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He's literally larping Qanon tier. Being a good goy didn't work so he will larp as an idiot with talking points most would agree with.

Zionist e-celebs hungry for the shekels. They can't be entertaining while having to follow handlers orders and subvert the goyim. Trump is just too charismatic.

they were a sacrafice for the graeter good

I think it makes sense, change my mind

He experienced a white ethnostate in Poland and realized white nationalists were correct.

try invading China next

He's right. Why are you panicking user? Are you a Nig?

Accurate, although bringing them "freedoms and democracy" was just propaganda to sell the American public on the war. The real reason was oil, money and greater Israel.

Stef's power level has exploded as of late.

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>larp as an idiot
Idiots oppose racial realities.



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It's a man who took too many redpills too fast

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ELI5 what the heck is he saying?

>blames the Iraqis for an illegal invasion and war orchestrated by "high IQ" JEWS

Getting real tired Molymeme sucking neocon dick and being a hardcore zionist.

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He has gone full retard with this kind of crap, no wonder he isn't taken seriously. He may as well just be screaming *niggers* at this point

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Seems like molly meme has finally snapped streamable.com/r7zfz

Iraqis are stupid.

makes sense to me

He's right in one way. The real problem was that the neocons didn't admit what they were doing outright. If they simply said "we've had enough of your shit middle east, we're fucking taking it" and had committed america to a century long campaign of dominance and real civilization building, then it would've been fine.

Your options were: surgical strike, regional takeover, nothing.

Instead the US ended up in this retarded and useless middleground where all that has happened is weaking USA in the end.

Everyone honest realizes that eventually.

based and redpilled trips

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You don't need to know about genetic science, DNA or even race to know that a country made up of mud huts and designated shitting streets isn't going to turn into New Rome in less than a decade.

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Hes blaming dumbed down American political landscape for an invasion and nation building scheme that would ultimately end in failure.

>Instead the US ended up in this retarded and useless middleground where all that has happened is weaking USA in the end.
Basically what Bin Laden spent all of the 90s saying.


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>mud huts and designated shitting streets
yes but that's all white people's fault, why, you ask? well because RACIST that's why

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But that's not what the Neocons wanted. They wanted chaos and destruction, and maybe a puppet regime. And more of the same for the rest of Israel's enemies.

The IQs we should be talking about are those of the Jews and the American goyim they manipulate.

It's mind blowing how based this guy has become. He used to be a soft libertarian type. He'll probably get booted from twitter soon.

He updated his studio and video editing recently, I thought he is desperate too and flopping to another audience but apparently by this expanding of capabilities his income stream has never been bigger.

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Iraq had a functioning democracy. There's issues going on that neither you or Mollymeme understand. The failure was the USA's insistence on equal representation rather than merit. Their 'democracy' required positions hired based on their tribal background to ensure representation of all tribes and religions which turned into a shit show because you had qualified capable people losing out to a retard because the retard came from the right tribe.

Muqtada-Sadr and a bunch of others are trying to bring in a more technocratic government where people are given their positions based on merit. But Iraq's democracy is functional.

The reason they lost out to Isis was because only drug addicts and homeless were joining to military for paychecks. They haven't been able to conscript people actually wanting the role in the military since 2003-2007 because of all the bombings in the early years. Now they have the Al hashd brigades bringing security which will remain in place until they reform the army.

I'm gonna stop you right there caller, your story reminds of a time my mother abused me, as she... so... often... did. *paces around studio*
She came into my room one day and started looking under my pillow and under my bed, looking for porn, or drugs, or slingshots, or whatever else kids were getting up to in those days. *rocks back and forth*
She violated my NAP. *stares just above camera height* I was seven. SEVEN. *neck vein bursts, pulsing steaming red fluid onto floor* So you can see I.. know a little something.. about.. bad.. mothers. *voice descends 8 octaves throughout course of sentence*

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Not that meme image again

feel free to debunk it m8

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He is wrong.
The Neocons definitely knew what they were doing. There were some dumb people in the Bush administration but there were also some evil geniuses. Richard Perle and Dick Cheney being two of them. Dick Cheney predicted exactly what would happen if they got rid of Sadam to George Bush Sr in the 90s. The goal was to create sectarian violence so Israel could dominate the Middle East.
>tldr we went to war for Israel hegemony not to liberate Iraq from an evil dictator.

burgers should of nuked mecca and seized all the Saudi oil sept 12 2001. its all down hill after that

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I won't need to. Just wait 30 years when several other major countries build up their institutions and you will see things leveling out like they were for the first 10,000 years of human history when China middle east and India were all back and forth ahead of Europe in technology and science

The only reason Europe surged ahead was because of being the first to adopt market economics while the rest of the world was stuck in feudalism. Then you have to factor in geographical proximity allowing free flow of ideas and knowledge.

A lot of the world is catching up fast lad, middle east and China were ahead of Europe for most of the last 10,000 years you're delusional if you think the last 400 years is going to last forever especially with the level of globalism today where capital flows so freely to new opportunity.

Molycuck is first to hang on day of the rope.

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Suicide bombing can be justified though.

He should be put against a wall and shot that's what he always brings up

Yes, i'm positive that conversation would have stopped the jews in their tracks.

>you're delusional if you think the last 400 years is going to last forever
who said that? debunk the amazing accomplishments of white men or shut the fuck up

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You morons. The only reason the farting burger army went in there is because W. wanted to pay Saddam back for trying to kill his dear daddy-daddy! Ohhhhh daddy! I will avenge you, daddy! Fucking pathetic

Oof. That's a legit red pill. Youre not an anti semite, are you goyim?

What happened for the first 10,000 years when Europe was behind?

Why not discuss IQ of Republicans strategists while we're at it?

No Asian country has genuine democracy either, and they're all corrupt (which is normal). Europeans tried to get rid of it not once or twice, and it seems they're doing it again.

Of course not. Just anti-israel.

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You have to go back Mohammed

>everything is le IQ

IQ has been debunked at this point with a lot of flaws in its methodology.

If the people in the middle east are "dumb low IQ arabs" the how come they were inventing civilization while europeans were still in caves?

They were simply never allowed to have a successful democracy.

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He should change his format, his disgusting mug centimeters from the camera for 40 fucking minutes just doesn't work with millennials and zoomers that expect every video to show memes every minute

IQ has absolutely not been debunked.

IQ isn't good for combing through the upper ranges trying to figure out who's going to be a successful genius but it works REALLY well in the sub-100 ranges figuring out which populations of niggers are going to destroy your country.

Inb4 WE

still waiting

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It can pretty accurately tell you who is a genius; success may or may not follow that.

Nobody even knows the IQ of Iraqis. They say it's 80 because Lynn's study said so. Lynn didn't do a real study.

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I think being upside down has started to affect your brain.
You are thinking in stupid.

I'm a good Sedevacantist who has learned from Hutton Gibson. If I were Muslim, I would just go to Canada. Justin would let me in, leaf.

Simple, it doesn't take into account knowledge that's been lost i.e The manuscripts and scrolls in the library of Alexandria.

Pathetic. Look at that loser. This is who stormfags waste their thoughts. Some balding, sociopathic, weakling, cuck, divorcee. You guys want to 1488 listening to a pathetic loser faggots like this? This is among your best in your faggy little hitler worshipping circle? I used to come here all the time to troll you depressed beta shitstains who turn to hate as an escape but after all the threats fell empty. After the the fire died. I only show up once in awhile to drop a little shit nugget in your mouth beta bitch boy. Just came back from by girls house. Smashed. Shit was so cash.

You won't have to wait that long. The rest of the world is catching up and leave most of Europe behind. Then you can go on masturbating to the 400 years of white dominance even while the Chinese and middle east surpassed whites for several thousand already

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A lot of those names seem really jewish

still waiting

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What should have happened in the invasion if people were being totally honest and practical would be to set the place up as an outright colony for oil and then use the local savages for slave labor to produce said oil

This kind of shit is why I can see the USA being reorganized into the American empire

China was just the first to land on the dark side of the moon and have a mission to Mars coming up. Catching up!

Literally just this week China was the first country to land on the dark side of the moon

>The only reason Europe surged ahead was because of being the first to adopt market economics while the rest of the world was stuck in feudalism. Then you have to factor in geographical proximity allowing free flow of ideas and knowledge.
>Reading Comprehension
You are stupid as fuck. Using the current output of innovations is the equivalent to if 5th Century Meds claiming that Germanics were racially inferior to them because they still lived in mud huts. Which they stupidly did until the Germans utterly btfo’ed them. In reality, Romans were simply the first to adopt non-tribal governments, which led to an environment for innovation.
That is what China will do to you.

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His head is still very zoomed his style is the same he just has a bigger and better looking capture equipment and updated design to his videos.

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White people are bussy feeding the enitre world

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There are a lot of flaws in its methodology though, and most IQ tests are extremely western centric. If you give a test which is designed by westerners, for westerners which measures western concepts then yeah people in other parts of the world are going to perform poorly.

Its not even a measure of "intelligence".

The truth.

spot on. That balding faggot is a spoiled and delusional narcissist.

Well, yes. I was more extreme, but exactly this.

>A Jew is talking shit about arabs again

Nothing special. Why are you people so fucking stupid? Get off my board.

And when he starts begging for his life, we'll just say that's not an argument.

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Jeezus, sandnigger blowing up the replies. Yes I know who she and still think she is an idiot sandnigger even if she hates Israel and sucks Syrian cock.

Have you taken a decent IQ test? They are universal and do not at all favor "westerners". It's basically a measure of deducing/what logically follows

>There are a lot of flaws in its methodology though
No there aren't.

>and most IQ tests are extremely western centric
Most IQ tests are "living in any society above shit-flinging ape"-centric. If you can't break an 80 on an IQ test, it's not because the test is culturally biased, it's because you're a shit-flinging ape.

Whites have souls which means we can innovate. You will spend all of history copying our designs unable to even repurpose them because you’re incapable of creative thought, a uniquely white enterprise

A perfectly good cannon fodder just waiting to be used. Why don't you use it user?

IQ testing isn’t culturally biased, it’s like testing the processing speed of a CPU


You do know Iraq only made Iran stronger? And the trillions we spent on the war could have bought their oil 10 times over. Why is it hard to admit it was just a colossal fuckup by a dumb cowboy naively thinking he’d liberate the mideast and turn them all into Jeffersonian democracy subscribers.

you're the one talking about reading comprehension?


debunk the amazing accomplishments of white men

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Apparently "recognizing shapes and patterns" is a cultural bias if you're a jungle nigger.

WTF? I love Molyneux now!


reality. The crumbling of the feminization of the west

What good is democracy if it results in the end of your people/civilization? That’s where the white world is at. Our enemies have taken hold of our institutions and will never relinquish them because they are simply importing an infinite number of votes (re: shitskin 3rd worlders)

The end result of democracy is self inflicted genocide

>dark side of the moon
China is claiming to have landed on the FAR side of the moon. That is, the side of the moon that faces away from Earth. It is no darker than the side that we see from Earth.


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