Republicans and Trump had TWO YEARS of complete majority in all branches of government to pass funding for the wall

Republicans and Trump had TWO YEARS of complete majority in all branches of government to pass funding for the wall

Can someone explain to me why they didn't care about doing it until now? How can you fall for their obvious bullshit?

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Because now we can get the dems to pay for it. You don't understand the art of the deal and you shouldn't even try. It's above your pay grade

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Why build a wall when you can just talk about it? Why put people in jail when you can just talk about it? It's more useful for him to blame Democrats for it not being built, than everyone knowing he was blowing smoke up everyone's ass for votes. The Oval Address yesterday was pathetic, some of the worse reading from a teleprompter I've seen. He is being played out now. The Manafort news the same day overshadowed the address and further shows he's an incompetent leader who was just looking for a way to further his brand. It's been the driving force behind everything he has ever done. It was never about protecting Americans.

Wasn't Mexico supposed to pay for it?

Because donald trump is a secret kike shill. He waited for democrats to get in power so he could make it look like that he """TRIED""" to put the legislation through.
He is framing it to make the democrats look responsible so he can blame them without having to put up a wall.
Maga tards are fucking braindead

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Dems pay for it? Lol you mean mostly Republicans paying for it. Monetarily and by giving away more seats in 2020. Tax payers are paying for the wall. The middle class paying taxes are the ones paying for the wall. Not the dems collecting welfare who hate Trump. It's a complete loss all around. Especially when he grants amnesty for over a million of them to get a deal with Dems. It's over.

Trump is already plaing 2020 election game.
Democrats are fighting hard against relatively low-cost construction, ready for government shutdown because of it.
Moderate democrats don't really think this as the number 1 issue in politics, it looks like Dem party is only fighting for illegal immigrants.
Next thing Trump is going to do is build up a confrontration on taxes. That makes sure that middle class will vote for Republicans.

Sure but not everything works out in the end, it's the inevitable truth that it won't always be perfect but trump has the dems by the balls and he can squeeze their lemon for all their juices, they just need to give way and they will. They're weak, like lemons, sour but weak. This is, from a true Americans perspective a more satisfying outcome for border wall money. To get the dems who have been shitting on trump since his bid to pay for this will be the most glorious thing ever. And Mexico is paying us, just in a different way. If I remember correctly though the dems said that the five billion will be used for foreign aid for central america, for migrants, and global warming. Stupid shit like that, well if trump gets the dems to pay that five mil than well in a sense Mexico had paid for it. Not directly but still they lost money for our gain


You are one stupid Mongolian faggot.

The shut down isn't even gonna last another week and Trump is gonna cave like a bitch.