>Made my first game
>Never coded, done any pixel art before
>Had fun doing it
>Uploaded it on android store
>Forced my friends to download it
>"It's really cool, you should keep it going"
Should I? I have no opinions about it except from my friends. I will be even happy if you say that it is shit and I should go kill myself, anything. Game name is RatGod by saucemoss.
Any advice about my game?
Wait a bit. Advertise it a bit more.
Maybe this post is all a scheme...
no, bro, you got something done. be proud of yourself. if you had fun making it, continue putting games out. you will get really good at it if you don't stop putting in the small effort.
keep it up bro
thanks, I guess starting in "indiedev" is hard, but I was expecting at least a few dozen downloads after a week. There are really few places where you can "politely" annouce your game. But mostly no one gives a shit about it. Ofcourse this thread is to try to get anybody play it. Still looking for any opinion about the game
Get some advertising and keep making games or updating this one
You need to market your shit dude. Remember that old saying that genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration? Making money (or generating clicks/downloads/whatever) off content online is 1% inspiration, 9% perspiration, and 90% marketing.
It's a fun little game. I was confused by it a little but after I died I figured it out. It's a pretty simple game but I did like that the ads weren't heavy and the setting was kinda cool.
>android store
>expect random downloads
Port it to iOS.
yes! Jesus, someone played my game, Im orgazming. There are total 3 ads in the game I confess. I don't expect ever reaching the limit for withdrawal from the admob thou ;)
Be proud dude. Just keep on making games. I had fun with it.
I would, but iOS is $99 per year. Not saying that is much for dev account, but comparing to googles $25 lifetime... I will still consider it, as like 50% of people I know owns iphones
Well done man! Looks great but please don't think about making money with this just yet.
Keep pushing yourself and you'll develop great games in the future.
If you really want to keep making games by all means do it. Go to the /vg/ thread of amateur game development and share it there. Videogames like all software are like 90% marketing thought, so search communities where you can start sharing your vidya.
Going to test your game later, hope this thread is later.
ye, you're right, I was kind of curious how ads work (maybe a little greedy also). I probably won't add any ads to my next one, (still I don't want to work as IT support all my life...)
I dl'd it man :) gonna try it now. I hope I can make a lime yours too.
P.s. kinda fix the name bro. I thunk there is a problem while searching it. But maybe that's just me. I had to try to find sausemoss to finally find it.
/aggydaggy/ is on /vg/ not Jow Forums you mouthbreathing retard.
It's alright, good for a first game. Kind of annoying that it doesn't save your progress when you switch apps. Also magnetism should be buffed.
hmm, RatGod is on first place when you type it together without space, if you tried rat god then no chance, too small to have that keywords
You just got owned OP. Only 1 deths second try.
I shit you not, you are the first person to finish the game. Hope you liked the ending. It took me whole weekend to do it
Remember me OP. RoelM14 lololol
Ending was kewl. Won't spoil it.
OP, hope you like having your IRL name and CV associated and attached to this site.
A chan full of pedos, furries, school shooters and neonazis
you like the game, tho?
What the fuck is a """chan"""
You mean an imageboard you inbred fuckwit newfag?
>what is a chan
>y-you are the newfag!