Destiny absolutely DESTROYS progressive Hasan

TLDR: Destiny argues with Hasan from TYT and says why its probably a bad idea to jump to conclusions and state it as fact as the initial media report.

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Anyone's nephew can destroy Hasan

btw fuck destiny

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Hasan doesn’t debate. He says x is ok if I do it but not if they do it. That’s every argument the man ever made in a nutshell.

yeah he's a faggot with a whore's name

i used to go by the name "mystikal" in the 1.5 and early 1.6 days during counter-strike, so i can't really judge.

but then again i was like 12

even destiny cant take this dudes mouth diarrhoea

i just heard hasan criticize the chat saying they act like they have journalist degrees or some shit

what's up with faggots and their obsession with their college papers

i'd understand if it were some big brain science or something

This manlet can't even debate, he just spazzes at people.

Literally who?

why do either of these people matter. do they set policy?

do you think the culture war of 2015-16 and all the meme shit not have any effect?

hasan is part of TYT
destiny is seen as the big brain on twitch, a very popular streaming platform

am i saying they are as important as a policy maker? no

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“WOAH DUDE, ARE YOU SAYING X ABOUT Y? YOOooOooOoooo... dawg, that’s like saying Heil Hitler, kill all black people.” - Destiny 2k18

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Lolwut? Literally nobody is seen as having a brain on twitch. That is why they are on twitch.

R Kelly ran a NXIVM style Sex Cult!!!
>Blacks allowed it
They even brag about going down to local bodega and buying child porn of R Kelly
>music industry super comped like Hollywood
R Kelly is a Demon Nigger monkey


>naked ape

picture discarded

Don’t know. I dated a journalism major in college and she was basically retarded. Can’t be that hard.

>lost debate against our based lord
this gon be a good night

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imagine being absolutely mogged by this man HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

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He's average if not below average IQ.

E-Sandnigger wars? I can't wait to see the memri translations. Stuff about Zionist crabs and being beat up with shoes?

hes grabbing his dick

Free shkreli

Tiny bitch

ask him to debate

i was busting to see the pharma bro idiot get rekt by steven... only for it to turn out shkreli is indeed smart as fuck and destiny got rekt. it was honestly great to watch.

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eh, some of these true, some just lies or apply to particular videos. He's still interesting to listen to(unless you are educated more on the subject than he and his guest discussing) because he most of the time tries to take objectively correct position which almost can't be proven wrong. Even though with each year he leans more and more to the left.