>Trump supporter
>TSA employee
I’m trying guys, I really am...
Trump supporter
Other urls found in this thread:
Stop being a nigger, faggot.
I’m not.
Some ppl here are actually qualified and are just using this as an entryway-job to othet govt stuff.
>me me me, everything is about me and how it affects me personally
Tell stories of incompetent mud-workers and major security fuckups...
Stop being a Trump Supporter, user. You don't need Jow Forums or anyone else to tell you how to feel or think. Fucking A, This is all i've ever had to tell people to change their minds. I'm sick and tired of this sheeple bullshit cult of personality trap all you idiots fall into. It gets old, real fucking quick.
You’re a glorified Walmart employee get a real job you waste.
you're right he should support the party of taking away all of his rights thats much better!
Oh, I get it, you like the message until you have to pull a little bit of weight? C'mon, man, there's so much good at stake here. I'm hoping you have a reasonable amount in savings like a responsible adult?
>trump supporter
>work in retail
You don't know how good you have it faggot
This is unironically how I feel politics shoud be viewed.
Rather not, lest I make myself trackable. I’m also not a checkpoint guy, so my stories would be tamer than you hope.
Tbh, I’m A-OK money wise, but its more the princiapal, and that alot of ppl here are not fine. Literal advice given to us from ‘offical sources’ include; take from your retirement fund, bartar, have a yardsale(said by Big-T himself), actually literally apply for unemployment
I didn’t even vote in the last election. I supported him then because he was the least shit choice, and sorta funny.
Sorry about the conflict bro.
Hopefully this will be over soon.
Don't give up.
Just remember, this is stopping a bunch of spics from invading our home.
Fair enough. Keep your head down, do your best and get yourself noticed by the higher-ups in the organization (bypass the realm of HR sheboons). You'll be ok...
are you white?
Jesus christ you faggot grow a set. I make a shit ton more money than you do, and I weathered a 7 month strike back in '15. You haven't even missed a check yet.
Tell me how to get lots of drugs into a plane user
Same, but I gave up.
As of last night, we offically ain’t getting paid this week
Good, with a 95% failure rating all TSA is is an illusion of security anyways. I hope the shutdown lasts a year
>As of last night, we offically ain’t getting paid this week
Oh well. Since you typed that, 7 people have died and left this earth. Guess you're doing better than they are. Go collect unemployment and shovel snow for your neighbors.
How many weeks can you survive financially?
You should always have enough saved for 1.5 months rent and the same amount of time for food.
On the brightside this week you'll be able to pick up a ton of over time for when they eventually resume paychecks.
>work full time
>gotta go slave for neighbors to survive
Woah... so this... this is Trump’s America...
You can see where there might be a flaw in your vision
Indefinetely, I live at home.
Tbh, this was more a shitpost thread than anything else. I mainly just gotta front I’m suffering to my coworkers.
Well maybe work on achieving more with your life besides being a TSA employee? I understand you guys haven't actually missed a check yet, right?
>work full time
>but he's not working
You're not real smart, are ya?
Why are you blaming Trump and not Pelosi & Schumer?
Get over it fag. Im in the same boat.
Listen to this man OP, I admire this place but it is genuinely toxic for your life in the long run.
get a real job bucko
Or I should say not getting paid... But he knew this when he took the job. So he quits or does what it takes to get by
So how many kids do you get to molest at the checkpoints in a day?
We’re forced to work during this.
I’d be estatic if I could get 3 weeks off with the tradeoff of no pay.
>I didn’t even vote in the last election.
>haha I didn’t even vote for trump but he should cuck himself on my behalf
get fucked
You violate peoples' 4th amendment rights every day, for a paycheck. Get fucked you nigger faggot. Every TSA agent should be hungry and poor.
I still can't comprehend how some people don't save money to last for a few months, let alone 2 weeks.
Work on the plane janitorial staff
TSA employees are shaniquas that would be better suited working at mall food courts
We want our wall. Even if your post is not fake, we don't give a shit faggot.
Everyone who works for the government is a parasite.
I need my new iPhone dawg gotta get my new yeezys on my $12/hr salary
Saving up for college? Advancing past unskilled Labor? Man that’s wack yo
As I’ve said, I’m personally fine and I do save.
Alot of the folks I work with live check to check without much, or any wiggleroom.
I, too, am a federal employee who voted for Trump.
>how do you not have money saved
because you came from a poor background and started with less than others. always trying to catch up and whenever you get some money saved, something unexpected happens and removes your savings. you've never been poor and this is why you can't comprehend it. because you've been sheltered your whole life. people give you things and you don't appreciate them for their true value.
Learn or die no one cares
Why are you blaming Trump, and not the dems refusing to budge?
I smell shill
Hey OP what do you think about Chuck and Nancy blocking the construction of this small segment of border wall?
I’ve known some that did that
You don’t need to stay that long once you’re in, put in to be a local state or federal leo
I legitimately feel sorry for TSO's, they should still keep getting paid. The furloughed HR departments for TSA should eat a dick though & not get paid.
>t. works for the help desk
Blame democrats, they blow hundreds of billions on useless shit every year but refuse to cough up 5 for a wall
>anyone who doesn't agree with the Jow Forums narrative must be a shill
if it were up to me all TSA would be shot for treason
fucking faggots sitting there fondling kids and old ladies making people go through x-ray machines. I'm glad TSA is getting a taste of their own medicine.
>b-b-but it's just a job
I don't care
>fewer rights is better
>more browning of America is better
>Trump supporter
KYS you piece of shit. Don't doubt God emperor trump
>Airport and travel companies make billions a year
>Still need government to foot the bill for security
Mcdonalds is hiring and you will learn a marketable skill.
>be power tripping molester faggot who's sole job is the be a power tripping molester faggot, harassing any cute six year old for a cavity search as you please
>government funded too, so you'll get a pension, paid for by me, after 20 proud years of being a power tripping molester faggot
>in a government with a well established and recently practiced tendency to lock up their budget for a while every few years
>despite the warning signs, don't even establish a nest egg
But yeah, it's not your fault your finances are fucked, it's Trump's fault for not giving Queen Skeletor all she desires in a wallless fucking Eternia.
>being this assblasted
Get a real job you welfare nigger. You'll have plenty of time now.
Fuck you
Can’t handle your paid vacation once every 5-7 years then quit and get a real job you fucking leach.
Give your fucking balls a tug you titfucker
>paid for by me
So you pay his salary?
>we're forced to work
>don't tell me to be a slave to my neighbor at a rate I can negotiate!
>it's not slavery when I'm forced to work for my government job
You ain't forced to do shit. Quit if you can't stall the paycheck, don't shovel shit for your neighbors, just starve. Or don't, it's your explicitly not-slavery choice. Heaven forbid you have to do any actual work ever.
We spent $356,000 to study the sexual habits of quail when they're given cocaine. Still a better use of funds than OP's life.
Through taxes, yep
I pay taxes, so yes.
R Kelly ran a NXIVM style Sex Cult!!!
>Blacks allowed it
They even brag about going down to local bodega and buying child porn of R Kelly
>music industry super comped like Hollywood
R Kelly is a Demon Nigger monkey
>>TSA employee
Also, if true, get a real job you fucking parasite. These fuckwits should be thanking their lucky stars we let them wear a silly costume and pretend to work inconveniencing us for their welfare checks.
Get a college degree in anything and become a special agent. Then you will be an essential government employee who never gets affected by shutdowns.
Have you thought about selling your kidney?
Like his right to earn a living? kek
>But yeah, it's not your fault your finances are fucked, it's Trump's fault for not giving Queen Skeletor all she desires in a wallless fucking Eternia.
Thought Mexico was gonna pay?
Masters in Art History good?
Yeah it truly doesn't matter what your degree is in. You just need a bachelors in something. I don't think you get paid any extra for having a masters when it comes to special agents in the federal government. Depending on where you get assigned, it can be a cushy as fuck job.
I have a degree and nearly a masters in digital forensics
>but theres mad jobs in comp sci!
Yea, but every single entry level job wants 10 years experience
Wrong thread?
I’d kill to not be allowed to work. Its the opposite you retard
How painfully edgy
>I don’t care
Neither do I about your faggot ass
Idk, they’re reptile people afaik
>haha didn’t vote in the election
>OMG the government is taking my gibs away! SOMEBODY DO SOMETHING PLEASE HELP!
No one cares. Either way your leaders abandoned you. Democrats won't have so u can get paid, and Donny threw u under the bus for an arguably useless borderwall(I think the money should go-to more than just a wall but walls a start I supposed)
get a real job
>OMG the government is taking my gibs away! SOMEBODY DO SOMETHING PLEASE HELP!
>Working for Money === gibs
Stopping terrorism isn't a real job?
>OMG the government is taking my gibs away!
Keep holding out OP, this fiasco will relieve the federal government to be a wage slaver.
>TSA employee
Kys faggot
With the government, you just need to get your foot in the door anywhere you can. Then you can apply to jobs as a current government employee and get preferential treatment. Also huge bonus points if you're a veteran. You can always enlist for two years, most likely never see combat, and then you'll be at the top of the hiring pool.
>tfw DHS working for no pay
Stay strong user. You need the wall, end of story.
It's either now or never.
>being a federal worker
>working at all before or after the shutdown
Pick one.
Real wages are lower than under Obama good luck.
4% unemployment rate because if you aren't working 60 hrs a week you basically are dead in two paychecks. Nobody is raising their kids. Nobody is doing anything with anybody anywhere because we are all working.
Get a real job fatass! maybe lose some weight and gain some muscle, become a police officer, military or Federal law enforcement. If you don't want to work for the governement (which you already do) get a job as a PMC.
glad we established you dont care about citizens. Your loyalty to a president does not concern me. You are directly a leftist commie for all Im concerned. Your ilk are nothing but a weapon against the people of this country. You were never allies.
You've gotten paid.
It's a bull shit meme.
>Trump supporter
>Land scapper/gardener
Some of them work.
>I make a shit ton more money than you do, and I weathered a 7 month strike back in '15.
Protip: The more money you make, the easier it is to have the kind of savings that let you go on strike without any difficulty. Stop acting like your experience on easy mode makes you some kind of expert on normal mode.
>why blame the guy who refuses to do anything unless his friends get five billion dollars
gee idk.
A decent string of bad luck is enough to wipe out savings, especially in America.
>Everyone who works for the government is a parasite.
Does that include the people building the wall, and the people who need to patrol it so some kid with a plastic shovel doesn't dig a tunnel under it?
>I didn’t even vote
fuck off, hopefully permanently
Keep trying you fraggle! To fool some one with this waning fun boy thread.
Tub Shuffling Administration please go rethink your life. That "job" has no value. Do something that enriches your soul and makes you a better person.
Only a real shit head would strive for that shit tier job. Eat shit.
>he works for free
Or support neither. We dont have to choose from two shitty options. If my options are shit and barf, I can choose to starve.
I thought terrorism was a thing and it's such a thing that we need a wall to stop it. Isn't the TSA all designed to stop terrorism?
t. Nigger