who else hates these freaks? personally I consider them non-human and if they didn't exist nothing would change since USA is just a melting pot of cultures that already exist on earth

Attached: 1280px-Flag_of_the_United_States.svg.png (1280x674, 29K)

Attached: 8FE9C10B-19EB-40D7-ACDE-E02EAA55A20F.jpg (795x608, 104K)

loling at these obsessed literally who countries.

I hate them. I hope they get nuked. I would laugh.

Ok slave I mean Slav sorry

They're undoubtedly the worst posters on this board now. 2 years ago it was the leafs by a country mile but they've actually improved a lot whereas mutts have declined. Fuck em desu.

Attached: 1511892830097.png (1794x1070, 423K)

What happened to all that wealth by the end of 1997? Oh that's right that was (you)SSR going broke.


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yea....... if the USA did not exist you would still be communist. Fucking burgers fucking up your breadlines Gulags and shit.

How many times did you vote for Putin?