Why (supposedly) nice people only help people that are already well-off...

Why (supposedly) nice people only help people that are already well-off? Why people are more eager to help the less a person need their help?

I asked for exactly the same advice than this fucker 2 weeks ago saying I earned less and got not a single reply

Attached: (((free market))).jpg (1232x612, 144K)

Bump motherfucker.

Bump yet again

That's just not true. There aren't any charities for rich people.

Yes, and those are very influential. They are called lobbies.

But they're paid for by rich people to help themselves. A business will pay money to an anti-tax group because if taxes go down, they make more money. That's self-interest, not charity.

Can someone translate this into not stupid?

The twitter screenshot or OP's actual post? Because both make sense

OP is mad that 100k job guy got more replies than him

Nobody respects the random nature of Jow Forums. I don't fucking know OP, ask every poster who passed over your thread. I don't give lots of money advice personally because I'm not super rich and am really only great at budgeting kinda

Now just ask the 99 other posters who passed over it. Fucking cement for brains

Just another rambling crazy who didn't get enough attention. Got it, thanks.

That's most of Jow Forums OPs, just faggots who expect Jow Forums to magically who's away all their problems.

I think 'well-off' people get more help because it's evident they'll make use of good, well-intentioned advice while a lot of crabby OPs like our OP are more focused on hearing what they want and getting validation.

100k/yr clearly does not need our validation which makes it easy to give advice-- or if he needs it it'll be easier to lie about it
He's also not in a position he's turning into do or die, like all these permavirgins threatening suicide or guys who want to earn just so they can score chix

At first I thought you were asking a question about a very common societal problem and was about to give my opinion on the matter and then I see that you’re just salty that some nigga got more (you)s.

Get fucked

Posts with rare content and enticing pictures get replies, yours was probably shit and also please kill yourself.

They get easier 'thank you's' that way. That brings more publicity, especially on social media.

>he thinks nice people really exist

We live in a society that

It is also within your self-interest to help charity, the average middle-class person could turn into a beggar any day.
That's why poor and middle class people are the ones who most give to charity.
Rich people are not going to give a cent because they are rich and they will be always rich no matter what they do.


I don't know. If you hate it so much you should donate more of your own time to service work. You can't change society, but you can act in a way that is contrary to the ills of society you hate.

Rich people make free money off compound interest you fucking idiot. That's a million times better than charity because it's self perpetuating.

>There aren't any charities for rich people.
There are thousands of charities for rich people...
Do you know what the HRC is for example?

>exactly the same advice
So you said you had so much money that you didn't know what to spend them on and then said you earn much less than that? I would just assume you're trolling if I saw a thread like that tb h