This girl that I've been hooking up with will suck my dick np...

This girl that I've been hooking up with will suck my dick np , but she wont let me fuck her and bearly lets me touch her pussy.

What does it mean ?

Attached: PUM352634-03.jpg (1000x1000, 257K)

>Sucks your dick
>Won't let you fuck her

Wtf is that kind of bullshit?

>What does it mean?
I don't really know. It sounds ridiculous.

She thinks her boyfriend will know.

Intercourse is a lot more gross than dick sucking; it's significantly more intimate and personal. Either that or she's still a virgin and wants to stay that way for some reason.

She probs finds you ugly

I don't know, did you ever think of asking her??

And get your shit-tier shoes out of here

The shoes are nice

Only if you're a mexican

Women are fucking weird. Maybe she isn't ready for dick. Honestly, talk to her.

have you tried asking her

not on the pill

get her drunk

she's probably a pre op tranny

Might be std ?

do her ass

This. She's a he

Maybe she has an unpleasant memory of a painful intercourse.

She like sucking the D bro. Keep feeding her inches and feed her well!

sounds like this married bitch I did some work for in her home. she would blow me when her husband was at work and kids in the other room but wouldn't let me fuck her. like sucking my dick wasn't cheating.

I do this and it’s mainly bc I’m self concious about the way my body looks.

It's a dude.

Or, she can't stand the thought of fucking a guy with such a shit taste in shoes.

I'm assuming youre a girl.

This girl is actually very pretty and has an awesome body , and we are not just hooking up, we are pretty much in a relationship, it's just a matter of making it official.

She says she has quite a few insecurities about her body , how can I make her feel more confident?

Wear a blindfold

She has a penis!
Congratulations u faggy

Playing hot 'n cold isn't a relationship buddy. That's probably why she won't give you access to her pussy, BJs might be a bigger thing for guys, but for girls it's often not nearly as intimate as penis in vagina.

Different subcultures, sometimes even different neighborhoods, have different moral codes. You may have grown up thinking that oral or even anal sex should come before intercourse, while someone the next town over thought in the reverse.

I knew a woman in grad school, perfectly sane and normal, who explained that she grew up understanding that what she did didn't count as long as she controlled what was done to her. So she'd happily give blowjobs while keeping her private parts private.

(I would have tried to point out the illogicality, but I was getting some of the best blowjobs of my life)

Not the case

Wrong, faggot.

The grass is always greener on the other side. My girl will blow me a little but shes bad at it and its never to completion but instead just a lil before sex.