

God damn I'll drink for you on my 21st user

I'll definitely try to keep that in mind about getting talkative. I'm a little bit of an open book already in person, but if I start saying stupid shit hopefully I'll catch on before it's too late.

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remember two things tho

1# If your body became adept at ingesting alcohol it will become hard to get drunk. so don't over do it even if the first experience is great.

2# beer is high in calories.

Im the Wisconsin bro whose been giving you advise you better drink 4 me. Where u from bro?

also be belligerent on your 21st u have the excuse to do it my man...youll learn from your mistakes and your friends will cover 4 u since its ur b day

You have a special place in my drink WI bro. I'm from Florida.
>Inb4 Florida man found black out drunk in the middle of the street on the night of 21st birthday on the news

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