What would your life have been like if you had never found Jow Forums?

Would you have been happier? Sadder? Lonelier?

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I'd live in merry bliss, knowing in my heart of heart that all people are equal, the elites have our best interests in mind and that diversity is our strength.

I'd be a happy cuck I'd be friend with my wife's boyfriend and pick my wife's daughter from school

million keks less

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I'm not allowed to legally enter the USA so this is the only viable way I can fulfill my purpose of upsetting americans. It's a tireless but rewarding existence

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I'd be still fapping to porn and cant concentrate on my studies i guess. Jow Forums saved my addiction to porn

Does it affect you in real life?

Jow Forums is the god dam saviour of mankind and most faggots on here laugh up such a statement but for those who don't should honestly consider suicide.

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masters in monobrow cultivation?

Agreed, hard to find humor like Jow Forums humor anywhere else.

It's helped me develop the skill of biting my tongue and hiding my power level. I live in California and my social circle would disown me if they knew half the shit I believed. Jow Forums has made me much better at smiling and nodding with people I strongly disagree with.

>smiling and nodding with people I strongly disagree with.
ahaha what a cuck

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Just marry a nigger or cat lady and get your greencard that way, although you should be ready to being divorced and kicked to the curb to die a homeless person by doing so.

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As opposed to what? Sperging out and ruining friendships?

I dress well, work out and try to be that person that everybody else wants to be like, dropping small redpills for my friends along the way.

oh and enjoy your 20 dollar fucking chicken cucknadian!

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I'd probably have suicided after accumulating multiple STDs and addictions. Now I'm more responsible and I'm working on becoming a youth counselor.

It helped me construct arguments, get over my addiction to fat furry porn, and raised myself from a depressed faggot to a successful guy

a fucking christmas present

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Why do you act like it's anything more than an image board?

I'd be happy. Fuck that. Kill all Jews.

id get a lot more work done

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Just confused.

what did you do?

Hiding your power level is the dumbest shit ever conceived on this board. So what? You'll lose some friends. Fuck off. You dont belong here. If you're hiding your (((power level))) you never truly believed your false beliefs.

got drunk and threw a bowl of soup at a chinaman

I have made a point of never hiding my powerlevel. Sure, all those vegan commies don't want to speak to me anymore but I was quite surprised to see the amount of people that actually agrees with me.

Wouldve stayed a consumerist. Buying the next jew product that will keep me in debt. Because obviously I needed that Batman collecters edition buttplug.

Would've been ok with fags and believe that love is love and not that degeneracy ruins civilization.

Would've been ok with abortion because jews told me it was just a cluster of cells. Not a life that could be another redpill agent to help dismantle their agenda

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>youth counselor
..I hope the lurking authorities are keeping a close eye on you.
Nigga we run this shit. Even when the rest of the internet hates us and reviles us, they STILL steal our memes. The matrix is like a stick of butter and Jow Forums is the hot knife.
I'd be visually happier to others, but Jow Forums wasn't the start of my redpill journey so I'd still be having to fake myself around others to get along. I'd hate myself because I can't stand being fake.

Italian fetus

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Why would you want to be friends with bluepilled juden supporters? I dropped major redpill bombs on my way of losing most of my "friends" now I only have a select loyal few and ive actually converted a few. I pulled people from communism and atheism. Even my atheist friends agree that religion is key for western Civilization.

Probably more bored.

I was a racist skinhead before Pol, still racist and skin but also painfully aware of the decadence of Western civisation. Needless to say im not happy

ha I was in Canada in 2005 and got denied entry to the US because they thought I was smuggling drugs, cut the car seats up with stanley knives and they fucked my car up. no drugs and they asked what provenance in Canada New Zealand was. when after 5 hours in detention got back to the leaf side they gave me a flag pin and said sorry. fuck that place.

Noone reimbursed you for the damages?

UnIronically married with a lovely wife and three white kids

is that even how it works?

Always been a fascist, just happy to read other fascist's posts. Jow Forums found Murdoch Murdoch for me, oh and Pepe: both good.

Usually if they were wrong. I mean ive seen it before with local police but idk about border crossing

Canada, you know shit is bad when Danes are dabbing on you.

>Murdoch Murdoch
literally rick and morty for memelords. reconsider your life underageb& faggot

I have never heard of anybody being reimbursed for a border inspection and I've seen those fuckers absolutely rek some cars

Id be shitposting IRL, it's probably for the best that we're here.

Probably different with federal officers idk


You're were not allowed in because you're a faggot. The USA has too many faggots as it, they don't need to be importing them.

I understand you had to put all the good agents at the western ports and the southern border but the Canada/USA border guards are absolute retards

Is English your second language or are you just incredibly day drunk. Isn't your Taoiseach a literal gay paki?

Nothing changed when I found this place. I'm the same here as out in the world.

I’d still be frustrated and confused by the world but I’m not anymore thanks to Jow Forums redpills. But now I’m all good and can’t get out of this place. Let me go please. PLEASE

I’m missing so many opportunities because I put in at least 48 hrs a week here. I helped my sometimes gf spend a million dollars this morning (a house). There’s lots of other things I could do with my spare time (ie my working day).

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If I hadn't converted everyone via pol I would have found another way. So you Jews can relax and just admit you made yourselves too obvious and became too greedy.

What would my life be life without adhering to Truth?
Well that is a contradiction as that is no life at all.

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>STD and addiction prone
>ideal youth counselor

No they were pretty good if they kept you out.

I guess Canadians never heard of flight or travel, I'm not Irish you dumb fuck. Good job trying t insult an entire country when you could have just insulted me.

This. Jow Forums is unironically my only form of social interaction.

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>I'll have you know I immigrated here so there haha now what
great argument

i didn't get my political view from pol, i found pol cause of my political view. not much would have changed, i guess i would browse 8ch pol instead.

>Would you have been happier? Sadder? Lonelier?
Happier. I could be out pulling a trigger at the range, but no, I'm here

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I said travel you utter moron. Look up the word. Please try again.

I would have been much more stifled. I get banned from many sites on a regular basis, and I have yet to be banned here.

so you're an Irish Traveller eh

Everyone knows youth counslers are pedo addicts

I feel you bro.

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Get yourself checked for an extra chromosome leaf. No wonder border patrol won't admit you, you're a botched abortion.

Imagine buying a plane ticket to Ireland just so you could sit in the hotel and get mad on Jow Forums all day

I'd probably have ended up a terrorist of some sort
Jow Forums is our virtual Zion. A true containment board on a containment site.

Because not everyone is a sperg, faggot.

I would probably have killed myself if I hadn't found Jow Forums

Are you sure you won't in the future?

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No but I can at least have some laughs before I decide to end it

I would probably live life having an intellectual itch I could never scratch. Something would always seem off, but I would not have confirmation from others of why some societal patterns repeat over and over and why some bedrock values are being upended.

This too. Only Jow Forums can make me laugh anymore. TV and most every other outlet, including friends and family lost any comedic value they had around 2011.


Not sure. My faith in humanity would still be on the decline for various reasons, but I wouldn't be as upset about so many young people basically being fooled by Nazi-era propaganda techniques and constant fearmongering.

I'd been he same as I am today but without the memes

>What would your life have been like if you had never found Jow Forums?

the exact same, maybe worse.

Hope you find this funny so you can live longer.

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In the beginning the Redpill depresses you, but once you can cope with it the knowledge sets you free and with knowing the truth you loose the shakles of conditioning, which lets you see in what state of slavery the mind of most other people rests.

Then why do you stay?

old but gold

Sounds like you value fake friendships and likes and how many friends on your Facebook matter more than real human interaction... Faggot

I honestly do not know

I was aware of the JQ way before I found pol
I guess I'd only know fewer memes


Fucking classic. I miss the before time

>The matrix is like a stick of butter and Jow Forums is the hot knife.

Imagine unironically thinking that this board is anything but satire. user be careful or you’re gonna end up a paranoid schizophrenic if you unironically believe the shit that’s said here.

Maybe a parrot will help.

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/b/ fucked me up long before Jow Forums even existed desu.
I'd probably still be jerking off to traps though. Thank god I stopped that shit.

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