I'm 26 and I am fed up with life. I have no goals anymore. I finished uni 2 years ago, work full time...

I'm 26 and I am fed up with life. I have no goals anymore. I finished uni 2 years ago, work full time, fuck my fiancee and I still feel empty inside. What the fuck am I doing wrong?

I wish almost every day to be 15 again, to feel the rush, excitement. God I am so burnt out with life

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Sounds like you need a big fat hobby

I dont even know what that could be. Ive spent my entire life in front of my PC


Run away

This is an issue i see a lot in my work.
You might have to realize that the typical modern life is plain boring.
To have the endurance and mental capacity to drone on through life require tremendous willpower. Or the lack of intelligence.

Why not downscale you life? Maybe you need to break up with your gf. Maybe get rid of material things that dosent apply practical value.
Move out of the city to a small town or vice versa. Take up a physical hobby like hiking. Travel.

Maybe start a family?

same here
theres no way out

Dont start a family, OP get a hobby. Something adrenaline enducing would suit you bud!

Will this post apply to people who didn't start life until they were 20 or am I safe from this

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yeah life is really boring past 25 y o mark

See a psychiatrist.

what for

h e l p m e

while i wouldnt call myself "too intelligent to enjoy life", this rings true for me
food for thought i guess, thanks


Pick up boxing, train hard, get some amateur fights. Beat another man down, feel the glory of victory. It's what your manly spirit, smothered in this peaceful modern world, yearns for.

unironically this

congrats. you've done all the things you were supposed to do and have made it to true adulthood, which is boring as fuck. at this point, it's a slow wait for the sweet release of death because you have too many obligations and will hurt too many people you care about if you kill yourself.
find something that interests you to spend your time doing until you get bored of it. rinse. repeat.

You know
It almost seems like you lived your life like a pussy
Wich is always good
Try new things out
Buy drugs
Try them out
Live a litte
Break bad
Then come back and thank me later

Haha fucking depressed beta cuck

That was too fucked up even for Jow Forums standards
OP, don't start a family
You will wind up killing yourself

Fight club, much?

>Be me
>17 year old
>last person I talked to was my ex
>that was 6 months ago
>lets download OkCupid, can't be that bad
>first 2 days were amazing, lots of matches, didn't feel as alone as usual
>time passes
>girls stop replying after 1-2 days
>decides to wait for them to Come back first, because otherwise Its feels wrong, and rapy
>it's been a month now
>Tfw im yet again going trough another little existential crisis cause of that fucking app
>maybe I'm just scared cause I'm facing my own loneliness, and I don't know how to scape from this situation
>be me
>be on Jow Forums
>stay a happy degenerate

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>he felt for the college meme
Get fucked idiot, sage

It looks like to me you set out a blueprint for your life: goals like getting a good job and a loving partner, then you met it. You constructed the life you set out to live. The problem is that humans, to feel fulfilled, need growth. Hobbies and other ways to spend your free time help with this by giving you goals, by giving you something to grow in. This is why people recommend lifting or body-building because that's how they get this. Others, like a priest or something, might say pick up God or other spiritual avenues. The bottom line is that you need to change in some way, or be working towards something. It can be constructive, neutral, or bad for you. Some guys on this board would have you build the relationship you have with your soon-to-be wife because they don't have it and want you to appreciate it.
You might be thinking that this way of looking at things is in no way sustainable. That's a fair assessment, to be growing your whole life is an incredible undertaking, especially if you go out to only grow in a good way. Though being fulfilled isn't just achieved by having goals and stepping towards them, contribution and helping others can achieve this too. Now I'm not saying to go full philanthropist, though that would certainly do it, but contribution can manifest in many ways. You can contribute to your family, help your friends get over a breakout, or of course donate things to strangers.

This is by no means "the way" if it came out like that. Take it with a grain of salt and ponder these things. Even if you disagree with the examples I gave, I think that you can try and find the merit anyway.