
A bunch of Christ hating neo nazis are attacking this good Christian girl and her Christian bf?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Christian bf

Fucking christniggers love coal burning.

I swear Jow Forums's gaydar gets worse and worse daily

Awaiting toll, form is already to go. Just needs the event and the Untersturmführer's signature.

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there's been a huge rise in hidden trannies pretending to be regular people on youtube

This one still has man face despite the hormones

>just go to church youll meet a nice virgin girl there

You are not Christian

the voice could be modulated , or possibly even some actual female CIAnigger dubbing them.

The whole channel looks like spook Bullshit

Shit look at those shoulders. I only just noticed today. Definitely 3x head width, not 2.5 like with a woman.

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Real talk guys, what do you think this woman is on a scale of 1-10?

I'm gonna give her a 4/10—her chin and general bone structure are absolutely absurd, but I know you fags have low standards so I want you all to admit that you think she's a 6 or 7

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why is it always white female black male?

You are mentally ill

You are mentally ill

Help a poorfag out
Please send some btc
>1774Et3Hm ZzndRnNtovsr SyaUv8iNSb9BY

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Tranny lover

The coalburner crusade cannot be stopped. 2019 is gonna be a great year

This time it’s a White male and a black male.

whats this show some hog meme?

Sweden is loooong gone....

Chapo Trap House faggotry

Comments on the video's reddit thread

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Link to the thread? I want to get mad.

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LMAO @ her saying a bunch of christcuck shit
but it's not like autists harassing them are any better, you are just reinforcing their fetish

Get your hazmat suit

Boomer opinions like that are a million times more revolting than any leftie could ever dream of achieving. Truly subhuman.

thought he was a nice christian black and was like eh it could be worse.. then i watched their bf and gf QNA and realized he's a hoodlum acting nigga

Fucking horrible christian


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All the white supremacists in those comments are talking about how she is misquoting the bible. Wtf are you talking about, varg? Just shut the fuck up and help out

4 is reasonable. Those brows

only 7% of people in the church of Sweden actually believe in the existence of Christ.
Fuck off /leftypol/

>Wypipo iz racist
>we gonna wipe them out!

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I'm torn on this while skimming down these comments

On one hand, it's fucking hilarious. On the other hand, this has strong SJW vibes where a bunch of up-tight busy bodies harass some random person minding their own business cuz they're doing something they dislike.

I dunno

fuck off kike

No. It’s just you trying to get views, living fleshlight.

That's what bugs you? The brows? lol
she looks like the crimson chin

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lol even the sub that defends her does it solely to destroy her lineage. hilarious

if she is already fucking nogs its too late lol. her genes should be culled out. i suggest full support of her out of hatred


Post diversity eye meme

>good Christian
Nice oxymoron, subhuman

jtube comment checks out. Pic related

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its amazing how much lefty pol and cucks are there to defend her. i dont get it . you either get triggered by her being cancer nigger loving whore or you dont care, but in what world you go as a white man to defend the right of white woman to fuck a nigger? LOL.

End thd white race to own the fascists

>Jew worshiper doesn't care what race her husband is as long as he also believes in a Jewish religion
What a surprise.


Why is it that women with huge faces have the most feminine voices?


Not your personal army memeflag shill

She retweeted pictures of white babies on twitter, funny because hers will be brown

Another white bitch who has taken on a BBC. I love it. Polcels on suicide watch. OMEGALUL

Her comments’ section is a goldmine

>a christian coalburner

wow what a shocker

lmao, important screencap for those who don't want to feed the jew

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You love white girls getting guilted into race mixing, via daily propaganda on how evil white men are, and how cool niggers are. Yet we both know the end result is the collapse in Western civilisation. At least you admit that your goal is the destruction of civilisation for the short term benefit of your anti-white egos needs. Enjoy the ruination. Are you really ready for it though?

Woah wtf, how did this video get so many likes, two days ago it had like 50 likes and 500 dislikes, what exactly happened?

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It's not too late until she has kids. We're 6% of the global population, we can't be abandoning any of our women. My wife was a victim of the jew propaganda when she was younger and dated a black. When she told me I almost broke it off, but I knew if I did she'd either be lost forever or end up with some lib faggot. I bit the bullet and stayed with her and eventually married her. Now she's racially conscious and we have 3 white kids. Does it sicken me whenever I think about it? Of course, but we have to be willing to make sacrifices.

fucking wot m8. Jow Forums always amazes we when it comes to its mad standards. This girl is a cutie pie.
>symmetrical face
>cute little ski slope nose, no jew curve
>cupid bow lips
>nice eyes
>well groomed eyebrows
>nice hair colour and no split ends
>lovely skin
>well put together
Would take on a date and order the decent bottle of wine too

>what exactly happened
leddit postero

>Good Christian girl
Degenerate, They should marry first!!


Ebinly memed my friend

They look quite white. The girl even has human hair. The genes of the girl must be strong

she fucks niggers
typical christian
christkikes are worse than jews and niggers put together

>They look quite white

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Coalburner. Like clockwork

Absolutely Disgusting

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Her Bible verses prove that Cucktianity is a kike religion.
Jesus might have been an alright dude.
Christianity might have had value in keeping honest people honest.
But ultimately, it's been a net negative on our societies.
Whites will go extinct because of this shitty religion.
White guilt is essentially an adaptation of "original sin".
If you believe humans deserved to be kicked out of paradise because Adam and Eve ate from the tree of knowledge.
If you believe that all of humanity deserves to be punished for the sins of their original parents, then it isn't a far stretch for you to accept the "guilt" of your more recent ancestors for slavery/racism/whatever-ism.
Some whites are so kiked that they sacrifice their own genes to a lesser species, in some misguided attempt to prove they're not evil.
Cucktianity teaches self loathing, apathy in the face of violence and breeds a belief that one should not act, for everything is God's plan.


It absolutely is. I see this guy on a bunch of vids trolling

Sigh... I genuinely wish the holohoax had actually happened.

She's going to be another pretty White girl you see raped and burned up. Stupid race traitor. Young people are so dumb!

Only on Jow Forums do people wank to traps and accuse actual women of being shemales. Fucking hilarious.

jewish propaganda jews hate and fund/create all the anti Christ shit its the only thing they fear read the protocols...

Refuse Pagan Zionism

>service unavailable
is reddit down?

look, she's good looking. If she was ugly, there would be no outrage.

She's not even a true blonde. Look at her roots.

> muh christian values

You're a coalburning slut. Pay the toll already.

i ain't clicking that shit, nigger

your tears are delicious

"Thanks to my mom, a lot of prayer and my amazing boyfriend".

Where's dad?

She's awfully quiet about her dad. Someone should ask her point blank what his opinion is that his daughter is fucking niggers.

She kind of looks like a female version of Kurt Cobain lol.

Pic related - Where's the good Christian girl? Her boyfriend has nice hair tho.

>worshiping a dead kike on a stick who didn't even exist

I wasn't aware tears taste like debbie cakes, your favorite food you fat bitch.

Very well said

Reminder that Christianity needs to be eradicated

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imagine being so addicted to trap porn that you cant identify a real girl anymore. got to stop bro.

is that a guy?

Guys I had a dream last night that featured varg as a neo-pagan, transgender priest presiding over the "new religion" ceremony. What does it mean? Not made up.

Remember downvote all the virtue signalling comments and upvote all our peoples

It means paganism is for faggots and will be implemented by the UN as a one world religion for their one world government.

>makes videos on youtube to feed herself attention
There you have it.
She's a whore.
A true christian girl is humble and does not get hungry for attention.

Only in america