Why are you sad tonight anons?

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miss the man i love
doesn't give a fuck about me
hbu op?

I miss home

the girl I love was in my house
talking to me
all night
we both got pretty drunk
I got drunker than her
thank god I didnt say anything damning
but I still feel the way I do and I still need to try and sleep feeling this way
while shes home perfectly fine
all my friends say to either cut it off or make the move
I dont know what the right thing to do is
this would all be easier if I just dropped dead

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he wont be back for a long time

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my last gf cheated on me and I went into a 2 year period of celibacy and doing lots of coke and heroin and basically ruined my life. finally got myself clean and moved halfway across the country about 3 months ago and met a new girl that I finally had a spark with, we've been dating for about a week and we went to the club together tonight and she left me to go grind on another guy. now all I wanna do is relapse

My health is failing. I think I'm dying. I'm also losing my sanity. I'm gonna die alone and will be forgotten soon. Whatever small imprints I have left on the memory of the few people I know is a fake impression of me. All my memories, thoughts and dreams will die along with me. I'm just a carbon copy of people who preceded me. No unique characteristics that defines individuality. A sheep that is flogged to obey. A statistical number, defunct genome, industrial slave, A non entity.

Tried talking to my gf about relationship issues but she doesn't seem to care or put anything we talked about into action so I'm probably going to dump her.

It's also my birthday tomorrow and I always get depressed on my birthday.

>Meet girl
>She has long distance bf
>They see eachother maybe every month or two
>We become pretty good friends
>Her and bf take a break
>She starts getting really flirty with me, when we hang out, shes touching my hand, sitting in my lap, ect
>Admits she's liked me a lot and more than a friend since day one
>Her and her bf finally get back together
>She kinda leaves me in the dark, occasionally saying hey but really only texts me at night
>Really sad because I hate being lonely

The girl I liked and talked to for 6 months ghosted me after we kissed. I was awful at it and she said "I regret this" during it which I didn't pick up on her as being serious until she never texted me back afterwards.

It's been 3 months. I can't get over that I lost a friend from my own inexperience when things could've been fine if she chose to communicate with me. Now I just wonder why did she make this choice? If I meant that little to her then I can only assume it saved myself time even if it leaves me to foolishly wonder what more it could've been. I'll never get to know, but it's probably for the better.

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She isn't worth it dude. Fuck her seriously women are fucking monsters sometimes

Gf of 5+ years became a stereotypical cock riding thot who wants to be poly.

Cut her off but that hurt more than anything ive ever felt. Its like the loving traditional girl i fell for years ago is actually dead and replaced with someone who looks like her but is selfish and seeking out momentary distractions in the form of casual sex and bad life choices.

Part of me died with this, and I cant stop hurting.

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Found out I'm going to need a heart transplant in about 10 years, but I'll be too old to get one, and probably too sick to get one.

All I wanted to do is raise a family and get married before I went.

my girlfriend of 1 year started striping a few months ago. i was always against it. but i pushed thru bcuz she needed the money. things have changed and now ive heard some of me mutual friends that shes been having sex with of em in order to get better tips. at time she would rack over 1000+ a night. shes always been a redflag, throughtout the months. shes cheated on me before. and idk why im still with her. its giving such anxieties and depression at most of the nights. idk what to do anymore. im miserable.

Do it pussy, no one gets drunk all night with someone they hate.

I am finally having a good week for the first time in months.
I wish for the same in your future.

found out yesterday years of immunosuppresant medication has given me fatty liver and liver scarring.
im only 30.
I have a liver of a 50 year old alcoholic.
Cant stop taking the meds that are causing liver damage or i'll die a slow painful dealth.
lifes great.

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Being lonely as fuck and realizing I have no fucking clue what I'm doing with my life is keeping me up. I just want to cuddle with someone and have a good nights rest.

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I found out my best friend of the past year has been avoiding me because I'm annoying and overcrowding. Until a week ago, she always talked to me first. Now I'm the ass hole for taking it personally. Friendship is a fucking joke.

I just feel too horny and want to fuck someone. Like, basically anyone. Jerking off sucks.

hating me and thinking im just a "super good friend!!" are two different but almost equally terrible possibilities
i tried to make myself think I was ok with us just being friends but clearly im not
but its not so simple as telling her how I feel and hoping things work out. theres a lot more on the line
or maybe there isnt?
doesnt matter. either way i probably dont win

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being the friend just means she does like you, but she never wants to fuck you, ever.

I know it sucks, but keep in mind that in situations like this, the group always lashes out at the person who disturbs the status quo regardless of how "in the right" they are.

A couple years ago I cut off a group of friends because most of our interactions were them "trolling" me and shitting on me constantly, and I found out they had a separate group chat, which had been active for 2 years, dedicated entirely to designing ways to fuck with me and roasting anything I said or did when with them. Upon finding it, I immediately blocked them all without explanation and they all went out of their way to try and reach me through other avenues to tell me I was being unreasonable, i.e. blaming me for the situation.

I'm in my first week of college and I cant figure out how to talk to people or make friends even though my family is pushing me to connect with people. Honestly I see no reason why I should give a fuck about anyone but my professors and those that could help me, so there must be something wrong with me.

Hey faggot stop wasting time and take a risk. No really, any choice you make that isn't simply knowing if you had a chance is going to end in horrible regret.

You're not going to be fine being her friend and watching her eventually get plowed by someone else while you smile and pretend you're fine just so you can be around her longer.

Romance is sad shit that only has two extremes. There is no middle ground here so you either get rejected and learn from it or actually get with her. FUCKING MAKE A MOVE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD.

I sense the inevitable doom of my current relationship with the best girl I have ever had.

I can fight it, but it will only push her further.
All I can do is sit back and watch it happen.

Prepare for a post on Jow Forums within the next few months, I'm gonna be even more sad then.

(Making it even worse, I am only saying this because I feel so sure that it will happen. Making me believe I'm about to 'self-fulfilling prophecy' this bitch and fuck it all up anyways. I feel like im at a 4 way intersection where every turn leads to intense pain, and I'm so scared of my options and which one is worse so I am just sitting at the light, waiting.)


A girl that is worth relapsing over wouldn't do that to you in the first place. Obviously going to be easier said than done, but move past it.

are you me? besides the birthday thing tomorrow... everything else though. damn.

but i think im too big of a pussy to dump her and move on out of fear i wont find anyone better.
also, i always get hella depressed on my birthday... im with you there user.

I'm thinking about asking a girl out but I'm terrified of being cringy.

Your experience should be a red flag.

She is so low that she will take a break in her current relationship to get validation from you then get back with her bf.

Put yourself in the shoes of her bf, because that's what your loneliness is longing for right now. I can tell you from my experience, I would rather be you than the bf.

My favourite nurse from the hospital I go to regularly is considering taking a job 2 hours away and I'd probably just never see her again ;_;

Seems like you only care about getting your degree and getting the fuck out.
Good plan, I agree with that.

Wanna know whats gonna make that so much fucking easier? Making friends. Sorry to say it, but being sociable is going to contribute to your success in college and beyond.

Sorry I don't have much knowledge on this subject, but can you not just jump the gun and go ahead and get the transplant?

Same user.

Focus on helping others in any way possible.
Things might start to pop up in your life and give you meaning and someone to cuddle.
Be selfless.

I feel so abjectly alone
about to move into an apartment with 3 strangers, no job, the landlord already wants rent for a month that I can't pay. Have less than $200 in my bank account and uni won't disburse the money I need.
I have no friends and I'm pretty sure the only crush I've had in the past seven years just ghosted me.
I have no hope or object in my life and sometimes think it would be better for my family if I just killed myself before things get any worse

Im the oldest in my friendgroup and im the only one who never had a gf.
Sometimes someone brings their gf around when we meet and it sucks to see what i could have but never had


all me

I cant see my forehead

got back from an exam waiting for results but i know i failed my exam.Also i'm a lonely loser with no friends no gf and but i'm used to that.

I don't have a job and applying endlessly is depressing.

I'm 24 and I've never been in a relationship/Virgin. Libido's dying and it depresses me I'll never get to enjoy sex at its fullest.

I've cut myself off from my friends because I can't socialize and just make everything awkward and worse.

I'm not going up. I'm going down.

mate im in my 5th year of uni and i'll tell you what, if you've got friends it'll make your life a fuckton easier cos at the least you have people to compare answers to and get help from.

No one could possible love me because they will never get over the first attraction hurdle . I'm a disgusting manlet who deserves to live a lonely life and die unceremoniously

My gf has depression and I am emotionally tired of this
I love her and I know it's not her fault but it's so hard to be with her

my ex finally dropped off my shit which marks the end of any contact with her. this makes me sad because i like her and there is a hole shaped like her in my life that i have no chance of filling now.

would be so much easier if i could hate her.

You should tell her this OP. It's tough love but she needs to be reminded before you spring bad news on her out of nowhere.

I'm not playing with a full deck myself and my bf always reminds me when I'm approaching the line.

My girlfriend broke up with me

She knows I am tired of her depression, but everytime we talk about this we start crying
Lately I been thinking about breaking up with her but i don't want to I want her to be ok

Tell her that you're thinking of breaking up with her - she needs to know what her depression is doing to you. I know it sounds like unconventional advice but it seems you have a lot of transparency. It sounds selfish and bad, but you're already thinking of leaving, it's a reality - she needs to fix up to keep you.

Is she on medication and seeking therapy?

Maybe the best thing to do is make to the move, what do you really have to lose, user?

I think I'm a bad girlfriend. I don't like cleaning, washing dishes or any household. Parents never pressured me to do such stuff. I don't live with them anymore, but my room is a mess and I don't mind it. Now I understand why my bf doesn't want to live with me. I'm not sure now if I want it anymore. Maybe I should leave alone forever. I'm not a wife material.

I learnt to cook though

>Pills and therapy
She is in both, thats the main reason I am still with her after a year of depression, she is trying to do something about it and I feel leaving her is unfair.
she is getting better but from time to time she gets depressed for a week or 2 and I can't handle that like before
She knows what her depression is doing to me and she feels guilty about it which makes it even worse because I feel like shit because i know how much she loves me

>I learnt to cook though
Learn to do everything else

It's hard when you're lazy fuck

>Lazy fuck
Pay someone to clean everything for you

Told my parents im lesbian. Didnt go well. One of the arguments used was that I cant be because i look and act ''girly''.

Just fuck your mom to make it clear.

Just found out that my gf that i loved for being so innocent had sex at a party a couple of months before meeting me, while not even drunk. It doesn't sound that bad but damn i just want to cry.

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I've been the gf in this scenario. Bf fetishised me because I was 'innocent', finds out about something, and assumes things about me without knowing context.

Please get over it. Ask yourself if you actually want the relationship to work and if so behave thinking towards the future instead of the past.

I want it to work but i cant stopp thinking about it, its only been a couple of days since i found out though, hopefully itll pass

Another thing, she texted me today to tell me she is going to have lunch with a an old friend who is in town, the only problem is that they just to almost date before.. she told me theyre just friends but this is obviously a red sign and i guess im just too in love to really see it

The usual >tfw no gf. God damn I wish I could at least stop wanting one if I can't actually have someone.

I’m not sure if I have any passion for medicine— I’ve already gotten into a fantastic medical college program which will send me straight into a decent med school after three years of undergrad, but I simply feel no passion for anything besides guns and drawing and other hobbies.

Idk if I’m depressed, It’s hard for me to find motivation, idk why. Life feels kinda empty?

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I'm not sad, I live at a heightened state of mind thanks to the glory of God

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it's been two days since i last spoke to my oneitis

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It's the morning now but it's because
>Morbidly obese
>Old (30)
>Never had a girlfriend
>Eat in a self destructive manner
>Have lost 70+ lbs in the past but gained it all back
>Am far too tired and weak to ever do that again
>Will be a fat girlfriendless piece of shit until my body succumbs
>I hate myself and want to die

Is never to late to go Jow Forums

24 and never have nor will be loved by another human being in a romantic sense.

The road is far too long. By the time I unfucked myself I'd almost be 40 and by then what's the point? 40+ is old and nobody likes old fucks

I have a gf now...but is the ex from one of my closest friends,and not only that EVERYONE of my friends(even my cousin) say "You should tell her fuck off,she is going to use you,she is going to cheat on you" and I am very confused about what to do now...I even try to breakwith her but in two days we were together again...
Idk what to do really...I know bad things about her cause my friend(exbf) told me but IDK...i am very fucked up....

I spend my waking hours daydreaming of a timeline of my life, that never was. It’s fucked up, even more so as my whole existence is crap, and that demands my action to somewhat salvage what’s left. A vicious circle.

>so dumb that I am incapable of handling the responsibilities of a real job
>work shitty $11-$13 hour jobs instead
>can't afford to move out of the basement
>society and women see me for the intellectually inferior failure that I am
>consequently doomed to rot in the basement without friends, a loving spouse, or the dignity of adult independence
>and worst of all is the fact that I am just intelligent enough to possess self-awareness of what I am and to understand that others are right to reject me

>rewind to spring senior year of college
>go on a date with a really cool girl
>she tells me after that she wants to wait until after graduation before anything serious happens
>we stay in touch but she gets a job super early in LA so i don't see her for several months now
>fast forward to today
>getting ready to move to LA soon
>im the last of our group of friends to move there
>just found out she's throwing a party next weekend
>put off finding a place for too long
>won't be getting in until the week after
>feel shitty that im gonna miss a great chance to reconnect naturally
>try to tell myself that missing a party isn't the end of the world and there's obviously still a chance
>isn't working and still feel shitty

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You should confront her about it. Might be time to call the relationship off. You need to take care of yourself if this relationship is giving you this much stress.

>be manchild
>dateless for most of my 20's
>insecurities lower my confidence: living w/ parents, wagecuck, scared of rejection, introvert
>recently getting attention from women
>even got a couple of numbers, a few date offers
>have stupid crush on a woman I very briefly met once
>invest all my feelings into her
>decline other women's advances just for her
>break many hearts in the process
>never even got to date my stupid crush
>guilt prevents me from pursuing other women

>10 years to get fit
Maybe to get ultra fit but in the road you will get better and people will notice, you have nothing to lose anyways

my mom died 3 weeks ago, my summer gf finished her internship and went back to her univ at the other side of the country.

Break-up with my gf two weeks ago and this seens to be the last time that i'm gonna enjoy my time with someone since i'm too autistic to fucking anything.
I'm too steps to killing myself.

>Why are you sad tonight anons?
I'm not tho! After 5 years of drug induced depression I'm finally turning this franchise around!
I'm on a 5 day vacation with people I care about, having a blast of a time, while my girl is back home genuinely missing me. I haven't had a craving for months, and I'm feeling better than ever!
Don't give up anons, you can always turn this shit around

It's been almost a month since we broke up and today is their birthday. I know it's wrong, but I still miss them.

I'm inches away from the finish line I've sprinted towards for a third of my life, but all I can think about is how lonely I am.

I can't find a job.
I've cut back on ciggs and looking to quit. I've only smoked 3 today instead of my usual half a pack before sundown.

I got bronchitis so even if I do light up it makes me feel even more sick.

Got ghosted by a girl who really seemed into me.

Basically lots of things got me sad tonight.

ask her out

Get over yourself, you weren't dating at the time. You don't own her. Man up.

Head gasket blew on my fathers car I drive. Could tell in his voice he's disappointed. Hate my job, just want to quit and focus on college. Living paycheck to paycheck.

10 years to unfuck your body?
It'll take you 1 year and a half to get a decent body. Don't do it for the objective but for how you'll feel while transforming your deteriorated body into a worthy vessel of yourself.

I feel like I'm too dumb and depressed for school but I don't want to feel like an uneducated loser without a college degree

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I work really hard to be a fairly positive and upbeat person despite the shit that goes on in my life and my boyfriend is very negative all the time and I do my best to help him through everything and I understand sometimes he just wants me to listen so he can rant but lately I can't say anything or talk about my day being bad without getting "how could you possibly have had a bad day" in response and him delegitimizing the annoyances I'm dealing with. I don't think I have a hard life or that I'm dealing with anything enormous, I just vent my minor frustrations, same as him, but it seems lately like I can't talk about anything without immediately being disregarded.

Many jobs today don't require a degree and you can do quite well in life without :) What are you planning on pursuing as a major?

I'm so sorry hon, hope you're okay, sounds like a lot on your plate and the fact that you're able to talk about it shows well enough that you're good at managing all the shit you're dealing with. Keep your head up :)

I fell in a "forbidden" love that won't bear any fruit, out of choice from both parties. Still, my heart feels so terrible, and at the same time so delighted.

I'm not sad user, why are you projecting?

Join a labor union, like Electricians or Plumbers. They'll train you up from scratch. Starts at $13/h and levels up to $30/h. It's great money if you're not a STEM nerd.

are you me

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I was gonna go for Data Science. But now I'm starting to think I'm only good for /neet/ because I get discouraged and depressed so easily and I feel like a failure around my peers

Lover left me for another lover. We're all married. I've got another married lover possibility but I feel too guilty, or sad, to pursue it.

my only companionship is my dog

Had quite the trip on lsd. It made me scared and miss a time where I had friends. In the end they were not good to me but damn I miss having a group to see and joke with. I was so scared begging myself to ask for forgiveness but also damning them in the same breath. I just feel so dissatisfied with my life right now.

Still don't know about an interesting study.
Everything seems so boring.

I have a constant feeling that there is some kind of Dickensian secret benefactor that got my university to dole out a full ride to me, forced my professor's to give me good grades, ensured I got hired with a lucrative job out of school, and continues to protect me at work despite my total lack of social skills and general incompetence. I can't shake this feeling because I can't see how I didn't end up some NEET or burger flipping druggie

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Thanks, that helps.

I can no longer tell if my confidence is is genuine or just a shield I put up in front of others to avoid revealing to them my problems. Either way it lowers when I get home and realize it's just me here.

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