>Scientists claim that almost half of the Russian population inherited Mongol genes consequently causing more alcohol to be absorbed by blood. Russians also require more time to fully digest alcohol than Europeans for instance. This means that Russians drink more heavily, suffer from severe hang-over and are overall more susceptible to become alcohol dependent.
>Doctor Nuzhny claims that he conducts the first research of alcohol effects specifically on Russians with Mongol genes
Nathaniel Thompson
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Nathan Thompson
Liam Martinez
Ah, good old shill. Welcome to hidden.
Jordan Harris
t. Ivan Chingchongovich
John Collins
>Slava Rossiya!
Oliver Jackson
there's a reason patton called them mongol savages.
Brandon Nelson
He forgot yurt dwellers.
Ethan Davis
You again. Russians today drink on average like Czech or French do.
Brandon Hall
t. rice farmer in denial
Zachary Gutierrez
That's because your picture does not consider shit like pic related. And russians (especially poor ones) drink this shit a lot.