The ultimate LARP edition

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First day at college. I feel so fucking homesick. Feels similar to when I tried to go to college when I was 18. I feel like I should be home, not here. I feel like there's no benefit to being here (which I know isn't true) and I should just go home to my mom and little sister.
How the fuck do people put up with this? I feel so weak and pathetic.

i feel like shit

i felt fine a month ago

It’s okay user, every one can feel a little homesick sometimes, just try to keep pushing forward for the sake of your sister and your mother

Fuck. I hate hospitals. I hate the way they smell, i hate the noises, i hate this thick blanket of death that seems to drape over the damn thing. But most of all i hate seeing my uncle in this condition. I just want us all to go home. On the bright side i got to larp super hard. Always feels good, always nice to get that shit out

To my T, YEEE. i will be home soon. Cant wait to see you its been a long stressful day.
To my js, AAAAAAAAYYY. Enjoy them college days. I hear the streets are paved with pussy out there.

Will the day of the rope ever come?
When we are going to kill niggers, commies, anzs and race traitors?

I'm going to make a bit of a blog post here, but I figure given the theme of the thread it is appropriate.
I've been thinking about why I desire, or perhaps think I desire, to have sex with underage boys. There are two boys in particular who often roam around my apartment complex that have become the subject of my desire, however today I began to think that "I want to BE them" I want to return to my youth , I want to regain my stolen innocence. Recently I have been less and less sexually stimulated by the materials that usually never failed to arouse me. stories on Nifty, Shotacon Pictures and dojins, even the "hard" stuff like pictures of boys in swimsuits or shirtless. I don't know if this is due to overexposure to porn, or whatever could cause such a thing to happen, but I feel like I'm pushing myself to the next level, to even more graphic porn. As a counterpoint to the whole overexposure theory I, In my head, would site that I never got into more disgusting things like gore, or scat; I still believe those are disgusting.
I just don't know what attraction feels like anymore. I've fapped and fapped and fapped, but it just feels like and mean to and end. My orgasms don't feel all that good anymore and some part of me doesn't derive any pleasure from them anymore.
Back to the part where I said I don't know what attraction feels like anymore, because it plays into another part of my life. I have been confused about my sexuality for most of my life, partly at the hands of my brother, and partly due to my own personal experience. I have been attracted to girls before, but also several guys as well (given that the first one looked like my brother), but the point is that now I don't really know what I'm attracted to. I guess the conclusion of this shitty master's thesis is that I should try NoFap

A recent scare involving my genitals made me very scared for my sex life
I'm kind of old but what if I never have one and I just die always wondering and never actually feeling

Senior year in high school. I dont know anybody, I dont hang out with anybody. vidya has stopped filling the void, after class I just drive home and lay in bed. I have 0 motivation to do anything.

FUCK! I saw a really pretty girl on the bus yesterday and I can't stop thinking about her. I live in a decent sized city with a big uni in it so I see pretty girls all the time but for some reason she stuck with me. She lives in my apartment complex so there's a chance I might see her again (it's a rather large complex so I doubt it).

I wish I could stop thinking about you again. I wish I could forget about you already and stop worrying over your wellbeing from a distance.

I hate religion so so so much.

I am fine. You can stop worrying now.

... Why?

It does good, but it also provides justification for a whole pack of bad things. You can do good without religion, and you can do bad without it, but in my opinion, it's the single flimsiest justification for doing a bad thing and saying it's good.

Just control your emotions. Choose what to feel.

I just had the most mental conversation with a stranger on tinder. A simple hi exploded into a dialogue about how I didn't respect him and the bullshit he said about himself. Are people this insecure and unhappy about themselves? I did nothing wrong, yet he turned into the cattiest, neediest, most unlikeable soul I've talked to in years. Is this what instafuck has done to us all?

>it's the single flimsiest justification for doing a bad thing and saying it's good.
Like what? You're pretty fucking vague.

Homophobia, transphobia, restricting reproductive rights, misogyny, all in the name of love for their gods.

Seek professional help

Hey. I just started college last week and the best thing to feeling okay is finding a group of friends. I found a discord group that I hang out with everyday but joining clubs also works to getting friends. It also really pays off when you're working on homework and have someone else there to help you.

All of that is degenerate bullshit. I have nothing to say to you, faggot lover.

I can't tell them that!
We already have a bunch of people with a witch hunt mentality against pedos the last thing I need to do is tell someone who is in a position to have me locked up and ruin my entire life

Confidentiality agreement

Talk to them about when they're mandated to report

Thanks. I feel a little better now. Called my mom and chatted with her a bit, and since I don't live too far off I can go home for a weekend if I needed to.
It also makes me feel better thinking how semesters aren't that long and I still will get to spend a lot of time at home.

He'll come back...they always do...

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Yes. I am home
Fuckin' finally

He hates me.

But hell, I'd hate me too.

just talked with my therapist today. I started with her a year ago, and it's really rewarding to see all the progress i've gone through. I don't think I would've made it last year if it weren't for her, or would I have made an application to the school i thought I had no chance in, but got in. I'm just so happy. I know I still have issues to work out, but my life is thousands of times brighter now than it seemed to me this time last year. I gave her a hug and we parted ways.

Sounds like your Islamophobic there mate. Remember the progressive stack

Make amends.

Please dont be like I was dude. Hate me if you have to, but please dont get all hung up over me. There are SO many girls out there. You know i am not special. You know you can do better. You are on a campus full of beauties. Just focus on someone worth your thoughts and energy. I am just a blemish in your life. A fug up. You WILL do better. I already told you I was trash. I hope you believe me now at least.

I think we did, at the end. We parted on ok terms and emphasized our love and respect for each other. But it was an "agree to disagree" situation and although I know he means well, at the same time there's a part of me that hates him for disagreeing, and a part of me that hates that part of me.

I ghosted her out of fear of commitment. I just couldn't see myself long term.

I feel like messaging her on social media and apologizing. I don't want our expect anything to go beyond that or to be forgiven.
Should I? Or am I being selfish in my own way?

Go for it. Whats the worst that could happen, honestly.

Texting her just to reject her for a second time, real suave. You're an ass hole.

Oh yeah it's hilarious. Glad everyone's here. Go get your colon perforated by a cactus.

Making me give a shit about something I was right about in the first place. Getting me all fucked up back in my feelings. Fuck this, fuck you, so damn done lmao. I may still fuck some stuff up for my own amusement desu.

All in all, great joke, you got me real good. Have fun with karma, thanks for the biggest head trip of my life and doing literally everything you knew I had already dealt with and taken damage on. Never should have allowed myself to be dragged back into worrying about this.

God damn people are cunts.

Calm down schizo user.

It's not me in here, you looney ass nice assed anxious little monkey.

I thought we were compatible until you showed me your flags. If we continued together, I would look like a fucking fool.

Sure I look like an asshole now, but in the end, I got my dignity.


Indeed I am for doing what I did. But it's been months, so I'm sure she's moved on. I'm not rejecting her; I'm apologizing fir my actions and hoping we can make amends. Or did my comment about "not wanting or expecting forgiveness" imply that?

This is probably not schizoid user.
This could just be another schizoid who was cultured in here because I might've introduced her to here. I apologize for that, I just didn't know she was interested in search histories and eye All in people's phones.

>larps in an Jow Forums thread

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My red flags? Seriously? You think youd look like a fool had you continued and not willfully fucked me over at every turn?

Yeah and I continued after your flags and now I'm the fool, and lost my dignity.

Fuck off. Everyone can fuck off. You call them, I'm not playing middle man and pi for this shit. Everyone's getting blocked. God damn I was so close to being over this shit and talking to this blonde but no you gotta pull your shit and make your choices my problem to deal with and tell people about again and everyone's gotta drag me back into this bullshit and feeling like absolute ass.

Bitch you got me fucked the fuck up. God damn I hate people.

Oohhkay, it appears was right.

My apologies, mr. 71.

I'm not schizo user, go fuck yourself.
Lol you can go fuck yourself too.
Fucking serious? Gotta have that last little disrespect huh?

Now this is larping. Theres my anger release everyone go fuck yourself.

Being able to go home sometimes is a definite plus. I'm 800+ miles from home so I won't be able to but my friends that can did it last week. Don't worry about it man you'll get fine through college. I was scared at first too but after a week I'm pretty used to dorming life. :)

Wow. Did i break you, J?

>befriend a guy on discord
>start fancying him
>get a full-blown obsession
I'm so stupid and hopeless

Ok. Who are you, schizo jr? lmfao

I think its the guy cucked by bikergangman.

Bikergangman Cuck always talks about burning shit down.

To A,

I want you so bad. I dream about you every night. What I would give if you made a very obvious move on me in public. I'd do anything for you.

From J.

Youre right. Rereading this its not bikecuck at all. We got ourselves a new member to the schizo gang. Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. 72!!

I was able to make you laugh. I loved it!

From A, to J

I think controversy over the word nigger is fucking retarded. You don't get people to stop using a word by treating it like it's the coolest word in the world and getting pissed when someone else uses it. You just stop using it.

You know why you never hear the word kike oustide of Jow Forums? Because Jews never say it. Mexicans don't say spic. Asians don't say gooks. You rarely hear any of those words in public conversation. But nigger is still everywhere.

At some point you have to stop playing victim and hold yourself accountable.

Everything about American culture is fucking retarded. Cultural appropriation? Beyonce supporting BLM and preaching all whites are racist but making millions of dollars for a Superbowl show, one of the events with the highest rates of child trafficking? A celebrity for president and other idiot celebrities joining him to talk about issues they have no knowledge of? The president's own lawyer getting arrested?

America as a whole is a joke.


If you've moved on, I wish you'd just tell me instead of stringing me on like my last ex had done in the hopes that I would break it off with him. Which in the end, I did.

Whatever. I'm going to bed.

*first year in college*
Why am I still doing this, I know I don't want to do it. I have no motivation and I find learning frustrating this way. But how do I tell the rest, I'm afraid what they might think even though I know they will understand because alot of students quit their degree in their first year.
I should've stopped months ago, I'm only increasing my debt. Why am I this way?!

Bonfire by the sea cancelled. Got clarity and focus back today. I'll put the pieces where they should be and leave matches in a few places and let karma handle it. I dont have time to light it off myself. I've got an auto shop to start, a real estate idea to find funding for, and an investment portfolio to rebuild after the last two whores. Have a nice life and fuck off.

If peoples lives are meant to burn it'll do it by itself. I divest myself of this fuckery and shitty people.

And now I know what insanity feels like, good job on following through on "I want him to suffer" but short lived.

You're not Bikercuck either.

It's crazy how you can be right in front of me and I'll still find myself missing you. For 6 long years I longed to have you back in my life. It was impossible, you were married and had a child. But somehow you made it back. Somehow we were together again, we lived through a day that only existed in my dreams. How could I not be fucking nervous? This was something that was not supposed to happen.
But you weren't into it at all. Something happened when we first saw each other again. The second time was so forced it hurt. I'm different and so are you, but how could we not work this out? How could you tell me that you think some people aren't meant to stay friends? I cried over you when I thought you were gone forever. But I didn't mean much to you during all these years I was gone. I guess I imagined what we once had to be something that it really wasn't. You meant so much to me, and after all this time it turned out to be an illusion.
Where do I even go from here? Is this what closure is? Is this how it ends?

yes, td

>in the hopes that I would break it off with him. Which in the end, I did.
if you do it again this time, keep it to yourself. letting him know would be a kindness he doesn't deserve. i've decided that's how mine will be getting handled if it reaches that point.

I've been there recently. I loved them for years, they had built up some energy in me and around us that lingered and never left despite getting with new people. That one day I regret not making a move.

But I found out they were actually in love with someone else the entire time, who was also married. Be glad they put you through all they did, let them now go and get their heart broken.

Yeah, I am unfortunately.

You're a massive cunt

Well if it is you, it sounds like you got your ducks in a row, so to speak.
The long game is much more satisfying.

Something in my body is telling me to stay far away from you. At first, I thought it was a sort of a "love bug" feeling, the type of anxiety you'd get when you're into someone, but this is different. Every bone in my body is telling me to stay away from you. You make me uneasy and I'm uncomfortable even in your presence. I've heard of women feeling this way towards someone, but I've never heard of a man that had these feelings.

We've studied together for our mutual benefit several times, and I didn't get the feeling that you were using me, but being around you gives me this feeling of dread. We became friends last semester and I was watching your behavior, and you openly said to me that you "didn't want to take advantage" of someone for our benefit. That set alarm bells off. You're also quick to anger and I've seen you almost lose your shit a few times over trivial matters. It was never towards me, but you were ready to lash out at whoever or whatever was irritating you.

There's something about you that just isn't right. You're acting very interested in me romantically, but I can't help but think you have some sort of ulterior motive. You are way too eager to talk to me and you are way too ahead in life to be interested in someone like me. It sounds like a self esteem issue, but I assure you, it's not. I can't describe the feeling properly, but everything inside me screams "get away" every time I see you.

I've never felt this way about anyone. Ever. I've always told women to trust their instincts, but I'm wondering if I need to do that as well.

I hate the major I'm in (psych). I'm a year and a half away from my BA with no idea what to do with this shitty choice in major. all the other majors seem more interesting than this cop out BS. I want to switch majors, but I also want to get my life started. WTH am I supposed to do?

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oh this oughta be gold. how am i a massive cunt, user?

>dont tell him you're done
>just use him and cheat on him cause it's over in your mind
Cunt, cut and dried cunt.

Have a good one. You dont get a good life treating people like shit.

Switch your major ASAP. I'm not sure if you're aware of this or not, but a BA in psychology means nothing. If you want a career in the field, you'll need a doctorate. There's no way around this if you want job security.

If you're not passionate enough to go full the eight years, then it might be a good idea to cut your losses and spend another year at college.

did you even read the post i was replying to you brainlet?

The deal is, I HATE school. I'm 23 and need to get my career started. added to that, What I want to do has almost 0 transferable credits. I'm stuck with this for another year until I graduate. I don't want to waste the effort I've already put in.

I did, you're just a cunt. Do you into communication.
>you're just stringing me along and I'm not feeling it
They can either make the case their not and why and whatever or it's done and you just saved a load of bullshit.

Just stupid

I'm out. I wont be returning.

I feel like screaming all the time. I hate the path I chose, but I am so close to completing it that if I change it will have been a waste. I've descended into alcoholism and honestly, I don't want to get out. being drunk is about the only good thing I feel anymore. At the end of the day I just want to die.

communication would indeed have saved the load of bullshit that my life has devolved into over the past year. go fuck yourself with a railroad spike.

Girl hit on me for the first time in forever. Super unexpected and I blew it. On looks scale she wasn't all that, but the fact she would flirt with me makes me regret not giving her my number. I was just off guard. Well, that won't happen again for while.

Don't fret user, it will happen again. The first time a girl hit on me, I told her I was gay when I'm not. I panicked and I shut it down due to self esteem issues. I turned things around though, and if I got a girl after that, you can as well.

It's okay to let you go now?

No, fuck you. Love me, please.

Goddamnit I fucked up. I got a free invitation to the after party from winning a game of cards. I didn't know you were going to be there...that would've been the perfect time for us to have linked up. Music, alcohol, games. All the ice breakers that I needed to get closer to you. I played my cards wrong. FUUUUUUUUCK!! That would've been perfect ending to this unprecedented romance. So anti climactic. I'm so sorry for ruining this fairy tale.

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Should I be insulted by this?

Basically in conversation with my girlfriend, I asked her why she agreed to go out with me? She's so pretty, smart, etc., why did she say yes to me and reject all the other guys?

>she was telling me about her HS days
>she was a shut in
>she rejected guys over and over
>she says she kept getting hurt before things got serious
>says she rejected guys at work where we both work
>we hang out after work some days
>eventually we go out for real
>total honesty, im alright looking
>im tall
>alright looking in the face like a 5/10 no acne
>personality i just dont like people but funny in social scenarios
>she tells me her whole life she was into jocks
>she kept getting hurt
>she decided to focus on herself like she was done with guys
>she met this other guy a month before me
>it was hard because they never saw each other
>coincidentally thats when she met me
>she stops talking to him and talks to me a lot
>eventually we kiss, fuck, date, now bf/gf

she says my personality won her over.

but if you ever saw "she's out of my league", thats basically how i feel right now.
in the movie the chick went out with him cause he was a nice guy, and she was tired of getting hurt.

would you feel insulted?

I.. i do. I always will. But its too late.

You have the best sense of humor. ..

그냥 기다리고 있어 여전히

So do you baby... :) Your sense of humor is perfect. It's just like mine... Please come back to me. I miss you so bad.

>Tfw dog died 6 months ago
>Tfw only loving this I really loved
>Tfw haven't been able to be happy since then
Idk what to do. I just don't have the same level of emotion as I did when he was still around. His smiling goofy face was everything for me,

We were never a real thing. And i would go back to how it was anyways if i could. But i cant and i have live with my mistakes.

If you have to ask, then yes. BUT, she wants to be with you, she likes you personality. She chose you over others. That means you are doing something right.

Following my shitty feelings about the fact that I've never really had a gf and basically have lost another summer to loneliness I finally gave up on all women.

I just don't have the time or the energy to keep entertaining girls only to learn later on that I lost my fucking time on them. A good most of them are boring as hell and don't reciprocate interest. They never really pursue me and only want me to keep dragging the conversation and coming up with new funny shit to discuss.

I've even recently been talking to this one girl and she was really one of those girls I described. I finally got my shit together enough to tell her how I feel about it and that I'm no longer interested in talking to her.

Aside from her there's also been another girl, very nice and interesting but while she showed some interest in me, she'd often not show enough interest which made me think that it's pointless to pursue her either. Sucks because aside from that she'd be a wonderful partner. But I gave up on her too.

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So if your partner is planning on going somewhere on vacation without you, it's fine to expect them to tell you, right? Instead of finding out through you starting to come up with vacation or holiday plans only to get those ideas thrown out. I mean, it probably doesn't help that my partner is naturally secretive + a little actually autistic, but I guess it would have been nice being told about what they're planning on doing.

I'm not in the wrong or being absurd, am i?

If we were never "a thing" then you should not have said that you loved me. I hate you for making me hope that there was a good man out there. You lied to me.

How could you?

this hits surprisingly close home


It's not too late, do something about it.

21 years old. had a bunch of online relationships from the age of 13. even went to another country to see my last ex. now, i don't know how to get into a normal relationship, even though i tried a couple times. friends keep telling me i just haven't found the right girl. i keep thinking, i'm just socially and emotionally retarded.

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