I'm a 19y old European so my dick isn't circumsised...

I'm a 19y old European so my dick isn't circumsised. I can retract my skin when flacid but when errect it can only go half way over the glans. this hurts pretty badly when fully errect because of the tension.

I saw an urologist and he just told me to get circumsised. I asked himabout the posibility of stretching/using cream and that I was worried about losing sensitivity.

he said there was nothing to worry about and if operation was done well I would be better off just having it cut.

Is he baiting me, should I trust him?

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its probably pretty bad if an urologist suggest circum, normally its just frenulum breve

he is trying to bait you into a panless future sexual life

he just wants to earn money, you can skip the stress of the operation if you solve the probmel yourself

sincerely medfag

Stop going to a jewctor.

No man lmao he sounds like a total bike

He wants to sell your forskin to the cosmetic industry

but seriously that should be a last resort
He obviously has skin in the game (lol), I would definitely get a second opinion

>frenulum breve
OP here.
haha I'm pretty sure that's it. I'll reconsider getting a different opinion.

I've been circumcised since I was a baby, I can't promise you're not going to lose a little sensitivity just from having your dick head out in your shorts 24/7, but it's not going to give you ED or make orgasms during sex impossible. It's not the end of the world. Would you sacrifice a little sensitivity for painless sex, or keep trying to force it till you rip your shit apart all on your own?

Is that a thing? I live in Belgium so I'm not sure if he gets any money from it.
If he does I'm 100% not trusting him

I have the same thing as you. When I pull it back completely (when erect) it's very uncomfortable.
Personnally I don't use it so I don't care about it.
In your case, I suspect your doctor is a kike. Go see another doctor.

IN ANY CASE, there is absolutely no reason not to try creams and other methods before.

>can retract it when flaccid
>can't retract it when erect
That's phimosis, it's nothing to do with the frenulum.

what's the name of your doctor?


I had much worse phimosis than you only a year ago (could not retract even when flaccid) and after spending several months carefully stretching and applying dicplophenac sodium cream I've progressed to the point you're at (can retract when flaccid, not when erect).
See another doctor. Get a second opinion. Do more research yourself. You cannot get foreskin back after cutting it off. You can fix this without surgery. Do not give your foreskin to Jews.
t. 21 year old uncircumcised American

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no its not, i had frenulum breve and i didnt need circum but could retract when flaccig easily

never listen to americans when its medical, fucking poorfags and their shithole country

In contrast, as American healthcare is so bullshit, we actually have more experience with self-care, as we like to not be in debt for the next 8 years.

Only unemployed niggers don't have insurance.

yea and only niggers do shootings blablabla, when its some disgusting thread about trivial health issue, its always an american saying he doesnt wana pay

Fuck I don't know what to do. What if the 2nd urologist wants my skin aswell?

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Then accept that this shit isn't always done on a whim, is a legitimate medical procedure for when your dick isn't working right, and it's not a conspiracy to give your foreskin to jews. It's going to be OK. Just make sure they leave you the frenulum.

I thought I had phimosis cause pulling back the skin hurt a lot but it fixed itself when I started jacking off regularly

Sites like these have fucked me over to the point I'm skeptical about everything and see the bad in everyone.

Goldman Shekelberg

Just strech it you faggot

>t. dude with medium phimosis

I had phimosis. Just look up stretching exercises for that and frenulum breve. Creams aren't needed, they just make progress a little faster. If you don't improve in a couple months, talk to your doc again.

>americans keep posting their hazardous practices

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Some doctors want what's easier for them. Why try lengthy processes when you can just snip.
I went from your situation to being able to semi comfortably pull it down fully when erect just by using regular lube.
I'll try to see if i can get some sort of creme and stretching methods.
Also, i've felt no discomfort while fucking without a condom, but condoms do make it mildly uncomfortable.

>Is he baiting me, should I trust him?

OP, check out this site phimosisjourney.wordpress.com/2014/12/11/top-five-types-of-tight-foreskin-which-one-are-you/

It has pretty much all the info you need.
Personally, I have "type 2" phimosis, and after reading through that blog, I decided to get a Phimocure kit, because I couldn't be assed manually stretching.

I've been getting great results so far and have been moving up rings. It's very easy to just stick a ring in and leave it in for an hour a day.

Regarding the value of a foreskin, watch this video:


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